Luigi's Mansion 3 (with Daisy)

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Luigi, Daisy, Mario, Princess Peach and three Toads, accompanied by Polterpup, are invited to a hotel called The Last Resort for a vacation party, which they travel to via a charter bus driven by the red Toad. Luigi and the gang arrive inside the first and second floor Grand Lobby during broad daylight and all check in at the front desk with the bellboy receptionist Steward. They are soon introduced to Hellen Gravely, a mysterious woman and owner of the hotel. She escorts them to their rooms on floor 5. All the while, Daisy seemed skeptical about all this. They all go to their respective rooms. Princess Peach to Room 501, Mario to Room 502, Luigi, followed by Polterpup, to Room 503 and Daisy to Room 504. Inside his hotel room, Luigi reads a novel whilst laying on a bed alongside Polterpup and quickly falls asleep. Polterpup goes to see what Daisy is up to in her room, where she expresses her suspicions and worries for the others.

Luigi later wakes up from Peach screaming, seeing it was nighttime and the atmosphere was now dark and haunted. With only a flashlight in hand, he checks the other rooms and discovers everyone has gone missing. Before he could check on Daisy, he sees mysterious purple energy lurking through the hallway and walks towards the elevator to be greeted by Hellen Gravely, revealing herself as a ghost. Gravely explains she invited Luigi and his friends out of admiration for her idol, who she reveals as none other than Luigi's archnemesis, King Boo, much to Luigi's horror. King Boo explains that Hellen had freed him from Professor E Gadd's ghost containment and announces his plan for revenge upon Luigi, showing his friends in portrait frames. King Boo proceeds to chase Luigi through the hallway to trap him in a picture as well, while placing Spirit Balls on all the hotel room doors. He corners Luigi at the end of the hallway, but Luigi manages to escape by jumping into a laundry chute and falls all the way into a laundry hamper in the Basement.

Luigi is woken up by Polterpup. Seconds later, someone else comes falling down the laundry chute. It was Daisy, who recounts her encounter with Hellen and King Boo. She explains she couldn't sleep because she felt like something was wrong. After being awoken by screams she declared she has had it. So she went to investigate, which explains why she wasn't in her room at the time. Right after Luigi went down the chute, Daisy confronted Hellen and demanded what was really going on, but she found out quickly when King Boo revealed himself. So without a choice, she evaded him and fled and ended up down here. She knew something strange was going on, but she never thought she would meet Luigi's archenemy. The 2 of them, guided by Polterpup, manage to find the Poltergust G-00 inside a red car in the car park, as well as an exact replica emergency backup for Daisy. They head back to the lobby and find Professor E Gadd trapped in a portrait as well on the Mezzanine 2nd floor. Luigi frees him by using the Dark Light Device they find in a vault. The newly freed professor is greeted by Princess Daisy. She was told about those last few times Luigi had hunted ghosts with his help. E Gadd asks Luigi to escort him out of the hotel, but decides to stay when he and Daisy refuse to leave before saving their trapped friends. Luigi, Daisy, E Gadd and Polterpup return to the garage, where they take on Steward, revealed to be a ghost too, and defeat him. E Gadd sets up his portable lab and gives them the Virtual Boo for communication.

E Gadd asks Luigi and Daisy to retrieve his briefcase from the 5th floor, because there's something inside they might find handy. Returning to the 5th floor, they discover it is in the hands of Chambrea the ghost maid. They capture her and return the briefcase. Inside was Gooigi, a green gooey replica of Luigi that can walk through cracks for help. E Gadd reveals he had some goo left over from his testing, and uses the leftover parts to make Goodaisy, who was orange instead of green. Meanwhile, the ghosts were watching them. On their perspective the green one seemed easy to startle, but the orange one seemed tough and would take anyone out with just one punch.

While searching the hotel for their friends, Luigi and Daisy must also recover the missing elevator buttons from Boss Ghosts to access all floors. Every Boss Ghost was just as different as the last. Kruller, Chef Soulfflé, Amadeus Wolfgeist, King MacFrights, Dr Potter, Ug, Clem, Serpci, sisters Nikki, Lindsey, and Ginny, Captain Fishhook, Johnny Deepend and DJ Phantasmagloria, all in possession of a button, were all quite sneaky with lots of tricks up their sleeves. There was even Polterkitty, Hellen's pet cat who occasionally steals the hotel buttons which disrupts their scavenger hunt. Every time she swallows one, they must track her down and battle her within in the previous floors. But one Boss Ghost in particular didn't seem like that much of a threat at all. His name was Director Morty, a desperate yet understandable director ghost. So they decide to help Morty make the movie he was looking for in exchange for the button and leave him alone. They begin to believe the rest of the staff aren't so bad either, thinking they could just be following orders, be under King Boo's control or just like to mess around like troublemakers. This made Luigi and Daisy feel bad they had to capture them.

They manage to rescue the three Toads held captive on Wolfgeist, Ug and Fishhook's floors, who wait in E Gadd's lab after being saved and escorted to the elevator. However, as they rescue each of them, Hellen Gravely, observing from security monitors, grows more and more furious with their success. Once Luigi and Daisy save the third Toad, King Boo, having lost faith in Gravely, takes the painting holding Peach into his possession. The ghost hunters reach the last floor, the Master Suite, where Hellen Gravely appears on a large screen and reveals she has Mario's painting. She challenges them to confront her and Daisy, having enough, warns her she's messed with the wrong princess. Both Luigi and Polterpup exchanged worrisome looks, seeming as if Daisy might own this duel. Once they navigate through the various traps and puzzles, they find the four keys that lead to Hellen's office. Hellen herself furiously berates them for capturing her staff and Polterkitty along with costing her King Boo's approval, accidentally revealing what is under her make up, and Daisy talks back saying how bossy she is, still believing she told the Boss Ghosts were doing their job and they didn't have to catch them. Both ladies stare daggers at each other, and Daisy breaks the silence by insulting Hellen's hair. To redeem herself in King Boo's eyes, Hellen proceeds to battle them directly. Daisy delivers the final strike, defeating and capturing Hellen Gravely. Luigi frees Mario, who leads them to the Rooftop.

They find Peach's painting and Luigi sets her free. But their embrace is interrupted when King Boo confronts them. He reveals he found E Gadd's lab and trapped him and the Toads in the same painting. He attempts to do the same to Mario, Peach, Luigi and Daisy, but he manages to get only one brother and princess after Luigi and Daisy are shoved out of the way at the last second by Polterpup. King Boo, having lost his patience, engages in a battle with them. With Gooigi and Goodaisy's help, Luigi and Daisy triumph over King Boo once more before the Boo can entrap them all in the painting. However, with the damage given, the hotel collapses immediately after the battle. Luigi and Daisy are saved by Polterpup again and release their friends from the painting. Several ghosts, as well as Morty and the other staff members, emerge from the ghost canister. But they calm down and become hospitable when the purple gem from King Boo's crown dissolves. The ghosts are saddened to see the hotel in shambles, so they, Luigi, Daisy, E Gadd and the others work together to rebuild the hotel in E Gadd's image.

Similar to Luigi's new Mansion from the first game, the rebuilt hotel takes a different look depending on how much money the player ends the game with. With the new hotel finished and King Boo imprisoned once more, E Gadd, Gooigi, Goodaisy and the hotel ghosts wave farewell as everyone else departs for home on the charter bus. Daisy finds Luigi asleep after a long night, and she too falls asleep on the bus with Polterpup as it rides into the sunset.

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