Chapter 8: The Hard Truth

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"Ben what do you mean?" He grabbed my hand pulling me closer to almost whisper in my ear, "His father was the one who sent us to kill your pack and family. To make his bigger and the strongest in the region. You cant tell him our names!" I whimpered, "My family..." I looked at Joseph as I saw anger and sadness in his eyes. I turned back and looked at Alex smiling as he slowed down in front of us. He grabbed me aggressively as both Joseph and Ben growled. Alex growled loudly too, "Boys all of you calm down." Alex held tightly to me, "Baby this is my cousin Justin and his dad Erik." Alex stared at then, "And why didn't you tell me they were coming?" I looked over at them as Ben spoke up, "Sorry we were chasing this deer but got really tired and noticed we were near our favorite cousin and stopped." Alex suddenly smiled and let me go, "Any of my babes family is always welcomed on our land." I smiled and kissed his cheek as I walked over and hugged Joseph. "Hey baby cousin," He had a hard face, very aggressive. He hugged me tight, "Calm down Joseph. Calm down." He sighed and smiled wide, "Big Athena all grown up." I smiled as Ben grabbed me hugging me, "It has been way too long." I smiled as I turned grabbing Alex's hand, "Well you two look hungry, you must join us for dinner." They looked at me and then Alex and nodded, "We would love too." They bowed and Alex bowed back, "Great just follow us to the house." They nodded and we all turned walking back to the house. We got about half way when I finally looked back at Ben and Joseph. They looked grumpy, "He baby you go ahead I am going to walk with my family." He nodded and ran off as I turned and grabbed their hands, "What is wrong with you two?" Joseph looked at me and then Ben and then back at me. He placed his hands on my shoulders...

I looked around at all the blood, "Joseph? Ben?" I gently someone grab my leg as my back hit a wall. "Alex please help me," I looked around as an older man placed his foot on my shoulder pinning me down. I look around and noticed Ben and Josephs dead body. I then looked up at Alex walking through the door, "Dad NO!" Some guards grabbed him and pulled him away, "ALEX!" I looked back up as I noted the pure silver knife, "This is where your blood line ends little wolf."

I felt my eyes open as tears fell down my check, "Please tell me that wasn't true." I looked at Ben and Joseph who didn't say anything. I suddenly felt my body get light, "Athena?!" Everything went black.

I sat up slowly as I looked at Joseph, Ben, and Alex all staring at me. "You okay?" I looked at Alex and smiled, "Yeah just wasn't feeling too well." He pulled me onto his lap and kissed my head, "Well lets get some food in your hungry tummy." I laughed as he carried me into the house, "I could..." I felt my body freeze as a certain scent hit my nose. "Is someone else here?" he smiled, "Maybe." I looked at him, "Who?" I felt my feet touch the ground as Alex opened the door. He grabbed my hand and we walked through. I felt my whole body screaming 'Run' at me. I looked down the long table at the older looking man, "Hello Athena." I pushed up against Alex as the man turned holding a large silver knife. "Are we ready to eat?" I wanted to scream and run away but all I did was smile and node. I looked back at Ben and Joseph how looked scared. Alex went and sat next to his dad as Joseph and Ben sat on both sides of me. I looked at the older man his face very stern and scary looking. He had a long scar from his left eye down to his neck and then healed bite mark wounds on his neck. I looked back up to his face and noticed his large smirk across his face, "Noticing my battle wounds?" I almost froze at his voice as memories flooded my brain, "Uhh... yeah. You must be a great Alpha to have gotten all those." He smiled proudly, "Yes I am." I wanted to jump across the table and kill him so badly but I just smiled instead. "So son how has the pack been?" He started talking as I felt Joseph place his hand on my knee, 'Stay calm its me I can communicate with you this way.' I nodded so only he saw me, 'I can feel your anger you got to stay calm. I know I want to kill him too but we can't. He is too strong and powerful.' I sighed knowing he was right. "So are you two going to get married." I watched Alex look quickly at me and then put his hand behind his head, "Umm I hope so one day but I don't think we are ready yet." I smiled feeling my cheeks get bright red, "So she's your whore." I growled and stood quickly, "I am nothing of the sort." He stood slowly growling and I could feel his power, "If you guys aren't married then you are just a whore wolf." I growled louder feeling a stronger power enter me, "Like I said I am not a whore!" He growled making the ground shake. I growled louder as Joseph and Ben stepped back as I slowly walked around the table. I never lost eye contact as he walked around the table too. "How dare you call me a whore. How dare you ever say that!" He smirked as he kept eye contact with me, "You are just a stupid little girl." I quickly jumped across the table pinning the man down growling. I felt him kick me off as I hit my back on the wall. I looked over and he was this huge black wolf. His large golden eye locked onto me and growled. I felt my body shift quickly as we circled each other growling. He suddenly jumped towards me as I quickly dodged him and then jumped onto his back grabbing a large chunk of his fur and neck and bite hard into it. He roared up onto his back legs as I quickly jumped off. He crashed onto his back as I jumped onto his stomach and latched my sharp teeth into his stomach and pulled hard. I felt his paw hit me hard in the side making me crash into the wall again. I was about to stand when his large mouth clamped around me and threw me across the room slamming into the wall. I waited for him to get close and then quickly stood clawing his face up pretty good. I felt him grab me by the neck as he threw me into the wall again. He raced over and placed his paws no my side and pressed hard as I heard a snap. I felt so much pain as I grabbed his paw and bite hard and thrashed wildly until I heard it break. He growled loudly as he grabbed only my neck and pulled me around and slammed me into the wall. I felt more pain rush over me as my body shifted back and looked at all the bruises on my chest and stomach. Joseph and Ben ran in front of me, "Stop!" He growled and raced for them as Ben shifted and slammed into him as Joseph looked over me and touched my hand gently, "You guys die because of me." I sighed, "Where is Alex?" I noticed the doors closed, "Some guards took him away." I looked up as Ben was pinned and Alex's dad was going for the kill bite. I stood quickly feeling great strength wash over me, "Do you remember me?" Alex's dad shifted and so did Ben, "Do you remember me?" He looked me over, "How could I not you look exactly like your dad. So do you Joseph." Ben walked behind me, "Why did you have to kill my family?" I felt this angry power taking over, "You killed everyone I loved!" I growled out, "You made me suffer so much." I felt this power taking over as this fire glow started to surround me, "You made my life hell." I heard the door open as Alex ran in, "And you never told your son about it." He looked at Alex, "What does she mean dad?" I growled as I felt my feet lift off the ground, "He killed my pack, my family, my happiness. Just to make him the strongest." Alex looked at his dad, "Is that true." He nodded and Alex looked at me, "I am sorry baby." I growled as the flame grew brighter, "I WILL KILL YOU AND YOUR PACK FOR IT NOW!" I screamed out as flames shot out from everywhere as this strange power left me and my body began to fall. I felt arms grab me as I looked at Joseph, "What just happened?" He just looked at me, "We have to go." I placed my head on his shoulder as Ben shifted and jumped through the window as Joseph ran towards the broken window. I looked over his shoulder and saw Alex try to run towards me as his dad held him back, 'I am sorry Alex.' I felt tears fall down my cheeks as Joseph jumped landing shiftily on his feet. Ben looked at us as Joseph placed me on Ben's back. I heard a long sad howl ring out as I gave a soft whimper back to him. Ben pushed hard as Joseph shifted and followed closely behind us. So much had changed in one night. I had lost my mate and new pack, but had found new friends and learned the cold hard truth. Now it was time to prepare for war! 

Second Chance MatesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora