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Derek had to do some hunting around on the internet for directions to west beach not exactly sure where it was. As he drove out there, he thought of the events of the day. Waking up this morning, he never knew this day would have been mixed with as many emotions possible. He was just thankful dinner went well. Everyone kept it light although, sitting at the table, all 3 were very much aware of the carefulness of the conversation. They didn't see each other often so they were all catching up on the little things in life.

He had his windows down, sunroof open in his Mazda CX-7 with the music blaring loud through the speakers. It was a nice summer night in Oak Harbor and the sun had not completely set in the west yet. He had only been on the island for a short time, but loved the long days and the sunsets. He knew the winter would be the direct opposite.

He was trying to keep focused on anything but what Meredith might want tonight, but his brain kept going back to her and only her. He wasn't sure if he wanted to see her yet. He was still pretty angry with her for undermining him and his abilities at work. He sighed heavily knowing she was just doing her job and he would do the same thing. So, what in the hell exactly does she want? And why at the beach? Not at her house or apartment or wherever the hell she lives. I don't even know where she lives. I should be able to go and pick her up and take her out, FUCK. I have found the . . . THIS IS FUCKED UP. Derek thought as he drove, the wind hitting him forcefully in the face as he got closer to the beach. He took a very deep breath in smelling the aroma of the salt water. He loved being here . . . on the island where he could be driving at the ocean seeing the snow capped mountains in two directions. One a very clear, summer day, you could see a third, Mount Rainer in the faint distance.

Meanwhile, Meredith sat out on the blanket she brought with her. In her first few months on the island, she had found solace at the beach. Anytime she needed to think, she found herself at one of the many spots on the island. As she sat looking out over the water, she thought about him . . . about Derek. She had never met a man in her life that made her think in the ways Derek did. She felt tears slowly rising to the bottom of her eyes, something that was a rarity for her. She couldn't quit thinking about how this . . . what they were doing, would never work. She also couldn't give it up. For the first time ever, it was not about the sex. It was about some deeper connection that she couldn't even explain herself. Why was life like this?

She heard a car drive up, music blaring, sounded like some 80s music, The Clash. This made her sigh loudly knowing she was a fan of The Clash and anything 80s really, just one more thing . . . that made this connection stronger. She couldn't see the car as she was somewhat in a secluded spot to give them some privacy just in case someone walked up. It was a clear night, the pink/purple haze still off in the far west where the sun hadn't quite completely gone down. The moon was up, but it was just a few days after the new moon, so it was relatively dark outside. She took a deep breath knowing there were some things to lay out on the table and she had to . . . no matter what.

He was thankful there was only one general direction to head in when getting to west beach. He walked a little ways and saw the outline of the most beautiful site. She was sitting on a blanket, her legs stretched out in front of her, one over the other. Her hands were propped to each side of her with her upper body sitting up straight as she seemed focused on the water. Meredith didn't even stop to look over at him as he approached, obviously deep in thought.

"The sound of the waves crashing . . . makes me think that they can ride along the ocean, on a smooth path, but one day we will crash, like the waves." Meredith said quietly, peacefully before glancing over at him.

Derek had stopped right at the blanket taking in her words that he suspected held all the emotion of what she was feeling right now. His eyes had fully adjusted to the night light . . . enough to know she had a gaze about her that was immersed in thought. He had no idea what to say and decided to let her take the lead. She is the one that called him to meet here tonight and he had come . . . succumbed to his desire to see her, knowing this wasn't merely a meeting for sex.

Meredith continued to look at Derek, unsure where to start . . . what to say, "Sit down?" She asked in a question tone.

He moved very slowly to sit down, not doing anything hasty right now. He was taking in every moment . . . every second. Every breath was heavily labored, but trying not to show it. He had feelings running all through his body and was trying to keep them at bay for now.

She watched him sit down slowly. Unlike her open stance, he sat down with his knees pulled up a bit. When he went to put his hands down on either side of him, his right hand immediately found her left hand. He quickly turned his head to hers, a stare . . . that said a million words.

The forces were magnetizing.

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