Bar fight (Javier×Reader)

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Requested by TheOutcast2

Javier Escuella × Female Reader

About: You ran your dad's saloon in Valentine and meet some of the Van Der Linde gang In a little bar fight.

1700 words

A/N: I had absolutely no idea what to do on this but I think it turned out ok. Also not to brag or anything bit I took that amazing photo of Javier above.


You sighed and leaned against the bar. Sometimes bar tending was boring. Sure, most of the time it was interesting or frustrating but it did sometimes get boring.

"Hey, can we get four shots?" A Mexican man with a bowler hat said, catching your attention. You gave him a nod and started pouring his drinks. He was with another man with dark skin and long black hair and Anastasia and her friend. Anastasia and some other Ladys of the night had been getting business in your bar for a while now. You didn't really care all that much though, they were just some women trying their best to get by. You served them their drinks and returned to the spot you were in. They all drank their shots then a man with dark blonde hair walked in and joined the group that you just served and started talking with them.

"Well ain't you just the tough as teak mountain man." Anastasia said, flirting with the scruffy looking man.

"Oh, you be quiet, Anastasia, anyone can tell this one is a pussy cat." Her friend said which made you laugh quietly to yourself as you refilled their glasses

"Exactly, yes he's a pussy... cat." The Mexican man responded back to them quickly. "Ain't that so, Arthur?" He said to who you guessed was Arthur.

"Whatever you say." Arthur replied, looking at the women in front of him. "How much you cost anyway?" He asked Anastasia which made you chuckle a bit.

"Well ain't that a nice way to talk to a lady?" Anastasia said, still trying to get her pay.

"Oh, I didn't know I was talking to a lady." Arthur said. Anastasia excused herself then walked off with her friend not far behind her.

"Well, I must say... you got a fine way with the women, amigo." The Mexican said to Arthur as they stepped towards your bar.

"Yeah, a regular dandy and charmer." Arthur said as they took the shots you had just poured a moment ago. "Where's bill?" He asked.

"Oh man I dread to think about it." The Mexican said as a burly man walked into the bar and accidentally ran into another man.

"Hey watch where you're going!" The burly man yelled as he grabbed the others shirt.

"He about to kiss that guy or punch him?" Arthur said as the man headbutt the other.

"Oh, and we have our answer!" The Mexican yelled and grabbed a whiskey bottle, breaking it across someone's head.

In that moment all hell broke lose. The long haired man that they were with picked up a chair and threw it as the burly man punched another guy and the scruffy man started a fight with some other local that had been drinking peacefully mere seconds ago.

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