Chapter 5: Casting The Wrong Spell

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I looked at the boy and girl and then Alex. Then the strange man and women and Lauren, "What's going on?" The boy touched my face, "We are witch wolves and you were under a spell." I looked at the boy as Alex growled, "You might want to let me go before he kills you." The boy smirked, "I am Bella and this moron is my brother Fredrick." The look on Fredrick's face was priceless, "I am not a moron." Bella laughed as I freaked out, "Blood the house fire!" I looked at the clean house, "OK not on fire." I sniffed hard, "No blood?" Bella stood and helped me up, "It was a powerful spell it showed what you were most afraid of happening." I felt Alex grab me and squeeze me, "Need air." I looked at Lauren, "You... you were laying on the ground hurt." She looked confused, "I wasn't home I was with my parents." Alex looked at her, "But I told you to go get help." She shrugged and I looked at Alex as he looked off into space. "This is confusing and hurts my head." Bella grabbed my head and mumbled some words in a different language, "Better?" I nodded as she stepped back, "We must go now." Alex whimpered, "Please don't go, stay and help us fight." Fredrick and Bella looked at each other, "We can't stay but we wont be far. We will also cast a spell to protect this house and pack." We nodded as they moved away from us and grabbed hands. In a blink they were hovering above the ground, "Protect this pack and land. Protect the wolves and friends. Protect the Alpha and Luna." A giant flash went off as the boy and girl walked towards us. The girl stopped, "I need to mark you so we can communicate with our thoughts is that ok?" I nodded as she gently touched my neck, "Let us think and not talk. Help us work together and not fall. Link our souls not the scars." She grabbed my hand placing it on her neck. I felt a strong burning and then nothing I noticed she had a small wolf paw on her neck. She looked at me, "Can you hear me?" I nodded, "Speak back." I looked at her, "I can hear you." She smiled hugged me and raced off followed by her brother. "Stay safe Wolf Princess." I looked up at Alex and grabbed onto him as he hugged me tight, "I am so scared." He hugged me tighter, "I will always protect you." I heard a cough and looked at the tall man and women. "We have dealt with witch wolves before and it wasn't good. They are controlled by one wolf his name is William Kins." I looked at the women, "That name sounds so familiar." The women smiled, "It should, your great grandfather took over his pack many years ago. When he was banished one wolf went with him a witch wolf. What also happened was one witch wolf stayed with your grandfather. She has pregnant with twins Beatriz and Fernando they would do great. But the one wolf who went with William was the strongest of them all their father Ezra. He turned Fernando and Beatriz against each other and took Fernando to the dark side. That is who you are up against and soon Fredrick will turn too." I looked at her as I heard a voice in my head, "She is right, I fear he will leave but I have faith he wont." I looked at the women again, "My name is..." She hugged me, "I know your name Kate. I am Mrs. King but you can call me Sadie and this is my husband Ben. I am pretty sure you already met him, it was a crazy day you probably don't remember him." I looked at all of them, "Are you guys ready for dinner?" I looked at Alex, "Um." I noticed an older man smirk at me and hand two bags to Alex. He grabbed my hand, "Give us a minute to change and we will be right down." I looked once more at the man who just stood smirking. I grabbed the dress as I put it on looking at the light blue fabric again. I remember how much I had fallen in love with it the first time, "Wow." I looked up at Alex and smiled at him in his tux, "Dang!" He almost blushed, "What?!" I smirked and kissed his cheek, "You look so amazing. Would you help me zip up my dress please?" He nodded and I turned lifting my hair as he zipped the rest up and gently kissed my neck. "I have a surprise for you my princess." I turned looking at him, "Really?" He nodded and turned me as he placed his mouth next to my ear, "Close your eyes." I gently closed my eyes and felt something cold hit my neck and something place gently on my head. He turned me, "Open." I looked at his face as a wide smile crossed his face, "My princess." I turned and looked at the beautiful heart shaped neckless and elegant tiara on my head. "What is the neckless made of?" He smiled, "A werewolf safe silver and a diamond cut heart." I looked at the neckless again, "A diamond??" He nodded, "Only the best for my Princess." I shrieked and jumped into his arms hugging him tightly, "I love it! I love you." I felt the words come out as He turned me and smiled wide, "Oh you love me?" I blushed and looked away as he gently glided my head back with his hand. His lips inches from mine, "I love you too." He gave a quick peck and turned as I quickly threw on my shoes and placed my arm in his. We walked down the stairs and towards a large door. I felt my eyes get so big when I looked at the large ball room and all the people. I looked up at the high ceiling with multiple glass chandeliers. It was the most beautiful room I had ever seen, "Wow..." Alex pulled me closer, "What Princess?" I teared up a little, "This is the most beautiful room I have ever been in." He kissed my head as wolves bowed to us and we too our seats next to Sadie and Ben. She hugged me, "I love that dress on you and your accessories are so perfect." I blushed, "Thanks and your son picked them out for me." She smiled and pinched his cheeks, "I knew I taught you something." They both laughed as the guy smirked at me again. Alex grabbed my hand and I turned looking at him smiling. Everyone sat down as Sadie stood, "Tonight we toast to our new Luna Kate." I blushed as she pulled me up, "May she help as much as she can to make this pack stronger." I smiled as Sadie sat and motioned for me to speak. I looked at everyone looking at me and looked once at Alexander smiling at me. I felt something inside me change as my eyes shift and then change back. "I am very honored that I am Luna of such a great pack like this one. I will do all I can to make this pack as strong and power as we can be. If you have any questions or just need to talk to me. Don't be shy I don't bite much." Everyone giggled as I winked and sat back down, "That was great baby." Alex kissed my cheek, "Thanks!" Sadie touched my arm and nodded, "Luna." I nodded back, "Luna." I almost felt more power flow over me. I took in a deep breath and the smell was so good, "Hmmm smells good tonight."I watched some wolves walk out place plates in front of us and bow. They walked away as all eyes fell on me. 'Stand and say let us eat together as one.' I looked at Alex realizing he had mind linked me. I stood and looked out, "Let us eat together as one." I sat as plates and plates of food went out to all the other pack members. I looked at the delicious steak and mashed potatoes on my plate. I began to eat as I felt eyes on me again the strange guys. I tapped Alexander's shoulder and he looked up at me with a mouth full of potatoes. I laughed as he gulped, "Yes princess?" I pointed to where the guy was and noticed he was gone, "Never mind he's gone. There is some guy here who keeps looking at me funny." Alex scanned the area and shrugged, "If you see him again mind link me." I nodded and went back to eating. I noticed a bunch of little kids playing off to the side and smiled. I stood and walked over towards them. They all jumped and laughed as they looked up to me, "You scared us." I laughed and got down on my knees. One of the little girls walked up to me and looked at my Tiara. I carefully took it off and placed it on her head, "You look so beautiful." She blushed and placed the Tiara back on my head, "Thank you." They bowed and raced off. I stood and noticed all eyes on me, 'Did I do something wrong?' Alex giggled in my head, 'Nope!' I looked at all the eyes as Alex walked down the steps. He looked at a wolf and nodded suddenly the room began to roar with music. Some male wolves helped move tables while the women took the dishes into the kitchen. Alexander grabbed me and pulled me close as we danced around the room to all sorts of music. I felt a little tug on my dress and looked down at a little boy in a small tux, "Mind i-i-f I cut in?" I gasped in cuteness, "I don't." I answered before Alex could. I picked up the boy and placed him on my hip as I danced around with him. I looked over as Alex picked up two little girls and danced with them. The little boy giggled loud as I placed him down, "Thank you for the dance young Sir." He bowed and I bowed back. I stood and looked at all the kids as the strange guy appeared again, 'Alexander near the window it's him.' Alex looked over instantly, 'There is no one there.' I heard a scream in my head, 'Kate you have to help me and my brother!' I looked around, 'Bella where are you?' She screamed again as I looked at the man smirking. All noises stopped as I heard a howl and could smell blood, "KATE HELP!" I took off sprinting towards the back door, "CALEB!" I kicked off my heels and pushed faster as he fell into the back yard. I placed his head on my lap, "You look so good." He coughed up blood, "NO I WONT LOSE YOU TOO!" He smiled, "I will always be watching over you." He gently touched my face and then nothing his hand fell and his breathing stopped. I stood and raced for the house again... "Kate." I turned and looked at the stranger, "Leave me alone." I turned as all the doors slammed shut and my body dragged across the ground towards him. "I don't think so." I looked over as Alex slammed against the door and tried to break the windows. "Who are you?" He smirked as I felt my body lift off the ground. I screamed as we both raised high up into the sky. Alex broke through the door and shifted pacing under us. "What do you want?" He smiled, "Its not exactly what I want its what my employer wants." I looked at him confused, "He wants you sweetheart and I want Fredrick." I growled, "Oh hush pup." I heard voices below, "Kate don't worry." I looked at Bella and Fredrick, "NO GET OUT OF HERE RUN!" In seconds Fredrick lifted off the ground and was next to me, "Welcome to the party." The guy smirked, "Hello Fredrick." Fredrick growled, "Hello Fernando." I smirked as his arm got close to me. I lunged and sank my teeth into it. I felt my body falling as I grabbed onto Fredrick and placed him on my back so I would hit the ground first. I looked at Alex and knew I wouldn't survive I felt my body stop as I looked down at Bella slowly lower us. She passed out as Fredrick stood, "BEWARE AND BE WARNED LEAVE AND DON'T RETURN!" A bright blue flash went off as Fernando disappeared. I crawled to Bella and she was breathing slowly, "You saved my brothers life." I laid next to her, "You saved mine." I felt Alex lift me up and check me over, "I just need sleep please." He nodded and practically ran me up the stairs. I threw on one of his shirts and some shorts and crawled into bed. Alex crawled in after me and his warmth wrapped around me along with his arms. His embrace was like a protective shield blocking all bad. I smiled as my eyes slowly shut, "Goodnight Princess." I kissed his arm, "Goodnight Prince." Everything faded away...

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