Chapter 13

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It's almost evening. Sho was experiencing a mixed of emotions. He felt nervous and excited at the same time. In less than two hours, he and Spiller will be on a "mission". They will visit the Borrowers and create a plan for visiting Freyja. He didn't have much sleep last night because of Spiller's appearance in his room. But, it was completely okay for him. The Borrowers' future is much more important at this time.

He was spending time with Niya in their lawn. The cat was also enjoying this moment as much as he did. He then talked to Niya randomly.

"Niya, I will have to thank you for all you've done. You are very helpful with the Borrowers. I will always take care of you."

Niya responded with a yawn and then licked his hand. Sho smiled and was extremely grateful for the cat. After a few more minutes, Haru called Sho for dinner. He and the cat immediately went into the cottage.

While eating, Haru could not help but express her emotions.

"Sho-san, I have respected the Borrowers since I came to realize they were like us, humans. But, I am also anxious and worried about what's happening. Please take care of yourself while you do what you have to do."

Haru's expression was really worried. Sho looked at Haru and smiled with confidence before responding to her.

"Don't worry, Haru-san. I will be okay. I can't let the Borrowers suffer more. Now that we know the solution to all these problems, we better work it out. Everything about the Borrowers is overwhelming to digest because this is not normal. However, I also came to realize that there are more things we are not aware of in this world that exist. It's very interesting, and it did change my life."

Haru looked at Sho's eyes, and they are full of passion and determination. Haru felt a little less worried now. Sho was a quiet man, but he was deep, kind, and determined. He clearly had goals in life.

"Okay, I should be packing some food after this then. I know it will come in handy," Haru said jokingly to change the serious mood.

"You should!" Sho responded energetically.

After dinner, Sho went up his bedroom and pack the things he will need for the "mission". Niya was also there. Every time he looked at his cat, he felt stronger and more determined. He understood that the cat also wanted to help.


It's time. Sho calmly went outside the cottage and bid goodbye to Haru. Of course, he was already carrying his pack with the food that Haru prepared. He was walking along the street with Niya. The cat was tied with a pet lanyard, which Sho was holding.

When they reached the mansion where the Borrowers lived, Sho stayed hidden. He unpacked his backpack and got a green stone. Niya was just watching beside him. The stone was not ordinary. It was glowing and looked really magical, with an abstract pattern printed on it. He placed the stone in his palm and closed his eyes. He thought about sad memories that would make him cry.

When tears started falling down his cheeks, he made sure the stone would get a drop of the tear. It was how you can activate the stone - it contains powers that humans never imagined before. Sho clearly remembered what Spiller told him about the stone.

"Take this stone of tears. Freyja gave it to me. It is a symbol of the sufferings of the Borrowers, and it is very precious to us. I am giving this to you, so you can use it on our mission later. The stone has the power and ability we need to complete our mission.

I will go to the mountains and find the place we will meet Freyja with later. Use the stone to contact me. Just drop a tear on the stone and say my name. This will activate it. But remember, your tears should come from a memory with deeper emotions. When you reach the mansion, contact me and I will tell you further instructions."

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