Chapter 6: Witch Take-over

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I felt my body get cold, "Alex?" I opened my eyes and looked at the dark room, "Alexander this isn't funny anymore!" I heard the floor creak as Fernando walked to me, "He's a little too high to be bothered." I was confused until I looked up and saw him pinned to the ceiling. I gasped, "He's not dead sweetie just can't move but he can hear every word we are saying." He moved closer to me as I quickly tried to shift, "Don't try I put a spell on you to make sure you couldn't shift." I screamed out, "No one can hear you they are all under my spell." He laughed, "You stupid little girl." I jumped forward and growled at him, "Calm down, calm down." I felt my body sit back on the bed, "Now dear I don't want you but my employer does. I want Fredrick so he can continue on the legacy of the Wilson men." I growled, "They are far away from here... From you!" He smirked, "Oh really?" I smiled, "Yup!" He grabbed me and I felt my skin burning and screamed, "Call to them." I screamed louder, "CALL TO THEM!" I screamed again, "NO!" He let me go and looked at me, "MAY YOU BURN FROM THE INSIDE OUT!" He held up his hand and I hit the ground, "Don't kill her!" I felt all heat leave me as I looked up at Kent, "I have to do the extreme to get what I want!" Kent growled, "Oh hush wolf I could kill you in a blink." Kent grabbed him by his neck and growled. Fernando smirked and threw Kent across the room, "Hush up this Pup and make him stuck on the ground." I looked over at Kent as he struggled to stand up and couldn't make any noise. "When I die I am haunting you Kent!" I growled as Fernando snapped his fingers and I hit the ground in pain again. "Tell them to come," I growled and screamed again, "TELL THEM!" I closed my eyes, 'What's wrong Kate?' I could hear Bella in my head, 'Stay away far away from the house.' I screamed again, 'Kate we are coming.' I screamed and used all my strength to swipe Fernando to the ground. I shifted and raced out of the house. I noticed Bella and Fredrick running towards me, "GET OUT OF HERE NOW!" Bella looked scared as Fernando came up behind us. "Come on Fredrick join me." Fredrick looked at Bella and then me, "I am sorry sister but it's my calling." He stepped past us and headed towards Fernando, "I knew you would my son." He looked over at us as Fernando placed his hand on his shoulder, "Lets go." In a snap they were gone I heard Bella release a piercing scream as she fell to the ground crying. I sat next to her and she fell into my lap, "What do we do now?" I looked down at her, "We fight to get him back." She started crying again as almost the whole pack raced out, "Luna!" I looked around for Alex but couldn't find him. I hear glass shatter as a blur jumped from the window and landed near us. I looked at Alex holding Kent, "We have a visiter." He had an evil smirk on his face as he tossed Kent to some of his guards and raced to my side, "Mate!" His eyes were pitch black and it kind of scared me, "Alexander calm." Bella sat up as I stood and Alexander quickly took me in his arms, "Not Alex his wolf Zeno." Athen pushed me out and stared at him, "Zeno it's a pleasure meeting you finally." Zeno dipped us and stared at me, "It's all my pleasure Athena." In a mer second our lips were locked, 'Till next time Athena and Kate.' I felt my body go back to normal as I looked at Alexander back in control. I pushed Athen back and jumped into his arms hugging him, "Mate." I nuzzled into his neck, "Mate." He nuzzled me back, "I was so scared you were dead." I looked at Bella still crying, "Bella?" Alex placed me down as I gently touched Bella's shoulder. She stood quickly as her eyes were glowing blue, "STAY AWAY FROM ME WOLF!" There was a deep female voice as she began to float above the ground. "Bella calm down," Alex pulled me back against his body, "Bella calm..." She screamed out as Alex flew backwards and locked me in place. "YOU DID THIS TO ME YOU TOOK MY BROTHER AWAY!" She screamed again as I felt all air leaving around me. I felt my body begin to black out, "Take the evil out and let the good continue! Let the girl go so we can get your brother back." Bella looked over, "I'm sorry mother please forgive me." I felt the air come back to my lungs as my feet touched the ground, "I forgive you Daughter." The women walked over to me and looked me over. Bella hugged her, "Mother he took Fredrick." She grabbed Bella tighter, "I know I can sense it I am sorry." They both looked at me, "We need to talk." I bowed as the old lady looked at me, "We must travel to the house of Faye." Alexander raced to me as the women touched my shoulder and I blacked out.

I felt my eyes blink open as I looked up at a light golden colored ceiling. I quickly sat up and grabbed my head, "Slow down girl or you will knock yourself out again." I looked at the old lady who I saw earlier. Bella skipped in holding flowers and handed them to her, "Hello Kate!" She smiled wide as she walked over to me and sat next to me on the bed. "I hope you feel better Kate." I suddenly looked around, "Where is Alexander?" She touched my head, "Calm down Kate." I growled as Athena took control, "WHERE IS MY MATE!" I watched the women walk over and touch me, "Calm wolf." I looked up and felt Athena push down and I began to cry, "I just want my mate." The women hugged me, "Yes soon you will be we just need to get Fredrick back first since you caused this." I growled, "How did I cause this? I told them not to come but they did... I didn't want any of this to happen!" She stood, "Well now we have to get him back!" I huffed and looked at both of them, "Ok whats this plan? Do we even have one?" They looked at each other, "Well... We could summon them and take him." The women shook her head, "He must come willingly or he can't come at all. The darkness is strong in him and it will take a lot to get it out." I looked at Bella, "There is another option." We both looked at the lady, "What is it?" She looked at me, "Are you a Luna?" I nodded, "Well if you bite him he will turn more wolf then witch. It might be the only option we can use." Bella stood, "NO I wont let that happen. He is my brother we have the bond." The women stood, "Daughter, he is my son. I wouldn't suggest it unless it was the only options." Bella began to cry, "UMMM do I get a say in this?" They both looked at me, "What do you say?" I looked at Bella's sad face, "Before I can bite him I must talk to my mate he is the true pack leader and I can't just bite randomly." They nodded and walked to me, "Oh no I am not doing the pass out travel spell." They laughed, "We were just going to help you up." I giggled as they helped me up, I felt my feet hit the ground as my body gave out. The two of them held on, "Push through the pain wolf." I growled and placed my feet firmly on the ground and shook the ladies off and walked slowly towards the door. After a few steps my legs began to strengthen up again. I opened the door and looked at the beautiful flower fields, "Where are we?" I looked back at Bella and the women who smiled, "We are in a different part of time. Its hard to explain but this might hurt." I turned and watched the women and Bella blow dust in my face, "Take the Wolf home safely." I closed my eyes and began to cough. It was quiet and then, "KATE!" I felt my eyes open as I looked at Alex, "ALEX!" I raced and jumped into his arms, "Kate I was so..." I kissed him as he skilled me back and growled, "Get out of here!" I looked over towards Bella and the women, "Disrespectful wolf!" He growled again grabbing onto me. I turned his face, "Calm baby they just want to get Fredrick back." He placed me down slowly, "We have a plan we just need her help." Bella pointed at me which made Alex move me behind him. "Maybe I wont let you take her." In a mer second Alex flew across the ground, "I really don't need your permission." I growled, "Stop!" She turned towards me, "Lets go in and talk about it ok?" The women nodded and Bella followed her. I raced to Alex and helped him up, "I love you." In a blink he locked eyes with me. "I love you too." I felt our lips lock as we turned and headed for the house. Let the Planning begin and from Alex reaction he was not going to like what needed to be done. Not one bit...

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