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Derek was standing at the door and Meredith was sitting at her desk . . . their eyes challenging one of them to speak, but neither could. The tension in the room . . . was thick with many different emotions.

"AT1 Shepherd, you will walk out of this room and come back in when you learn . . . your place." She finally tore her eyes from his and looked down, remembering to breathe. She didn't realize she quit breathing momentarily and she had no idea why . . . except it was the blue . . . the gaze . . . the look . . . the hair . . . the everything.

Derek clenched his jaw, "I am here and you will sign this so that I might be on my way." He wasn't going to back down from anyone. She was challenging him and he would not back down . . . not from this women. He couldn't help but notice the hazel . . . the hair tucked behind her ear . . . the voice . . . the tiny ineffectual fists . . . the everything.

Meredith slowly stood up, her eyes staring straight back into his. No one did this . . . NO ONE. "You need to remember . . . your place and rank. I am in charge and you will . . . not . . . tell me what . . . you . . . are going to do. Do you understand?"

"Yes ma'am." He stood there and didn't move, challenging her to physically make him walk out of the door and come back in.

She moved from behind her desk and took a few steps forward to him leaving at least 5 feet between them, continuing to stare him down. He was not going to win this fight.

He didn't move, but watched her every step very closely. He noticed her petite figure and how the flight suit hugged every single one of her curves perfectly. He was all the way in this now and he knew this could backfire on him, but he didn't back down from anyone, officer or not. He knew when and how to play the game . . . he was one of the best at it.

Derek made an even bolder move by shutting the door and taking a step towards her continuing to defy any order she has given. "This is my . . . check in sheet and you . . . will take your sweet little pen and sign beside the line that says . . . department head. Unless, of course, you can't even manage that."

"I can manage many more things that you can only dream of. I can turn your balls into trophies and hang them in my cockpit if I see fit." Meredith took a step closer to him; she never turned away from a face off and that is exactly what this was.

"Honey, no one can have my balls unless I say and you . . . will not have them." He seethed, feeling the heat rising in his body while taking a step forward.

"I have what I want; I always have and always will." She took a step forward noticing how much bigger he seemed. He had his working whites on that shaped his chest perfectly. She noticed his arms and how fit he was . . . definitely one that hit the gym daily.

"Guess what, this is one thing, you will never have." Derek breathed taking another step to her not even realizing they were face to face now, him towering over her petite form a bit. He could feel the heat radiating off of her.

Her breath caught in her throat, she had no idea what to say. She could feel his hot breath breathing down on her and she could feel her pussy on fire. Guys didn't do this . . . they didn't stand up. She couldn't help but think about what it would be like to have his lips on hers that were so plump and how good they would taste against hers. She couldn't help but lick her lips.

Derek inwardly groaned watching her lick her lips, but he wasn't going to back down; he could smell a sweet flower radiating off of her, it filled his nostrils. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a blank wall that he wanted to force her up against so she could feel just what she was doing to him. He was thankful he put on his white boxer briefs this morning and knew how to tuck his long, thick cock in his pants. He could see himself thrusting into her and making her scream his name.

As their breathes were mingling with each other, their lips in dangerous territory . . . they heard a loud boom outside the door and pulled away instantly.

Derek immediately took the few steps back to the door and opened it to leave.

"Um . . . the paper . . . signature, you need a signature." Meredith said, stumbling at first, trying to find her voice.

He handed her the paper as she took the pen out of her pocket to sign it immediately and handed it back to him without saying a word . . . neither of them said a word.

He turned around and walked out closing her door without even knowing if she wanted it closed or not. He stepped out and leaned up against the wall, let out a deep breath, and ran his hand through his hair. He had no idea what that was. One minute he loathed her and the next second his lips where millimeters from hers. He hated her . . . there was nothing good about her. Mark was completely right about her, she was a bitch. Then why was he leaning up against a wall, barely able to catch his breath?

Meredith weakly walked behind her desk and sat down. She took a deep breath in and let it out slowly, wondering what the hell just happened. No one stood up to her in that way. She was his department head, superior to him and this was not accepted in any way. She could almost taste his lips on hers. She got any cock she wanted, but this one . . . this one was different. He was nothing like his father. He was an ass . . . a complete ass. Then why was she sitting at her desk, unable to focus on anything but the ass?

This was going to happen . . . they had to work together . . . period. They knew how to play the political game; both of them were masters at it. This game though . . . they weren't as sure about. But make no mistake . . . they were in it to win.

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