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"Shit." Derek said under his breath the second he got off his phone. He couldn't say that much and Alex had realized that within seconds of talking. Alex only indicated something big had happened with Meredith and he needed to get to their place immediately. Derek couldn't help but think worst case scenario, but he had no clue what the scenario was. Alex hung up before any questions could be asked and said he would text directions to their condo. Derek now had to think fast. One of Cristina's friends from another squadron had come to pick them up to take them home and they were still 5 minutes from there. He really had no choice but to go on to get his car, but he wouldn't go inside or anything although he knew he needed to shower. Showering was the last thing on his mind right now.

"What is it there Top Gun?" Cristina said sarcastically calling him this since suspecting something with him and Meredith.

Derek looked to the back of her since she was sitting in the front seat and then to Mark who was sitting beside him in the SUV. "You need to do something about that shit." Derek growled low.

Cristina rolled her eyes and Mark spoke up, "You think I can do something about that?" He looked to Cristina and just let out a laugh.

Cristina looked to Mark and smirked, "At least you know if you even try, I will have you so hard by the balls, you will be begging for mercy."

"Maybe I like that." Mark said in a seductive voice giving her a wink from the back seat.

"You would." Cristina turned to her friend, "See what kind of shit I have to put up with." Everyone laughed in the car except for Derek who was looking out of the window needing to get to his car.

Mark looked over at Derek when he heard Cristina and her friend talking and whispered to Derek to get his attention, "What is going on?"

Derek looked worriedly at Mark not wanting to say much with Cristina in the car although he was pretty sure Cristina had figured things out considering her snarky comments lately. "I have to get to Meredith. I am not even going in. I am getting in my car and going over there."

"Where exactly?" Mark asked cautiously.

"To her place. Alex is sending directions." Derek said with a clenched jaw needing to know more information about what happened. He just wanted to see her, to hold her, and make sure she was ok. The thing that worried him most was the shakiness in Alex's voice.

"Alex called?" Mark wanted to get some answers knowing something was off.

"Yeah, he had Meredith's phone." Derek gulped hard and looked Mark straight in the eye, "I need her to be ok. Whatever it is and right now, I have no fucking clue what is going on." He immediately looked to his phone and pulled up the text the second he got it seeing that it was directions to Meredith and Alex's condo.

Mark knew this was hard for the man who was his best friend and brother, "Let me know . . . that she is ok.

Mark and Derek stayed quiet the rest of the short drive to their apartment letting the women do the talking from the front seat. The second the car was stopped outside their duplex, Derek jumped out, opened the back of the SUV and grabbed his gear and threw it in his car. Before getting in his car, Derek looked to Mark and then to Cristina who had just gotten out of the car and looked very suspiciously to Derek. Derek glanced carefully back to Mark who had taken a few steps towards Derek. Derek whispered to him, "Take care of this, with Cristina. I can't have anyone knowing, not know."

"I will, I think she can be trusted and I am pretty sure she knows." Mark said quietly back to him looking to the left of him glad to see Cristina around the back of the SUV getting her gear out.

"Just not right now. I have to figure what the fuck is going on. I will let you know when I can. Thanks." Derek didn't waste any time getting in his car, starting it up, and driving off much faster than he should have.

"What is going on with him?" Cristina immediately asked to Mark as they walked up to the door to his place together.

"He just had some stuff he had to take care of." Mark said fumbling with his keys.

Cristina grabbed his arm and stopped him and looked in his eyes, "Do you really expect me to believe that? Do I have stupid written on my forehead? Um, no. So, out with it if you want the ride of your life." Cristina smirked and added, "You want the ride of your life."

Mark took a deep breath not sure what to do, but knew he had to reason with her in some way because she was right; he did want the ride of his life, "Look, I think you have figured out most stuff without needing any confirmation. You realize the enormity of this situation and what it could mean for both of them. He has to take care of some shit and honestly, I have no idea exactly what." He looked carefully at her looking for satisfaction with his answer.

Cristina nodded and said, "Well done. You may just get that ride. First, you have to get the key in the hole."

"I will show you key in the hole." Mark opened the door, picked her up, walked in the living room, and shut the door with his foot, kissing her passionately the entire time knowing the evening would be an adventure.

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