Chapter 1

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Hi! My names is Allena, I'm not like most people around here. I guess you could say I'm different, I have this twin brother his name is Allen. If you think about it, I guess you could say our names are strange, because they are very similar, but that does not bother me. The thing is, when we were young our parents abandoned us. The only reason we can think why is because of how we look. My brother has this scar on his left arm that is dark red, the colour of blood. It scares many people so he covers it up. Me? Well I'm pretty scarred too, my right arm is scarred, but it differs a lot from Allen. My scar is almost like a tattoo, it's the colour of blood, but it spreads all over my right half of my body. The scar sort of takes form of vines, it spreads in different directions and it actually looks like vines from these flowers wrapping around me. I think the flower is called a Rose. My scar it scares me. I always cover them up, I have them wrapped in bandage. To be honest I'm always scared. Almost everyday I have panic attacks; I have to take all sorts of medication. Its meant to help me calm down, but I don't always take them. I'm afraid I will change or I might hurt Allen or Mana if I keep taking them. Why am I always scared? Its because I'm ill, mentally, I also have a weak immune system so I have to be careful about what I do. I have some kind of mental disorder. We don't talk about it much, I know Allen and Mana are secretly hiding the fact they are afraid. I once heard them talking about it, when they thought I was asleep. They are scared that I'm not happy with my life, they're afraid they'll loose me. I think they worry too much, but I love them with all my heart. My illness affects my life a lot. My emotions gets mixed up, I feel happy most of the time, but I panic a lot, I got aggressive at one point, I even almost committed suicide once. That scared Allen, he doesn't leave my side anymore, and he's very protective of me. I'm glad I have him as a brother, when I'm around him he makes me feel relaxed and happy. Anyway, that's enough background on me. Back to them main story!

Allena's POV - 5 years ago...

"I found you Allen!" I shout at the top of my voice. "I win again!" "What!? How can you be so good at this? Allen asks me. "That's a secret, brother", I giggle, hide and seek, my favourite game I like to play with Allen, because brother always hide in the same places, so I win all the time." "Allena, we better hurry back, Mana is waiting for us, we're gonna leave for the next town soon". "Hai!"

"Mana!" I jump into the welcoming arms of my foster father. "Allen, Allena, you two all pack and ready to go?" "Mmhm"

It's the same as always, me and brother sits in the carriage, I sleep against his shoulder. And Mana takes control of the carriage. Mana is a travelling entertainer, so we help out a lot Allen works as a clown sometimes and I sell tickets to shows. Things were going like any other day, but things had to go wrong today... I am woken up, by a violent shake of the carriage. "Ouch! What's going on? Allen? Allen!? What's happening!?" He doesn't reply, I look at him in the eyes, he looks dazed, but he still very much afraid. The carriage violent shake gets worse. I'm starting to feel claustrophobic. A panic attack of mine starts to take its turn. No, no, no! Not now, please not now! I'm scared I start screaming at the top of my lungs. "Mana! What's happening!? I'm scared!" Tears are now running down my face. I just managed to hear his voice over the noise of horses panicking, and the screeching of the wheels against the road. "Allen, Allena! Its gonna be ok, just h-hold on!" The next thing I know that's happening is that the carriage is turning on its side. I black out.

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