Chapter 9: Two Times of Failure Equal One True Lover

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My eyes flew open as I looked around panicked, "Joseph! Ben!" I watched both men run into the tent as Joseph hugged me tight, "I am so glad you are okay Athena we were worried." I hugged him back, "How long was I out?" Joseph looked at Ben, "Almost a week." I gasped, "Seriously! What happened to me?" They both shrugged, "We have no idea." Joseph stood up and I held my hands out. He carefully pulled me to my feet, "She where are we?" Ben smiled, "Old people call it the Kingdom." I looked curious as he lifted the tent door. The sun hit my eyes hard as I could smell something burning. I held my hand up as I looked at all the men and women and even some children. I looked down as we stood up on the top of a hill, "Are they all wolves?" Ben nodded, "What are they doing here?" Joseph turned to look at me, "They are here to fight with you." I looked concerned, "Me?" He nodded and turned to Ben as he began to talk, "There was a legend of a pack who destroyed all others for themselves..." I thought a minute, "Alex's dads!" He nodded, "And a young wolf you would save us all. I thought it was going to be Joseph so I focused more on him but apparently its you. It is said that the wolf would flame blue and destroy there lands so the packs who were stolen could be back in there lands." I paced back and forth as a little girl ran up the hill. I smiled and crouched down as she tried to hide herself, "Come here little one." She hide more as I quickly shifted and raced behind the tent she looked around as I walked up behind her and she turned quickly, "Puppy!" I laid down as she gently stroked my eyes and kissed my head. I ran around the tent and shifted again. I walked up to her and she held her hands up and I picked her up, "What is your name?" She smiled, "Clair." I smiled back at her, "I am Athena." She looked surprised, "The Queen." I heard footsteps and placed her down quickly and took a stance, "Clair where did you go?" I growled as a cute guy ran around the corner. Clair took off, "Brother." I relaxed as he looked at me and suddenly bowed low, "Queen." I sighed, "Please stand." He stood and I walked towards him something about him made me curious, "Do you have a mate." He almost whimpered, "No she died." I whimpered too and took his hand. I suddenly saw her death and Alex's dad smirking. I let go and fell backwards as Joseph grabbed me. "Ben I can't see her memorize." He looked at me as I looked at both of them, "What's happening?" Ben helped me up, "You really are the Queen." I looked to the side as the man shifted and raced towards me, "Mate." I looked confused as he shifted again, "I am sorry my Queen." He turned and grabbed Clair and raced off. Ben touched my shoulder as I looked at him, "Is it possible to have two mates?" He looked at me, "Not really but I don't think Alex is your mate." I stopped for a minute, "But...." He looked at me, "How did you feel when you saw that guy?" I sat down, "I felt safe and protected. Like everything was in slow motion. And when his wolf took over it was so sexy." He nodded, "Go find him." I smiled, 'It wasn't anything like I had ever felt before. I felt such a strong connection with just making eye contact with him.' I walked down the hill as people would bow and look at me. I saw Clair and ran to her, "Where is your brother?" She smiled and grabbed my hand pulling me through the streets. I let go of her hand when I heard soft crying coming from a tent. I walked slowly towards it as I opened the door and looked at him. I just stopped frozen I had no idea what to do, I could feel my heart racing. I quickly turned and walked out of the tent and looked at all the tents and all the people staring at me. Clair grabbed my hand again as she walked me to a bigger tent next to his. I smiled as she lead me in and the cute man and wife saw me and bowed quickly, "Queen." I sighed, "Please stand." They stood and looked at me as Clair let my hand go and raced for them, "Momma and dadda." I smiled and looked at them all, "Queen would you like to stay for some food?" I smiled and nodded, "I would love too." I sat at the table as they began to cook again. Clair raced off and grabbed a stuffed wolf, "Puppy!" I smiled and pulled her onto my lap. "Do you know what noise the puppy makes?" She laughed and began to howl very quiet and soft. We both laughed as her mom walked to us and sat at the table too. "My name is Emily and that is Robert." I bowed my head, "Thank you for welcoming me into your tent." She giggled as Robert came to join us, "I hope my little Clair hasn't been bothering you Athena." I smiled and tickled Clair, "She is a great girl." She climbed off my lap, "Momma tired." Emily stood and carried her to another part of the tent. I looked at Robert, "So how long have you two been mates?" He smiled wide, "Since we were both 20." I smiled, "I wish I had a mate that long." He whimpered, "I have heard the stories of you and your bad wolf mates." I sighed, "Yeah." He looked at me, "My son had that problem. He had this girl who claimed to be his true mate, Emily and I didn't like her. He did everything for her and she just didn't do anything in return she just used him but he was 18 and didn't want to listen. When the other Alpha came and killed off the pack she was one of the dead. He was hurt and just hasn't wanted to find his true mate but she's out there." I almost growled a little, "Stupid wolf girl." Robert smiled at me, "I knew it." I looked confused, "It's you." I looked at him as Emily walked back in, "She's asleep, Well dinner will be ready soon, I will go get our son." I stood and watched the doorway as Emily walked back in, "He wasn't in the tent I wonder where he went." I felt my body stand immediately as I raced to his tent where he had been. I sniffed hard and took in his scent feeling relaxed. I looked around and closed my eyes letting my nose lead the way. I could almost see a trail and took off, 'Where did you go.' I felt my legs get more power as I began to run faster and faster. I raced up a hill and saw him crying and standing on the edge. "Stop please," He turned fast and bowed, "Queen." I raced to him and pulled him from the edge, "What were you doing?" He sighed and cried a little, "I can't take it anymore." I whimpered, "Why do you say that?" He looked me in the eyes his beautiful brown ones surrounded by red. I gently placed my hand on his cheek as he cried a little harder, "Look at me." His eyes locked on mine, "Can you feel our connection?" He nodded, "I don't even know your name and yet all I wanna do is be by your side." He smiled a little as I whipped his tears away, "You are handsome and strong and I can feel that you are my mate." He smiled now a little wider, "I am your mate?" I nodded as he smiled, "You are so strong and beautiful and I can feel it to that I am yours and you are mine." He lifted me into the air as I smiled down to him. He was tall much taller then I was, and his strength was amazing. He had shaggy brown blonde hair. His light pink lips intrigued me as his brown golden eyes pulled me in. He stared right back at me looking over everything as he pulled me into a hug. I turned quickly as I heard Josephs howl asking me to come back. I howled back and turned to the guy, "What's your name?" He smiled, "Calvin." I grabbed his hand and began to walk back to the village of people. I walked into the clearing and howled out, "I have chosen a Mate!" Everyone turned to look at us. As Joseph and Ben walked forward, "We will start the acceptance ritual!"

Joseph and Ben bowed to both Calvin and I as everyone else in the village did too. Everyone howled out as Joseph and Ben stood next to Calvin. Joseph placed his hand on Calvins shoulder as Ben placed it on his chest. Calvin's Family walked up and Clair grabbed my leg as Robert touched my shoulder and Emily touched my chest. They kept there hands there as Ben looked over at them, "Do you accept her into your family?" They smiled at me, "We Do." They looked at Ben and Joseph, "Do you accept him into you family?" Joseph looked at me smiling, "We Do." Both Emily and Robert placed there hands on my heart and smiled whispering into my ear, "Welcome to the family." I noticed that Ben and Joseph did the same. Ben walked behind us and grabbed our still interlocked hands as everyone bowed down to us. Ben raised our hands in the air and spoke loudly, "Welcome to the pack the new Alpha Calvin and the Luna Athena." Everyone looked up and howled loudly as Calvin and I joined in and held out the howl as everyone else died out. The village roared with excitement as we bowed politely to everyone. Ben smiled and spoke again, "We will have a Party tomorrow!" Everyone clapped and slowly began to leave as I felt two arms wrap around me as I looked over at Emily. I hugged her back as Robert hugged me too and Clair grabbed my leg again. "Okay, okay family calm down," We all looked at Calvin as they laughed and let go of me. A group of younger wolves walked up to us and bowed, "Luna, Alpha." We bowed back, "Yes pack?" They smiled at looked up at us, "We were going to go out and hunt for the party food is there anything you guys want?" I smiled and looked at Calvin and back to them, "We will come with you." They looked really excited, "Yes Luna." They bowed again and started to stretch as I looked at Calvin, "Hope you don't mine going for a little hunt." He smiled, "I am on of the best hunters." I smirked as I looked at the small group of wolves, "You guys and gals ready?" They nodded, "Have you all hunted before?" They nodded and I grabbed Calvin's hand and walked towards the forest. I quickly shifted as Calvin looked over my body and smiled, "Beautiful." I pushed up against him as he quickly shifted too. He was very tall and large wolf, I smirked as I looked over his brown fur reaching his golden eyes, 'You look amazing.' He pushed up against me as I looked back at the other younger wolves. 'You guys ready?' They nodded and I looked over at Calvin as I took off into the forest. It felt so great to run on all fours feeling the dirt between my paws. I looked around me as the younger wolves kept up with me easy. Calvin on the other hand was far in front of my I could just slightly see his tail. I pushed faster as I nipped on his tail and ran next to him as he slowed a little for me. I sniffed hard as I felt my body stop, 'You guys stop,' I walked slowly through the brush and sniffed harder. I looked through the brushes and saw a campfire and a group of people and I listened closely, "So it all happens tomorrow huh?" The guy nodded, "Yup we take out the kingdom." I growled and jumped out of the bushes as the four men looked at me as I snarled at them, "It's her!" Suddenly I felt another body next to me and looked at Calvin. I raced for one the guys and sank my teeth into his neck cracking it. The three other men growled loudly as they shifted. On took after me as Calvin easily grabbed him throwing him into a tree and broke his neck. He growled louder as the other two growled and walked towards us. I lunged forward and pinned down one of the guys as Calvin grabbed the other one and broke his neck. i growled at the other wolf, 'You tell the Alpha that the war is on!" I grabbed his leg and broke it in my mouth. As I throw him across the ground and he ran off. I pushed up against Calvin as he rubbed his head on me. I watched the other wolves walk out and bow to us, 'Get some meat for the camp. We need to go back, be careful and howl if you need help.' They nodded and raced off as I looked at Calvin and nodded back toward the camp. We raced off and made it back in record time. We headed up to Ben and Josephs tent and gave a small bark and they walked out. Ben ran back in and walked out with two towels as Calvin quickly shifted taking one. He grabbed the other one as I shifted and he wrapped it around me. "I will change and then we need to talk." They nodded as Calvin followed them into their tent and I walked to mine and changed quickly. I raced back as all three men were sitting on the floor talking, "They are coming to kill us tomorrow." They all stopped and looked at me, "We expected that." I growled, "I wouldn't let us all just sit her and wait for them to come kill us we must move!" Ben stood and growled at me, "We must stand and fight!" I growled back, "They will kill us all." He grabbed my arm, "We are stronger then you think." I stopped and thought for a minute, "There are young kids here." He sighed, "I know they are here they know what to do." I sighed, "Fine but we need to get ready now!" He nodded as Joseph stood and him and Ben raced to the village. I felt tears fall as Calvin stood and grabbed me pulling me in, "I know its hard but we are all tired of running we need to fight for our homes." I sighed placing him head on his shoulder, "I know it's just I am tired of people dying." He grabbed me tighter as I pulled back a little looking him in his eyes, "You are a strong Luna and I know you will protect your pack." I smiled as he suddenly grabbed my cheek in his hand and kissed me passionately. 

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