Chapter 11: Magic in the Pond

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Calvin's POV

I held onto her body as I picked her up and placed her on a bed in my tent. "Sleep my Queen." She rolled over slightly and I kissed her cheek and put a blanket over her. I walked out of the tent and raced down the hill to help anyone and everyone. I raced around trying to find my parents, "Mom! Dad!" I sniffed harder as I raced around hoping they were okay. I finally found themas they ran to me and my mom hugged me tight, "Son." My dad grabbed me too and hugged me. "Where is Clair?" I smiled, "She is up on top of the hill." My mom kissed my cheek and raced off. My dad grabbed my arm, "Where is the Luna?" I sighed, "She used a lot of power saving everyone. She is breathing slowly and resting." He placed his fore head on mine as I felt the sparks pass between us. My dad and I have always had a strong bond and also knew how to comfort me when I need it. He bowed slightly as he turned and ran off up the hill. I walked around and helped people sit up and get some water. I heard screaming from where Athen was and ran so fast and hard up the hill. As everyone at the top of the hill quickly bowed and moved out of my way. I walked in the tent and looked at Joseph, "WHAT DID YOU DO?" I couldn't hold back the inner wolf inside me. He was angry and ready to fight any one and everyone. He bowed low and spoke, "I was trying to heal her with my magic, but something is wrong. Her inner wolf power is dying and she needs to be taken to the sparkling pond." I looked at him as he stood, "That is just a myth the sparkling pond doesn't exist." He touched my shoulder and I felt my eyes open as I saw it the pond so bright. I shook my head, "What was that?" Joseph looked me dead in the eyes, "It's a memory from Athen's past. She was born there that is how she got her powers." I looked at her, "How can I find it?" Joseph sighed, "I don't know." I touched Athens hand, 'I can show you.' I gasped, 'Athena?'I heard her cute laugh, 'Yup.' I looked at her motionless body, 'How are you doing this?' It went silent a little, 'I don't know.' I looked at Joseph, "You Ben and I need to go." He nodded as I picked up Athena and carried her out of the tent. "I need a small wagon and rope, " Joseph nodded and raced down and came back with both. I grabbed a blanket and pillow, placing the pillow in the wagon and then laid Athena on top of it placing the blanket on top of her. I walked to my Dad and grabbed his hand and looked out at everyone. "I must go to help save the Luna in my place I elect Robert as the Alpha of this pack." I howled as my dad joined in and then everyone else. "Dad I need you to watch and protect the pack until we return. He nodded as he grabbed my head placing my forehead on his, "I will son I will." I bowed as I looked at Athena and then Joseph, "I am going to shift and you are going to tie the wagon to me and you guess will shift and follow me closely." Both him and Ben nodded as I shifted and stepped in front of the wagon. I felt the ropes wrap around my body as I looked at Ben who nodded and then shifted. I nodded, 'Okay Athena help me find the Sparkling pond.' It was silent a while and then I felt my eyes close and when they opened I saw a almost sparkling line on the ground, 'Follow it and hurry.' I pushed forward following the line on the ground stopping only for a few moments to catch my breath and make sure Athena was okay. The sun was gone and I could feel my body getting weak and I knew we would have to stop for the night. I slowed and looked at a near by clearing and nodded that way to Ben and Joseph. We walked slowly into the clearing and I shifted and felt my legs give out not letting me walk. Ben and Joseph helped me up and onto a log. Joseph sat next to me as Ben stood, "I will go get us food." I nodded as he left and Joseph stood and began to collect some fire wood. I watched him dig a small hole and place the wood on top of it. He mumbled some words and in a blink we had a fire, "That is pretty handy." Joseph turned and smiled, "Yeah it is." He walked to Athena and mumbled some words as I saw something surround her and then disappear, "What was that?" He sat next to me, "A protection spell." I nodded as I watched Ben walk through some brush with a huge buck, "Wow good job hunting Ben." He placed the buck done and bowed slightly, "Thank you Alpha." He looked through his pockets and then at us, "Either of you have a knife?" Joseph had a smirk look on his face, "Can I try..." Ben growled, "NO!" Joseph looked sad, "What?" He turned to me, "I have a spell that can cook someone or something from the inside." I looked so excited, "Why don't you try it?" He looked at Ben, "Because last time I tried I exploded the deer." I bit my lip to keep the laugh done, "Well you have to keep trying. Ben let him try." Ben bowed, "Yes Alpha." Ben walked over next to my other side, "Joseph I swear you make it explode you will have to hunt for food." Joseph stood and walked to the buck, Ben watched him very carefully as I sat so excited and curious. He mumbled to himself as he raised his arms over the buck. I noticed a glow around the buck as Ben stood, "Good Joseph you are doing so good!" Joseph placed his hands down and fell to his knees as Ben quickly ran to him and picked him up placing him on the found with his head on the log. I pulled my knife out and walked to the buck and could smell the cooked meat. I looked back as Joseph opened his eyes, "It is not hot, you can cut into it." I nodded as I gently let my knife cut into it and looked at the perfectly cooked meat. "Joseph you did so amazing it looked perfect." He smiled as he sat up so proud of himself. I cut up the buck placing the meat on a cloth and brought it to them. We all sat and ate till we fell asleep.

I looked at Athena running from a darkness, I tried to yell but couldn't. She ran towards me but I couldn't move. She was so close but the darkness grabbed her dragging her into the darkness as she screamed...

I sat up in a heavy sweat and breathing so fast, I looked at Ben and Joseph who were staring at me almost 2 feet away, "What?" Joseph pointed to the log, well the destroyed log. I looked at my hands and the blood, "Can I look at your mind?" I nodded at Joseph as he walked over placing his hands near my head, "Please don't cook me." I smiled as he looked down grinning and then put his hands on my head. I felt my mind go blank until he pulled away shaking, "We must get there quickly!" I looked at the light coming slowly through the trees, "Leave the meat for the bears." I quickly shifted as Joseph tied me to the wagon holding Athena again, 'Okay Athena help me.' I closed my eyes as I saw the path again, 'I know you are weak but you are doing amazing baby.' I took off running hard I just wanted to get there and help her. I slowed at the path got light and I opened my eyes and looked at the almost wall of bushes. I picked up Athena and pushed through the bushes, it felt like air as I fell to the ground on the other side. I placed Athena down and I looked around and then felt the hairs on my neck stand up. I heard a loud thumping coming towards me as I stood in front of Athena. I looked around as in seconds I saw a large horse man coming towards me. I was in shock and couldn't move I just stared at him as he slowed down in front of me, "Human or other?" I looked at his horse legs and body but human chest and head and arms, "Umm other." He looked me over and then saw Athena, "Athena no!" I growled as he stepped towards her, "You must be the mate." I nodded, "I am Calvin." He made a high pitched whistle noise, " I am Eragon the Centaur." I bowed low as he did the same. I watched a shadow pace above us as I growled. I looked at the beautiful pure white horse with wings, "What is this magical land?" Eragon laughed, "We are the last guardians of the Pond." I looked at the horse again, "His name is Pegasus he is a Pegasus." He trotted towards me and bowed as I bowed back. "You need to place Athena on his back and shift and follow me." I nodded and picked her up and carefully placed her on his back as he took off. I shifted as Eragon took off and I closely followed. We weaved in and out of bushes as we approached the pond. We walked out towards it as I heard a sharp noise and looked at the bullet heading straight for Eragon. I jumped as I felt it hit me as Eragon sent out a bright flash. I began to cry as I looked at Athena in the pond, "She will survive." I felt my body growing weak as Pegasus landed in front of me. I felt my body lift onto his back, "He deserves this and we will save him. I felt my body flying as a warm liquid surrounded me. I closed my eyes as I saw Athena dancing, 'You will be like me and I will be just like you.' She grabbed my hand and pushed me into the pond as I felt a light warmth around me. 

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