Chapter 10: The Familiar Stranger

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We had been getting ready for almost two weeks now and it has been stressful trying to get everything done. We had finally done it though everything we needed, we were ready for anything. I woke up a little and looked at Calvin as I felt my body lift off the ground a little as a loud shrieking howl erupted out of me. I felt my body touch the ground as I shifted and felt the flames still surrounding me. I walked out of the tent and sat on the hill looking out as I saw the men starting to surround the camp. I howled out as the whole camp came alive as I shifted and ran hard. I noticed no one was fighting and walked slowly towards the group of people starting to surround us, "Why are you here?" I looked at a very, very tall man, "We are here to help." I looked confused, "How can you help us?" He smirked as he stepped towards me mumbling something in a different language. I felt something burning me inside and then nothing I looked down at the blue flames that started to light up my body starting at my feet. I growled as the tall man bowed quickly. I smirked as the blue flame died off once again and the man stood again, "You are the great Queen." He placed his hand on my shoulder as I heard a deep growl come from behind me. I look back at Calvin and grabbed his hand pulling him towards me. The man gave a small bow of apologize. Calvin nodded, "So what are you guys?" Calvin grabbed me tight as the man looked at his people, "We are wizard wolves." I smiled, "I always thought you guys were dead." He smirked, "We disappeared because the evil pack kept kidnapping my people and slaughtering them for their powers. It is what has kept him so young and almost physic like." I felt like i couldn't even believe it but then after thinking it over he had looked very young, "You are welcomed to the fight and will show you our plans of attack." They all looked a little too happy, "If you can beat me in a battle." The guy smirked, "It would be my honor." I bowed and noticed two pair of legs running back into the forest. I looked around of a few guards and grabbed them both by the arms, "I saw on of them run back into the forest. Take a few men and find him but please be secretive about it." He nodded and casually walked off as I looked back at the man and smiled. He raised an eyebrow but shook it off, "You ready?" I looked around, "We do not fight in the house area we will fight in a special place." He nodded, "Only five of your people may accompany you. I will only have five with me as well." He nodded as some of the men argued with him. He silenced them and bowed as I bowed back, "Follow me then." I looked back at Calvin, Joseph, Ben, and one of my new guards Kimma. They all shifted and stayed close to me especially Calvin. I felt his hot breath hit my hand as I gently placed my hand on his nose and muzzle. 'You sure about this?' I looked slightly over at him, 'I will be fine his powers don't effect me when I change of whatever.' He nodded my side as I pushed back a little. I looked back as I noticed how large the other wolves were knowing the alpha was that big if not bigger. I looked to my other side as I noticed Ben was in deep thought, 'You okay?' He nodded as I shook it off and kept running. We slowed as we reached the clearing the grass was freshly wet with dew. There was a line in the middle as we both took our sides. We turned facing each other with everyone else behind us. They all shifted as Calvin and some guy on that side stepped forward. Calvin started, "I Calvin Peterson will claim the body of Kate Philips is she shall fall, I will also help in the attack if one fights unfairly." He bowed low and then shifted as he stood next to me. I looked over as they both bowed, "I Hust Bow will claim the body of Jimmy Hallsman..." I felt my body stop as I started seeing flash backs of when my house and pack was killed. I noticed his name they called his name while I was out in the forest. "YOU ARE DISGRACEFUL!!!! YOU KILLED MY PACK MY PEOPLE, YOU WORK FOR HIM!" He smirked and began to clap as I growled, "How in the heck did you figure that out?" I stepped forward, "In the forest they called your name." I felt my powers taking over as almost bolts of fire flow off me and killed the man and his pack. I howled out as a warning as I quickly shifted and ran for my back. I stopped on top of the hill as I noticed a cloud of smoke coming over it. I shifted again as I pushed down the hill. I felt hands grab me as a small cry screamed out. I pushed through it and covered my face as I watched people falling to the ground. I quickly shifted and raced through the smoke to the screaming. I looked at Clair as she ran to me and i quickly flipped her onto my back and raced out of the smoke. I made it back up the hill as Calvin quickly grabbed her and placed her on the ground as I shifted. I looked at her lifeless body, "Joseph do something!" He whimpered as I felt the power begin to take over again. I closed my eyes as I felt myself start speaking a different language. I opened my eyes again as everyone was just starting at me in shock. I looked down at Clair, "Please breath." I felt tears begin as she suddenly sat up gasping for air. I looked at Ben who was still just staring, "What?" He looked at everyone else, "You gave her some of your power. You brought her back to life." I stood up suddenly feeling my feet lift off the ground, 'Please thing inside me I need my back help me.' I felt so much power surging through me as I could hear someone speaking to me, 'You will help them all don't worry.' I felt my body begin to suck in the smoke. I got it all and closed my mouth as my body got hot. I curled into a ball and then screamed out as I opened my whole body up and felt my body get cold as I touched the ground. I opened my eyes and looked up at Calvin, "Did I save them?" He cried softly and nodded, "You did my queen." I touched his face as I felt my body go cold.  

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