Chapter 4

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Allen's POV

I start running , heading towards the town cemetery. That's ny guess where Leo is taking John, the Earl is probably there as well. I hope I'm not to late, I won't forgive myself if John is killed by an Akuma. I can't let anymore people die, because I wasn't there for them.

Allena's POV

I stay in hiding behind one of grave stones, as Lord Millenium introduce himself to the boy John. Which one the Akumas lured him here by taking the form of his best friend. It's almost time, for me to show myself. I sense somebody is coming, it's probably the Exorcist that master was talking about.

Allen's POV

I'm just around the corner of the cemetery, I hear John shouting "Come on Leo, lets get out of here now!", the tone of his voice changes he sounds more woried now. "Leo? Come on what's the matter with you? We have to run away now or he'll kill us!"

"Haha, my friend. Leo has been dead for some time. He died on day of his mummy's funeral, it's so tragic. Now he's an Akuma that'll punish you, for messing up all my glorious plans."

"You're lying."

I make it in time, I walk through the gate. "I'm sorry John, but it's true", I activate my innocence, preparing for my next move.

"But Leo..."

"Don't fall for it, he's not your friend anymore, he's not even human. Now Leo is a weapon for the Millenium Earl".

Allena's POV

This must be the exorcist, a boy probably of my age. Huh? Something is not right, the exorcist, why do I feel like I've met him before? His voice it sounds so familiar, who is this boy? Have I met him before? No that's not possible, for my entire life I have lived in the care of my master. A wave of dizziness suddenly hits me, the next thing I know is my mind goes blank. I don't pick up on any of the words that is spoken from master, John or from the exorcist. What was I thinking about a few minutes ago? Now I only think about, waiting for masters orders.

Allen's POV

"Ah, and who might you be?" the Earl asks me.

"I am your enemy".

"Oh, your an exorcist. Well then it's a pleasure to meet you, the honour is mine".

Anger runs through my body and soul. The Earl is so cold hearted, turning people into Akuma and messing with peoples emotions. "My cross, destroy this Akuma! Bring salvation to his soul!".

I was just about to take down the Akuma using Leo's body, but John jumps in front of me. "Stop!"


"No your wrong Allen. It's all been a big mistake, Leo's my friends. We were gonna protect the town. We started the Akuma patrol, he's not a...Allen he just can't be one of them. You can't say things like that, without any proof!" he was cut of. As Leo transformed into his level 1 form, pointing one of his cannons at Johns head. "L-Leo, no...".

The Earl speaks up teasing him, "Hehe, careful now. Hahahaha!"

I manage to jump in front of John, protecting him from any of the bullets. But I neded up getting shot myself, I can already feel the poison spreading through my body.


I collapse on floor, clutching my right arm, where it was shot by the Akuma's bullet.

"How brave of you exorcist. You jumped I. front of the bullets to save the young boy. Quite surprising, however John you are turning out to be a great annoyance. Your passion for justice, you're such a weak little thing. With no idea of who I am. How truly evil am I? all I'm doing is creating Akuma for everyone who chooses. What do you think of my work? Do you find it ugly? This is sins result born from the human heart. If you thought they were weapons fashioned by myself, you're surely mistaken. They are produced by the blackness and torment of the human condition. This one is no acceptance, it is an Akuma from your friend Leo."


I get enough strength to speak up. "With the Earls power, Leo was able to bring his mothers soul back to this world. And she was turned into an Akuma. I'm able to see her. Leo's mother is suffering from this, and in terrible pain."

"You can see? What do you see you insect? Your supposed to be dead."

My left arm begins to glow. "I'm a human vessel for an Anti-Akuma weapon, I can purify myself. The glow completely surrounds me. There is quite a bit of pain at first, but it slowly fades away. I no longer feel the poison coursing through my veins.

"The poison is going away!?" John says, quite shocked by what's happening.

"That power is impressive exorcist".

"It's a curse" I tel him. "A long time ago, someone I loved became an Akuma because of me. And because of his curse I can see the souls suffering inside your weapons."

"Ah! I remember you now, I thought I recognised you. Yes indeed, I met you a long time ago. Your name is Allen Walker. Aren't you the little brat, that wanted to bring his dead daddy back to life?"

Just as the Earl was saying this, I saw Lenalee, Toma and Timcamy enter the cemetery. I heard

Lenalee ask herself "Did Allen turn his own father to an Akuma!?

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