Chapter 2

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Allen's POV

Allena? Mana? What happened?

I remember now, the memories are flooding back to me. We were in the carriage, and it went out of control. I can remember Allena was screaming and crying, I was meant to comfort her. I was meant to hug her, and her tell her it's going to be alright. I wasn't meant to let her suffer from her illness like that. But I couldn't, I froze I didn't know what to do. Mana never lost control of the horses before, I wandered what happened afterwards?

"Allen! Allen! Please wake up, you can't leave me. You promised you were going to stay by my side forever!" I hear sobbing, tears from a young girl. Allena.

I wanted to say something, I wanted to tell her that I can hear and I would never leave you alone. My body hurts all over, I try to move, I'm coming back to the real world now. I open my eyes, and I see Allena crying. There is blood dripping down the side of her head, her lip is busted and she is clutching her right arm in pain.


Allena's POV


"Allen!" Brother's eyes flutter open, he looks me in the eye with concern. I help him up, I manage to pull the both of us from the carriage.

"W-Wait...Where's Mana?" He asks me, he's slowly is gaining his balance. I watch him, he his limping, there is a deep gash in his right leg. I try not look at it, it makes me feel sick.

*groan* Me and Allen turn around at the same time.

"Mana!" We shout together.

Allen's POV

I crouch down next to Mana, "Mana, come on, wake up Mana. Mana!"

"Allen listen to me, no matter what never stop".

"Don't talk like that, please get up".

"Never stop, always keep walking".

I start crying, "We need you, don't leave us alone!"

"Uh...Always keep walking Allen, protect your sister, until the day you die. I love you two..."

Allena was sitting beside me crying to herself. Mana shifted slightly, he reached into his coat and placed his hand on the floor. He lifts his hand, revealing two identicle lockers with floral pattern on it. One of them was open, it was a picture of all of us together. The photo was taken recently, Mana told us he wanted a picture of all of us together. He wouldn't tell us the reason why, he said it was going to be a surprise. I guess they we're meant to be our birthday presents.

"We will always be together no matter what happens" his voice was barely a whisper now. "Never stop, keep walking". He stoped moving, and I hear his breathing fade away.

Allena's crying become louder, still refusing to say something. She now hugs one of the lockets to herself, she was trying comfort herself. But the tears just keep coming.

"No Mana, wake up" I shake him but he doesn't move. "Please don't leave me, don't die and leave me, MANA!".

He's dead, Mana is actually gone. What do we do now? I slowly limp over where Allena was sitting and crying to herself. I pick up the other locket on the floor, and place it in my pocket. I get down to my knees and hug Allena. She hesitated, but soon gave in and returned the hug. We sit like this for a while, I'm not sure how long, an hour? Maybe two? We just sit here hugging, I let Allena cry into my shoulder.

Not long after, the police found us and we were taken to the hospital.

A few days later...

Allena's POV

Me and brother are sitting at Mana's grave. It's been several days since that incident, I haven't spoken or muttered a single word to anyone, not even to brother. We slowly recovered from our wounds, but mine still hasn't healed fully. My right arm still hurts, at night I'm in so much pain.

Several nurses and doctors have to keep me down in my bed, to stop me from doing something dangerous or reopen my wounds. Allen no longer limps anymore, he has got stitches and he seems to have recovered fully. My arm is wrapped in new bandages, there were also bandages wrapped around my head. My head doesn't hurt as much as my arm.

The nurses gave me a bouquet of roses, they said I could have them, they were very kind to me. Even though I was being cold to them. I brought them with me, I place them next to Mana's grave. I cry softly, Allen puts his hand on my shoulder comforting me.

Allen's POV

I wish Allena would say something, she stays quiet. The doctors says its probably shock or she hasn't gotten over the trauma. But I would like her to say something, she shouldn't keep all her emotions to herself.

A large shadow falls over us, and a voice asks us...

"Good evening, young children. You look sad, would you like me to bring your daddy back to life?"...

End of Flashback...

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