Chapter 11

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"Whooh! Why do I always have so many things to do in this house when I am the only one living here most of the time? Sho-san is always outside, too."

Haru couldn't help but say this when she finally finished her chores for that evening. She was walking in the lobby upstairs when an extremely bright light went out from the door gap of Sho's room. She was very startled by it.

Haru was shaking, and she couldn't even move a single step. After a moment of finding courage within her, Haru finally moved to check Sho's room.

She was afraid to touch the door knob and open the door. It took several swallows of her saliva before she opened it.

Haru slowly twisted the door knob open and was very alert. The room as very quiet and dark.

She touched the wall next to her to find the switch for the light, and when she found it, she waited for a few seconds to press it.

When the light was turned on, Haru immediately closed her eyes, afraid of what she would see. After a few seconds, she slowly opened them.

There was nothing unusual in the room; everything was organized and clean. Her fear slowly decreased, and her mind was full of questions about what the light she saw earlier was and where it came from.

She searched Sho's room and looked at the corners to check for anything unusual. There was none.

Haru couldn't understand what just happened, so she scratched her head as a sign of confusion and full of wonders.

Ting! Ting! Ting!

The antique clock suddenly rang. Haru then was startled, and she immediately looked at the clock. It was 9:00 pm.

After a few minutes of wondering what was happening, Haru decided to go back downstairs. She went directly to the kitchen, got a glass, pour some water in it, and drank the water quickly.

Her heart was still beating fast, and she couldn't believe what she saw and what happened. Her mind was still occupied by the light she saw coming out of Sho's room.


She was startled again, and this time, it was even intense. She waited in the kitchen and was hoping it was Sho who banged the front door.

Luckily, he was back, but he looked sad and worried. Sho was about to climb up the stairs when Haru called him.


Sho suddenly stopped and noticed he was already home. His mind was still occupied with what happened to Spiller.

He decided to go to the kitchen and talked to Haru. He wanted to drink water because he suddenly became thirsty.

He left his pack on one of the chairs around the dining table and went straight to get water. He then sat down on another chair and drank some water.

Haru was still standing facing him, and Niya was wandering around the kitchen. Sho noticed Haru's tension and asked her about it.

"Are you alright, Haru-san?"

Haru just looked at him with some nervousness. This made Sho frown a little bit.

"Do you mind telling me what's wrong?"

He couldn't avoid asking with sarcasm.

Haru hesitated at first but decided later on to tell Sho what she saw from his room. She released a deep sigh before saying anything.

"A while ago, I was upstairs doing some chores. I was walking in the lobby when I saw a light came out from the gap of your room door.

It was very bright that I thought it was magic. Like fantasy.

I was really afraid because I was alone, and I might get killed easily. I still want to live."

Haru couldn't help it, and she began to cry. Sho immediately went to her and hugged her for comfort.

He let Haru burst into tears, so she can express what she really felt. After a moment of crying, Haru slowly became calm and was wiping her tears.

"I'm sorry, Sho-san."

"No, don't be. I completely understand how you feel."

Sho went back to his chair and thought deeply. This time, Haru asked him.

"How about you? You seem sad and worried."

Sho released a deep sigh before answering.

"Spiller died."

"What?!" Haru couldn't believe what she heard.

Sho suddenly thought of something.

"Wait. Haru-san, what time did you see the light from my room?"

Haru suddenly thought before answering.

"I was not able to look at the time. I only noticed it was 9 pm when the clock alarmed."

Sho thought very deeply this time. Haru was just looking at him with curiosity.

After a few seconds, Sho said something.

"I'm not sure if this is right, but I think Spiller's death has a connection with the light you saw."

Haru immediately analyzed Sho's thought.

"Well, that is possible. When did that Borrower die?"

"Just tonight. An hour or so ago."

Both of them were now thinking of this theory because it is possible. They stared at each other for a few seconds while thinking.

"Haru-san, sleep in my room tonight. We will observe if the light shows up again."

Haru was surprised. That is the least thing she will do tonight. It creeps her out.

"You can sleep in my bed. I will sleep on the floor."

Haru's face was filled with fear, and Sho saw that.

"I know you are afraid, but I am not. I want to know if my theory is correct. Who knows, the light might appear in my room any time now. We still do not know what it is."

Sho has a point. Haru's fear slowly declined. At least, Sho will be near him in case anything happens again.

"Okay, Sho-san. I'll sleep in your room. Don't worry about me. I'll sleep on the floor because I like sleeping without a bed. I don't have one in my room anyway."

"Okay. Then, we'll sleep in my room. To be honest, I want it to appear again. I want to know what it is and why it is showing up."

This thought creeps Haru out again. But she thought it would be best to find out what the light is and its purpose. So, she would know if she should be afraid of it or not.

Sho was determined now. He wanted to see if his theory is right. If so, he has a feeling there is something big that's going to happen.

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