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Ellis is a retired pilot and bad ass of course. Pete is the CO of the command which means he is top in charge of VOQ-150. Hahn is the XO which means she is second in charge. Bailey is the top in charge for the enlisted in the command and William Shepherd is the highest ranking enlisted person in the navy. But, again, really not too important for this basis of this story.

"Hello, how are you?" Ellis says with the smile she had learned to keep plastered on her face in moments like these. She was ready to breathe fire.

"Things are good. Your daughter is really making an impression with the new Growlers and I for one am glad to have her here. I have only been in the air with her once, but she is good." Pete says to Ellis.

"I hardly doubt she is that good. She is young; but, after all, she is my daughter." Ellis spat quickly, but continuing that plastered smile.

"She is the one of the youngest to ever make Lieutenant Commander. You should know that having 8 ½ years in at that rank is . . . remarkable. Speaking of that, she is the guest of honor to celebrate her promotion, where is she?" Pete asked looking around. They were all dressed in their dress white's being it was June.

"She should be along soon." Ellis replied like she knew Meredith was would be along soon, Where the hell is she. This is so like her. She better get her ass here soon. She looked around waiting for her daughter to enter any second.

"So, the Destroyer decided to make a showing." Ellis heard from behind her.

"And if it isn't the Ice Queen herself." Ellis smirked knowing Hahn was a damn good pilot; she was focused and hard core, much like herself.

"When are we women going to kick ass in the air?" Hahn asked.

"Oh yes, only women can kick ass . . . that would be my cue to leave. Have a nice evening, ladies." Pete said.

"Don't get into too much trouble Feeler Healer." Hahn laughed, but enjoyed the working relationship she had with Pete being the CO and XO of the squadron. He was more of a free spirit while she was more serious and to the point.

"That boy is trouble." Ellis said wondering whose ass he had kissed to make it to being the CO of the command.

"We keep him in line. We actually complement each other well." Hahn said looking around for where Meredith might be, "It is not like Grey to be late."

and in the meantime . . .

"Oh . . . you are . . . so good." Meredith yelled as she was riding him hard in the driver's seat of her H2 Hummer in the parking lot.

"You are a good . . . fuck."

"Shut up, I am the one in control." Meredith spat at him. She was always the one in control. She had the final say of who, when, and where she fucked and the guys . . . they loved every second of it.

"You are . . . and you can stay that way."

"I wonder where the new lieutenant commander who can do no wrong is." Addison said while rolling her eyes to Izzie, getting a drink.

"Yeah." Izzie didn't want to say too much because Meredith outranked her.

"I mean, seriously. She comes in here and bam, she is promoted. She is a bitch, but a damn good pilot. Some say she is better than the famous 'Destroyer.' Personally, I don't know what is so good about her." Addison said quickly.

"She is hot and has a nice ass. You are just jealous although you have a nice ass yourself." Alex said from around the corner. He knew Addison and Meredith were actually more alike then she cared to admit.

"Where is your shadow?" Addison hisses.

"Viper? He is . . . well, I am not sure where he is." Alex looks around knowing he should be there.

" Oh . . . I am . . . right there. I am going to . . . cum." Meredith yelled.

"I am there . . . right . . . now." He yelled.

"Oh god." Meredith said in the height of her orgasm that was hitting her fast. She was the master of this . . . finding guys who were good at sex and did not want anything more than that.

"That was . . ." He said, coming down off of his high.

"SHIT. WHAT TIME IS IT?" Meredith yelled loudly trying to find her watch and her uniform. She knew she was in big trouble and it was way past time for her to be at her own promotion party. Her mother was even in town.

"We have to go in now. Not together . . . SHIT this is bad." Meredith continued rambling as she got her clothes on properly and pinning her hair up before she took one last look and got out of the Hummer.

"Are you coming or what?" Meredith asked.

"I thought you said . . ." He answered quickly, but followed her.

"Miranda, it is good to see you."

"Wow, I am surprised to see you here. What are you doing here from DC?" Bailey asked William Shepherd, the highest ranking Enlisted man in the navy.

"Well, I had some meetings here on base the next few days and I heard about this promotion party and knew I had to come. You know, I was the CMC at her first command. She is good." William said with a smile.

"She is very good. But, you know, where is that girl? She is usually very prompt." Bailey looked around.

"She is." William also took a look around the room. She was prompt, but he also heard the gossip about her when she was first in the navy. . . she was very good at being a pilot - one of the best, but he had heard it all, she liked the boys and tequila . . . a little too much.

"Well, the dragon lady is fuming over there." Bailey looked over to Ellis. Everyone knew who the great Ellis "Destroyer" Grey was and that Meredith "Fiery Temptress" was her daughter. She was one of the best pilots in history and her daughter would be just as great if not better.

"She spits fire, but she is not that bad. I worked on a few projects with her. Meredith is different than her though." Shepherd said knowing Meredith had all the good qualities that Ellis did not.

Before they could say another word, Meredith walked in . . . with Viper walking in right behind her and all eyes turned to her.

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