Chapter 9

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Allena's POV

When will Allen wake up? Is he going to be ok? I repeatedly kept asking me this question. I'm sitting next to Allen's bed at the hospital, Allen and Lenalee finished their mission. They even found a new exorcist, but they both got seriously injured and haven't woke up.

Kanda was busy with something so he couldn't come with me; Komui brought me along with him to the hospital. He called these two other exorcists to join forces, and apparently one of them is going to help get my sight back. That's great I guess, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for this.

I'm bored of waiting, so I decided to get up from my spot and find my way outside the room. I've been in this room long enough to find my around and how to get outside even though I'm blind. I lean against the door and start asking myself the same questions again.

A shout is suddenly yelled right in front of me, by a male probably the same age as Kanda 18. "Strike!"

Lavi's POV

"Strike!" I call out as soon as I see the sight of a beauty in front of me. "Wow! You're definitely my type. Long hair, a cute face and huge glistening eyes, a bit on the short side, but damn you're even wearing a short dress. Fate must of brought us together! You're a cutie." I smile at her. Even though her hair is grey/white she look quite young, must be about 16.

The young girl goes red, and stutters in her speak. "Uh, I-I-I don't know y-you...I m-must go, d-don't come n-near m-me...Ah!" She takes a step back, but ends up tripping over her own feet falling backwards.

I catch her before she hits the ground, wrapping my arms around her back and waist holding her close to me. "Hey! Careful, you could hurt yourself. By the way, the names Lavi."

"N-No!" she pushes me away from her.

"Hey, there's no need to...Oof!" I couldn't finish what I was saying, because the old fart Bookman kicked me in the head. I landed with loud crash into the wall. "Ouch, you old fart, there's no need to kick me!"

"Lavi! If you are to become the next Bookman you must grow up and act your age." He turned to face the young girl, who pressed herself against the wall shaking in fear. "I'm terribly sorry if Lavi has done anything to offend you. You must be Allena? I don't have a typical name, but you may call me Bookman."

"H-How do you know m-me?"

"Me and Lavi are also exorcists for the Black Order, Komui contacted me earlier. I came here to treat Lenalee and Allen, and I also came to treat you so you can get your sight back."

Allena's POV 30 minutes later...

"Well Allena, your eyes should be able to heal. And you would be able to get your sight back in about a week or 2" Bookman informs me. I just had this treatment called acupuncture. It was a type of treatment with needles, at first I didn't co-operate with it. So they ended up bringing in Komui to hold me down as well as Lavi.

I still feel uneasy around the two exorcists. So I didn't say much to them. I leave the room once Bookman finish wrapping a bandage around my head over my eyes. He orders Lavi to stay with me, great now I'm stuck with the loud, perverted boy. Lavi has to hold my hand, so I don't walk into anything. I flinch at first thinking that he is going to hurt me, but I relax after a few seconds.

"Shall we walk outside for a bit?" He asks, I nod in reply.

Lavi's POV

So the girl is Allena then, I was told what has happened to her. Kanda also told me a bit of info on her, he referred her to as being a Pixie. And she doesn't talk to many people, she tends to keep to herself most of time. Kanda would probably kill me right now, if he found out that I hit on the girl. By the sound of it, he's very protective of her.

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