Chapter 9

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The sound of the music box was very soothing that Sho was in deep sleep. He wasn't dreaming, just blankly sleeping. He then woke up because Haru was knocking on his room door.

"Sho-san! Sho-san! Please wake up and open the door. You have a phone call from your grandmother!"

Sho was a little annoyed because his deep slumber was interrupted.

"Okay, just a minute!"

Sho calmly got up and walked towards the door to open it.

"Please go downstairs because your grandmother is calling."


After a few seconds, Sho spoke to his grandmother over the phone.

"Hello, grandma?"

"Hi dear! Sorry I woke you up early today. I just want to tell you that I couldn't make it there. There's something important I and your mother need to attend to."

Sho felt sad and a little disappointed. He was expecting his grandmother to be with him on his vacation here.

"Hello dear? Are you there?"

Sho didn't realize he was just silent.

"Ah, yes! I heard you grandma. Sorry."

"Sorry dear. I think you need to spend your vacation there alone this time. But, don't worry. Haru is there to accompany you. Ask anything and she'll get it for you."

Sho released a deep sigh before answering.

"Yeah, don't worry, grandma. I'll be okay. This place is perfect to relax. Got so many memories here."

Sho suddenly became emotional as he said that. He thought of something else, no someone else: Arrietty.

Sho's grandma became enthusiastic on the other line hearing his assurance of being okay.

"I'm glad to hear that, Sho. I promise to make it up with you on our next vacation there. Just enjoy your stay there and have fun, okay?"

"Sure, I will, grandma."

"Okay, take care. I love you."

"I love you, too, grandma."




Sho put back the phone and went up. While walking up the stairs, Haru called him.

"Sho-san! What would you like for breakfast?"

"Just give me a hot chocolate drink upstairs, Haru-san."

Haru was a little bit surprised but still followed Sho's request.

"Okay, I'll serve it in a few minutes!"

She then heard him closed his room door.

"That was probably bad news. Well, I'll just pair the chocolate drink with cookies," Haru said to herself.

While in his room, Sho couldn't stop thinking about Arrietty and all their memories together. He lied down his bed and looked at his window.

The vines were still growing outside of his window. Haru must have taken good care of the plants around the cottage.

Sho was remembering how Arrietty hid behind a large vine leaf, not knowing her shadow was visible as the sunlight reflected it on the leaf. His thoughts were looking back at that scene when suddenly he noticed something: a tiny human-like figure.

Sho immediately got up and went near the window carefully. He was observing the movements hidden behind the vine leaves.

After a few seconds, he saw a Borrower, not just an ordinary Borrower! It's Spiller!

Sho was really surprised to see the tiny being who influenced him to decide not to show himself to Arrietty anymore. Spiller, on the other hand, was just looking at him fiercely.

They both stared at each other, waiting for who will make the first move. Sho finally recovered from the surprise and decided to open his window.

Spiller was just standing outside, very solid.

"Spiller, you came here."

"I was looking for you, and I came here first to check if you're here."

"You're looking for me?"



Spiller paused for a while before answering him.

"Arrietty wants to see you."

Sho was now confused.

"Why? I mean I already said goodbye last time."

Spiller looked down, looked up again, and released a deep sigh.

"I'm sorry for what I did last time. I was selfish. I used what happened to Arrietty to get rid of you. I thought that by doing that, she will forget you completely. But, I was wrong. It made the situation worse.

Arrietty became very distant to me. I haven't seen her smile since then, and it breaks my heart seeing her like that. Now, all I want to do is correct everything by asking you to see her and talk to her."

That was overwhelming for Sho. He didn't expect that.

"Even if that was the case Spiller, it's still not right to continue having contact with Arrietty, or any Borrower. It's too dangerous for your kind."

"It is. But, you've proven yourself to us because you helped save Arrietty's family. We, Borrowers, are destined to be exposed to danger for our lifetime because that's how we are. Being in danger by connecting to a human is no different in being in danger getting caught by humans robbing their supplies."

That hit Sho. Spiller was actually on point. Borrowers' lives have been destined to face danger every day, trying to hide from humans.

Sho became speechless and had teary eyes. He wasn't expecting this to happen, not now that it's been years.

"Will you come with me?" Spiller asked Sho.

Sho couldn't answer him because everything is still sinking in. He saw Spiller became angry and disappointed because he didn't answer.

"I guess that's a no then."

"No, wait!"

Spiller looked at Sho still with disappointment.

"I'm still surprised by all of these. I don't know if I'm ready to face her again after what I said."

"She knows. I explained everything to her already."

Sho was still in shock and didn't know what to do. After a moment of silence, he finally spoke.

"Are you still living under that old mansion?"


"Okay, I'll go there tonight, so it's easy for us to hide in the dark. I'll bring Niya, my cat, she will tell you I'm already there if you saw her there."

"Okay, got it."

Spiller was about to leave when Sho stopped him.

"Wait! Why are you doing this?"

Spiller looked at him first before speaking.

"I lost to you in her heart."

Spiller's tears started to run down his cheeks. All Sho can see on Spiller's face was pain and sadness.

Sho couldn't find the words to respond to him. Spiller then wiped his tears and spoke.

"Be there tonight. If you don't, I'll try everything to stop you again from seeing her, even if it means killing you."

Sho felt fear because Spiller was very solid in his words. He knew if he mess up tonight, it's over.

Sho then responded to Spiller with strong affirmation.

"Expect me to be there at around 7 o'clock."

Spiller's fierce eyes were the last response he received from the Borrower.

I'll be there, Arrietty. Just wait for me.

Arrietty and the Borrowers: The Shocking Secrets of Little PeopleWhere stories live. Discover now