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Derek quickly let Mark know he was pulling over which Mark decided to hang back with him as did Cristina. The rest of the caravan went on through. Derek explained to Mark he was calling his dad. Mark didn't tell him that William and he had already talked about all of this. Mark was somewhat shocked he hadn't called to ask his dad for help yet. However, Mark knew Derek walked around the convenience store to talk in privacy. He took a deep breath when he heard his father on the other side of the line.

"Dad?" Derek said.

"Son." William said flatly. His son was going to have to ask. He wasn't going to offer any help straight off.

Derek didn't know what to say. He didn't know how to ask his father to possibly risk his career for him. But Meredith was not just anyone. She was the woman Derek wanted to spend his life with. He would never ask his father if it wasn't something so big. "I love her."


Derek interrupted his father knowing he was about to shut him down, "No, dad. I love her. Love her, love her. In a pretend to like her taste in music, and let her have the last bit of cheesecake and you know what a big deal that is for me." He stopped long enough to hesitantly laugh and take a breath. But I love her. She is the one. There is no doubt in my mind and I have to see her. I have to make sure she is ok and I have no idea what the hell I should do. I know I can't just go and be court marshaled, but damn, it is tempting. I know that doesn't help either of us, but I need to breathe and for that to happen, I have to have her." Derek fumbled through.

William just smiled on the other line that his son had found the one love, so few were lucky to find it. "Well, are you going to let me talk now?" He said smiling ear to ear.

Derek could hear the ease in his voice, not what he expected at all.

"Um, yeah?" Derek said with a questioning tone.

"Just ask son. What do you want me to do?"

"Is there any way for me to see her?" Derek asked simply.

"I have thought about this already. I had a feeling." William paused, giving Derek an opportunity to speak up.

"How?" Derek wondered.

William chuckled, "Oh son, I could see it when I was in town and saw the two of you interact. It is obvious." He didn't add that Mark kept him abreast of them.

Derek had no idea what to say. "Dad, I don't want trouble for you and I need to try to keep my head wrapped around the fact I am in the navy and there are rules. I am ready to say fuck the rules, but I can't. I don't know what this all means for Meredith and I know I need to keep in this." He had no idea what the future held.

"I have already made a few preliminary phone calls. I think I can work it out. You and Meredith met in college and you are worried about her. It never came out because the two of you didn't want any problems." William explained slowly making sure Derek understood what he was saying.

Derek thought quickly for a second and smiled in satisfaction, feeling the labor of his breathing ease up a bit since the second he found out about the accident. "That will work. I think that will work. What do I do now?"

"Well, go on to Pendleton. You have guys with you, right?" William asked knowing the answer.

"I do."

"Go on there. She is there for now and they are talking about transferring her. They don't want her back to shift though and want to make sure she is stable. If it looks like they are moving her, I will call you and we will work from there. I am going to try to set this up where you can stay with her even at Fort Lewis and through surgery, but I am making no promises there. I am most worried about her mother actually." William said the last part hesitantly.

"Damn it." Derek said quietly and spoke up, "Thanks dad so much! I am going to call Karev, the guy that was with Meredith and let him know what is going on. He probably needs to talk to Meredith about this and our connection."

"Sounds good. I need to make some calls as well and will call you when I know something more definitive. Just be careful. Love you son." William said.

"Thanks dad, love you too. You have no idea how much this means to me." Derek said quietly.

"I do know, and you have never asked anything of me before. I am more than happy to help out with this. Although I will admit, it was not easy coming up with a reason you would need to be there and even still, it is sketchy. But when I call, there will be no questions asked I don't think. Like I said, Ellis Grey will be our only problem." William said hoping he was wrong about that, but he had a feeling.

"Yeah. Talk to you soon." Derek hung up the phone and immediately found Alex's number.

"Shep. I am glad you called." Alex said quickly.

Derek grew anxious immediately. "What is it?"

"Well, she is once again asking for you except this time she is a little more uneasy about seeing you. The drugs she is doped up on is causing some of this. The doctor here asked me who you were; I told him you were a friend." Alex explained.

"I am on my way. Listen to me carefully. Meredith and I went to college together. We are good friends and have been since then. No one knew and we never let on much because we didn't want it to cause any conflict with us being in the same squadron. It isn't the best I know, but it has to work." Derek talked very much like his father did when he explained it to him. It was very clear and precise.

Alex pondered, "This is the best way. When will you be here?"

"My dad is going to make some calls and get back to me. I should be there in 4 hours tops. If you guys get moved, he is going to work on that as well."

"Well, I hope this all works out as planned." Alex said hopeful.

"He is worried about one thing. Ellis Grey." Derek said grimly.

"Fuck." Alex muttered, "You know what, fuck her. I will take care of that bitch. That is going to be my job once you get here. How long will you be able to stay?"

"I am not sure. Dad will work some things out I am sure. He understands this more than I thought." Derek said relieved starting to actually feel ok about this. He felt like this might just work out.

"Good. Look, I am done with my cast and need to get back in with Meredith. I think they drugs have knocked her out again."

"See you in a few hours, as fast as my car will drive." Derek hung up the phone and went back around to see Mark, Cristina and a few others. Mark quickly walked to Derek.

Derek started, "I am going on to Pendleton, but I think I will be going to her."

"How?" Mark didn't know the story, but knew William was working on it.

Derek explained what they were telling people and saw Mark smirk. "Damn that man is good."

"He is great. I was amazed at how wiling he was. He really understands." Derek said still amazed. He knew his dad would help out when he could, but this was huge.

"Let's get back on the road and get you there." Mark said quickly.

"Sounds good." Derek could actually breathe normal for the first time since that look of terror on Mark's face in the parking lot which seemed like days ago now, but in reality was just some hours ago. She would be ok. He would get to see for himself in another few hours that he hoped didn't seem like forever. He couldn't believe his father really was going along with this, but he realized this was the real deal. Derek now needed the forces to stay on his side, because as bad as this was, he was getting to her without being defiant and just leaving. If it came down to it and it was his career or Meredith, there was no question in his mind, it would be Meredith. He just hoped this all worked as planned.

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