🍃 The Broken Promise 🌱

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After Kiyochi left with the 4 girls, Rockabiee and her just stood in silence. None of the 2 girls brought themselves to start a conversation so the tension was a bit awkward. Alyssa heard her phone ring; she dug threw her bag to get her phone. It was from Sketches.

Alyssa apologize for the inconvenience but Rockabiee said otherwise.
"Eh? It's from Sketches right? You should probably answer it." Rockabiee considered while pointing to Alyssa's ringing phone. Alyssa then nodded. Just understood—wouldn't want to leave her hanging right?

Alyssa walked out of the club room and answered the call.
"Hello?" Alyssa started.
"Hello Alyssa! How has it been? I hope they weren't to chaotic.."

Sketches laughed under her breathe. Alyssa chuckled. How was she going to talk about what Rockabiee and Kiyochi just did to 4 girls?!? Alyssa just shook her head—ready to say the events. Alyssa opened her mouth but was cut off by a small hand pushing the mute button.

Alyssa gasped and looked towards the hand. Her eyes then landed on Kiyochi smiling. Kiyochi held out a pointer finger and said,

"Shh, Don't tell Sketches! She'll do something bad..! Let's this be our little secret!!"

Alyssa then gave her a stare. Kiyochi shivered at the look and waved her hands in the air, "Of course!! You don't have to! It would help a lot though.." Kiyochi laughed.

Alyssa sighed and turned her body towards Kiyochi. Now they were standing face-to-face. Kiyochi had to look up at Alyssa, probably around 35 degrees. Alyssa looked down at her, playfully rolling her eyes.

Alyssa then questioned, "Why do you want to keep it a secret?? Just say the full story and Sketches would probably understand."
Kiyochi was about to say something, mouth a-gaped and everything. She then stopped herself from saying something and hit her tongue.

"She won't understand..she comes up with wild conclusions!" Kiyochi chirped
"Are we talking about the same Sketches-?" Alyssa said with a blank face. Alyssa thought she wasn't the type of person to come up with weird, wild conclusions. Kiyochi slapped her face.

"N-no..just...don't tell her..please..I don't want it to happen again...I'm sure you don't want to too. Everything will be messed up..please..don't..!" Kiyochi begged. The small pity little girl was playing with her somewhat-curly hair. There was a little drop of sweat, caressing her cheek. Alyssa noted that Kiyochi was trembling a bit.

Alyssa was about it fall into Kiyochi's trance until Sketches called out, "Alyssa? You there??"
Kiyochi and Alyssa turned their direction towards the phone.
Alyssa sighed and said while eyeing Kiyochi, "I'm doing great, though Kiyochi and Rockabiee...not so much. They beat up 4 girls, scissors and fist. They did it because the 4 girls were messing with me, laughing and everything."

Kiyochi's eyes widened. She didn't believe Alyssa did that while eyeing her. Kiyochi's hand curled up into fist, her teeth clenched with anger.

"Oh my...I'm so sorry you had to see that. I'll talk to them about it.." ,Sketches said over the phone, "I have to go now. My parents are calling me get off my phone."
Alyssa agreed and said bye. She placed her phone in her backpack, still looking at the small brunette.

Alyssa saw a tear roll down her cheek. Alyssa eyes widened to her surprise—Kiyochi had slapped her, hard.
Alyssa's head turned to her right because of the force from Kiyochi's hand. Alyssa hissed once she placed a hand over her cheek; Her cheek was heated and it stung like hell. She looked back at Kiyochi and saw her, crying.

"I-I...I said not too!! Why? Do you hate us this much..?Do y-you want to s-see us s-suffer..?" Kiyochi stuttered. She was trembling with tears falling down. Kiyochi looked at her hands; her hands were shaking—with the right hand lightly red.

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