Chapter 14

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Arrietty and Sho came back to their senses after hearing Spiller's voice again. They felt a little embarrassed because they forgot that he was still connected to their minds and was able to hear and feel what they did a while ago.

"I know you miss each other, but save the intimacy later. Let's focus on the mission first."

Spiller said with a little bit of bitterness in his voice.

Sho and Arrietty composed themselves and focused their minds back to the mission. Arrietty was the first one to answer Spiller.

"Sorry, Spiller."

It took a few moments before Spiller spoke again.

"Okay, here's the plan. The stone has the power to teleport things. We're going to use it to move you guys here to my location."

Both were then amazed at how powerful the stone is. Spiller continued.

"Let's do it now. Time is gold."

Sho and Arrietty looked at each other and were a bit confused of how they are going to let the stone teleport them. But before they were able to spoke, Spiller started to tell the instructions.

"Both of you, hold the stone. Think about me and where I am now. Asked the stone to let you guys teleport here. You can ask in chorus and repeat what you have to say if needed.  And always think about me and where I am as you say what you have to say to the stone."

Sho and Arrietty stared and nod at each other as a go signal to follow the instructions of Spiller. They closed their eyes, and Sho spoke.

"Stone of tears, please bring us to where Spiller is now, the place where Freyja wants us to be."

Arrietty was also following what Sho said in her mind and focused her thoughts on Spiller.

It took a few repetitions before the stone felt very warm in their hands and released a very bright light. It only took seconds for the stone to teleport them to the place where Spiller was.

Sho and Arrietty felt like the air was carrying them for a moment because they felt very light. In an instant, they felt the grass under their feet.

Both slowly opened their eyes as they were standing in a very vast land full of grass and flowers. They also felt the wind blowing slightly. It was a bit cold.

They looked around and then at each other. Sho's hand was holding Arrietty's hand very tightly. He then spoke.

"Let's find Spiller."

Arrietty just nod.

"Spiller, where are you?!" Sho shouted.

They walked around and shouted Spiller's name until they saw a figure at a distance. The moon was very bright that night, so it wasn't that difficult to see things.

They walked towards the figure and confirmed it was Spiller. His back was facing them and was looking at a group of huge rocks, like they were ruins.

Spiller then turned around to face them and said something.

"We're here."

He then pointed at the ruins.

Sho and Arrietty stared at the ruins. Though they are a bunch of rocks, it was beautiful - historically beautiful.

They then went closely to the ruins and checked the rocks. The three were really amazed at the beautiful view.

Spiller went to the center of the ruins and called them to come there.

"Let's call Freyja." Spiller told them.

Both looked at each other confused. How are they going to call her?

Spiller asked for the stone, and Sho immediately gave it to him. He then spoke.

"I don't know how we are going to call her. But we'll do it the same way you did when you teleported here. Let's concentrate on her and ask her through the stone to come here."

Sho and Arrietty looked at each other like they understood what they are going to do.

Spiller opened his hand with the stone and asked the two to hold it. They closed their eyes and focused their minds on Freyja. They were only silent, but their minds were strong enough to call the powerful spirit.

It didn't take long when they felt the cold wind blowing gently and the fallen leaves were rustling. It felt weird, and they could feel a very strong and powerful presence.

They slowly opened their eyes and looked around. And there she was! A very godly like image of a woman, not touching her feet on the ground.

The three were stunned and speechless. They were just staring at Freyja.

The spirit just smiled at them and spoke in a very authoritative and divine voice.

"Finally! You're here."

Spiller was the first one to move, and he knelt down. Sho and Arrietty looked at him and immediately followed his gesture.

"Stand up, humans." Freyja commanded.

Spiller felt really good hearing that he was called "human". The three then stood up.

"I saw everything. I was impressed with how human emotions can change people. Love is selfless and willing to sacrifice."

The three humans felt a little relief with what Freyja told them. It looks like something positive is going to happen.

Freyja looked at Arrietty.

"You didn't seem to notice."

The three were confused. Freyja laughed a little as she was amused with their reactions. She then continued talking to Arrietty.

"Your size is normal now."


She was tall now! And she didn't even notice!

Arrietty just realized that yes, her size is "normal" now. She looked at her hands, legs, arms and couldn't believe that she is a normal human now.

"Me, too." Sho said in a low voice.

At that moment, everything sinked in. All three of them are normal humans now.

Freyja broke the overwhelmed reactions by continuing her speech.

"Spiller may have told you about me. And I'm happy to say that everything you did, not just Spiller but all of you, amazed me.

I'm a powerful and good spirit of the forest, and I like peace, love, and happiness. But that one mistake many years ago angered me. I was so mad. And now, I'm glad to see you following love and what matters to you."

The three humans felt that last line and had teary eyes. Freyja continued.

"Spiller, you did well and gained your honor back. You're a strong soul that many humans should follow. I admire your spirit."

That moment made Spiller cry. Sho and Arrietty were also very happy for him.

"As for you love birds, I see a very genuine love, and you should nurture it. I want to see more generations of you - the loving, selfless, and sacrificial kind. Thus, you Arrietty will permanently be human."

Sho and Arrietty cried and hugged each other. They were very happy. That moment felt truly magical and unreal. For a moment, they were only thinking about each other and nothing else.

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