Chapter 10

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6:00 pm

It's the time on the wall clock. Sho was packing some things for his visit to Arrietty. He couldn't stop thinking about the Borrowers after his talk with Spiller early in the day.

Knock... Knock...

"Come in."

Haru opened the door of Sho's room.

"Sho-san, dinner is ready."

"Okay, I'll be there shortly. Thanks, Haru-san."

Haru then went downstairs. Sho, on the other hand, paused for a while and thought about Arrietty before going downstairs for dinner.

He and Haru had a small chat while eating dinner. Sho was telling her about how he felt after knowing his grandmother couldn't make it to vacation with him there.

Haru assured him though that he will enjoy his stay even without his grandma.

After eating dinner, Sho prepared a cup of green tea to calm his senses and went up to his room, bringing the hot drink. He sat down his bed while mindfully drinking his tea.

He needed that to keep his emotions calm tonight. After drinking the tea, he went downstairs to give the empty cup to Haru, so she can wash it clean.

Sho went upatairs again and waited for the time. When the time came, he went downstairs again and said goodbye to Haru for a walk.

As planned, Sho brought Niya with him, and he was walking clamly under the dull light of the beautiful full moon. The weather that night was really good, no sign of rain and the wind was light. He could clearly see the stars in the sky.

When Sho finally reached the old mansion where the Borrowers were living for years, he thought the people living in the mansion were already different.

He then looked for a good spot to hide in the huge lawn and freed Niya to locate the Borrowers. He waited not too long before the cat returned to him.

Niya jump straight to him, and Sho saw Arrietty went out from the bush. He and Arrietty were staring at each other before anyone spoke.

"Arrietty, I apologize for what I said last time."

"Don't be. I should be the one apologizing because I was careless. I placed everyone in danger, even you."


There was a long pause between them. Both had too many to say but lack the right words to express it. Spiller then came out from the same bush where Arrietty did.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you two, but I thought I should take responsibility of clearing things out. I know I already confessed to both of you, but allow me to say this again."

Spiller explained everything again to Arrietty and Sho, including how he felt. Sho felt sad for him becuase he wasn't expecting Spiller's affection for Arrietty.

They had a good heart-to-heart talk when Spiller suddenly felt intense pain in his stomach. The pain made him bent his knees and then fell onto the ground. Arrietty immediately went to him, while Sho was really worried looking at him.

"Spiller, what happened?"

Spiller didn't respond because the pain was too much. Sho asked Niya to carry the Borrowers back to their hiding place and waited there for the cat to return.

After a long wait, Niya went back to him with Arrietty on the cat's back.

"How is he, Arrietty?"

Arrietty was still on the cat's back crying.


Sho was now really worried. He waited for Arrietty to say something while in tears.

"He's... he's dead."

"What?!" Sho was really shocked.

What on earth is happening? They were still talking a while ago, and now, Spiller's gone? How? Why?

Sho's tears slowly went down his cheeks. What's happening right now is too overwhelming.

Both were just in tears and extreme sadness with Spiller's passing. When Arrietty recovered from tears, she explained what happened.

"Spiller and the others were hunting a few days ago. When they came back, they brought a dead rat and some fruits.

They equally gave the fruits to every family in our village, and everyone was happy. But, only the hunters love eating exotic foods like rats.

They cooked the rat and ate it, but Spiller was enjoying the animal's intestines. We were not aware that it was the most poisonous part of the animal.

He was very healthy until now. Our elder, who is the physician in our village, checked him, and that's when we found out the cause of his death.

Every Borrower who knew herbal medicine tried to treat him, but it was too late. When Niya brought us in our village, Spiller was already not breathing.

I didn't know what to do."

Sho didn't know what to say either. Everything is still sinking.

After a few seconds of silence, Sho finally decided to say something.

"What are the Borrowers' plan now?"

"We will burn his body before sunrise. Tonight, we will pary to the gods to guide his soul in the next life."

"I see. Is there any way I can help?"

She smiled at Sho whole-heartedly.

"Being here tonight already makes Spiller happy. I can feel that.

You helped him gain his honor back. That's what he always wanted for so long."

Sho's tears fell down. He was really sad, but he was always mindful not to get carried with his emotions too much becuase he has a weak heart.

"What are you going to do now, Arrietty?"

"I don't know. I guess I will be beside Spiller until we burn his body.

I will also help look after the other hunters who were feeling ill since that day they brought a dead rat. I didn't know they were sick until now."

"Alright, I understand. I'll visit you every day here, and let me know if you need anything.

Maybe I can give you some herbs that are availbale at the cottage to treat the others."

"Thank you very much, Sho."

Sho picked Niya up and hugged the cat, so Arrietty can touch his face.

"I will always be here for you Arrietty. I'm here to help the Borrowers."

"You're so kind." Arrietty expressed whole-heartedly.

She then decided to go back to the village to spend more time with the Borrowers. Sho insisted to let Niya carry her back to her place.

When Niya returned to Sho, Sho's willingness to protect the Borrowers grew even stronger.

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