Chapter 15

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The atmosphere suddenly became warm as the three humans were very happy with what Freyja told them.

"Now, I shall make my judgement on the other Borrowers." The spirit continued.

Sho, Arrietty, and Spiller felt so nervous hearing that.

The powerful spirit gestured, and she was like swaying her hands in the air. The three saw golden dusts flowing in a beautiful rhythm and following Freyja's hand gestures. They also heard her chanting in a foreign language.

All they could do is watch. They were mesmerized by all the magical things they saw. They were the only human witnesses for that fascinating moment, which didn't take long.

"Humans,..." Freyja spoke after her act.

The three then listened carefully.

"... celebrate! Your brothers and sisters are now free. I am happy seeing how you grew over the years. You valued life and lived through love. I adore you."

The three were still mesmerized. They were not sure what Freyja means when she said their brothers and sisters are already free.

The spirit continued.

"Go on. Continue to love and care for each other. After all, this is what humans are made to be."

Freyja was slowly disappearing into the air, and the three were just staring at her, still stunned.

Her last words before completely disappearing was:

"Never do the same mistake again."

It took a few moments for the three to come to their senses. Arrietty finally spoke.

"Let's go back to the mansion. The other Borrowers might be in their normal sizes again."

That's when Sho and Spiller had the idea of what Freyja said earlier.

Spiller looked at the stone he was holding and suggested to use it to teleport back to the mansion where the Borrowers were living.

They successfully returned in seconds, and Niya was startled seeing them again. When the cat recognized them, she jumped towards Sho, who also welcomed and hugged her.

The three looked around the huge lawn and saw that there were many people standing there. They dressed like the Borrowers.

They are the Borrowers!

Arrietty noticed her parents standing there and ran towards them to hug them. Her parents were also shocked to see her huge, like a human. When their daughter reached their arms, the family hugged each other tightly and cried.

Spiller and Sho also walked towards the Borrowers, and the villagers were also shocked to see Spiller alive. Everyone moved closely to him and talked to him.

There was a bit of commotion in the lawn when an old lady came out from the mansion and got all their attention.

"Eheeemmm!" The old lady said.

Everyone looked at her and stopped what they were doing. She then spoke.

"I guess a have a lot of visitors today." The old woman smiled at them.

The Borrowers and Sho looked at each other. But before anyone can say anything, the old lady continued.

"Shall we go inside and chat?"

The Borrowers again looked at each other, and their village chief answered the old woman.

"Sure, ma'am. We are happy to explain everything to you. And we thank you for the kind invitation."

The old lady smiled at the village chief and invited everyone in. She and her house servants were the only ones living in the mansion.

Everyone was served with delicious foods and beverages. It was like a family reunion, and everyone were laughing and happy.

Spiller narrated what happened, starting from when he died to when they came back from the place they met Freyja.

The Borrowers couldn't believe what happened. But the village chief admitted that he heard of the story before from his ancestors that they were once humans. He didn't believe that.

After hearing the story, the old lady also had to confess something.

"I always believed in your existence because I was once in love with a Borrower."


That was everyone's reaction.

She continued.

"You might have noticed that you've been living under my mansion peacefully over the years."

The Borrowers agreed to that. They liked her place.

"I knew you were here since day 1. I felt your presence. I know because I am very familiar with your presence.

I left my home for a few years because I had to undergo treatments. But I strictly instructed my children and grandchildren not to bother you when I left.

My family knows and respects your existence."

That made sense to the Borrowers. Not humans were their enemies before after all.

The gathering continued, and the old lady offered them to create a small village in her property. They didn't know she owns a very huge place. The back of the mansion was a very vast land, more than enough to cater to the many future homes of the Borrowers.

The village chief and the others were very grateful to the old lady. They promised to take care of her and her land to return the favor.

Sho also offered to help with their education as they they need to be taught how to live like normal humans.

Everyone was extremely happy that day. It was the most unforgettable moment of the Borrowers' lives.

Arrietty and the Borrowers: The Shocking Secrets of Little PeopleWhere stories live. Discover now