World 2. King Boo's Cackle Hotel

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Crossing a desert to get there, this hotel looked like the perfect spot for anyone who was just as sneaky as a ghost, on Daisy's opinion. So she'll lead them on this one. Polterpup sniffs out and finds E Gadd trapped in a painting in an outside dumpster. What's more, his invention, the Poltergust 5000 in there too. Daisy uses it to set him free, leaving him grateful enough to let her keep it. The princesses enter the building. It was quiet, too quiet. Still, they had a job to do. So, armed with her Poltergust, the vibes and Polterpup, Daisy takes the charge to bust some ghosts and save a few more.

Daisy wasn't scared at all by the ghosts. She was just annoyed. But at least they could teach them and the nasty cackling boos a lesson with the Boo Mushroom. But it sort of backfired when some of the boos ended up getting swooned by the princesses. Thankfully, there was the Light Box that scared them away. They worry King Boo may have something in store for them, but that didn't bother Daisy. She and the girls will be ready. They continue by chasing after and defeating Polterktty, as well as running through a maze made up of twists and turns.

They finally make it to the top to greet a familiar face. Hellen Gravely herself. Hellen merely loses her temper, accidentally showing her true face, which causes a fallout between the 2 ladies, the ghost cat and pup to cover their ears and Peach and the others agreeing Daisy should take it from here. Sarasaland's princess declares she's had enough and prepares to get this over with, causing Hellen to go insane. But she was no match for a brave woman like Daisy, just like last time. King Boo suddenly gives Daisy a call, as if his voice was everywhere. And there he was, holding Luigi in a superb frame. He has just the frame for her, but she won't be lying around in a small canvas, not a chance. He retreats, and the rest follow him. Busting down the door to the roof, there was King Boo. Just like Hellen, the king was so furious that he could just swallow Daisy whole. But he is yet again trapped in a canvas, as Luigi is freed and Polterpup barks with joy. Outside the hotel, E Gadd has King Boo, Hellen and Polterkitty trapped in small jars. The princesses watch as the ghosts float around and leave for their next stop. (at this point, Luigi can be found clearing paths from the princesses), 

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