Chapter 16

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The Borrowers who were once very small people were able to live peacefully and happily in the property of the old lady who owned the mansion.
Two years have passed since the they returned to their human form. Everyone quickly adjusted to the life of a normal human being.

Their community was also very welcomed in the place. But the local government didn't know the whole story. They were only told that the Borrowers were immigrants. Paperworks were also done for each Borrower, so they become legal citizens, thanks to the old lady's help as she had many connections.

As for the love story of Sho and Arrietty, both were happy. They were dating and enjoyed each other's company. It was like the odds were in their favor now.

Spiller, on the other hand, was able to move on from the "heartbreak" he had with Arrietty. He enjoyed his profession being a local plumber and electrician. He also found his love interest with a co-worker. Spiller was living his human life happily.

One day, the three were having a conversation in the village.

"How's everything, Spiller?" Sho asked.

One thing about Spiller that never changed was his fierce and stiff aura.

"So far so good. I'm learning every day and improving my skills!" He said very proudly.

Arrietty clapped her hands in admiration and said.

"Good for you, my friend! I'm so happy seeing you having a huge interest in your work."

It wasn't awkward to say "my friend" anymore like before. The three knew their place in each other's heart very well.

Spiller smiled at Arrietty and replied.


"I'm also happy you're enjoying this new life, Spiller. You deserve everything." Sho sincerely said to Spiller.

Spiller smiled very little and responded.

"Thank you. So are you two."

The three then continued their conversation and enjoyed each other's company. Then, Arrietty excused herself from the two to get something.

At this moment, the atmosphere suddenly changed as Spiller became very serious as he talked to Sho, man to man.

"I can see you two are very happy now. And I have no objections to that. You two had a rough journey."

Sho can sense Spiller's stiff vibe and had an idea where the topic will lead to. He prepared himself.

Spiller continued.

"I also have my own life now. I think little of Arrietty."

Sho released a deep sigh and swallowed a big volume of saliva at this moment. The emotion was getting intense.

He let Spiller continued what he had to say.

"But I have to warn you. I still care for her."

This time, Spiller's face was very serious and threatening. But Sho was ready for this.

"The moment you make her cry, I won't hesitate to even kill you. I don't care about going to jail. I don't care what happens to me if I do that."

The two men were now like testing each other eye to eye. That lasted for seconds to almost a minute.

Sho then decided to respond.

"I understand your feelings and respect that. I have no intention of hurting her in the first place."

Spiller was only very stiff and stared at Sho.

Sho continued.

"I only want to make her happy and love her. I want to give her the best of the world."

Arrietty and the Borrowers: The Shocking Secrets of Little PeopleWhere stories live. Discover now