Chapter 7

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Allen's POV

It's been two days, since me and Lenalee brought Allena back to the order, but she has not yet woken. The nurse says she just resting, but I still can not help but worry. I pull out my locket and stare at the picture inside, the chain is broken so I can't wear it around my neck. I look at the picture of us and Mana together, I miss those days I hope things will go back to normal for me and Allena. Even though we haven't seen each other for 5 years.

Allena lies in a hospital bed; I didn't realize the order had a hospital area as well. I place myself in an empty chair next to the bed. There is a vase full of red roses, I brought them in yesterday. I thought Allena would like them as they are here favourite flowers, and the room needed brightening up. I start speaking to her, even though she's sleeping, I feel like I need to speak to her.

"Hey Allena. The nurse says you'll be awake soon, isn't that great? You'll be ale to meet my new friends that I made here. You might be scared at first, but they are really friendly. Well most of them anyway, you need to be careful around Kanda, he's doesn't like me or anyone else as far as I know. Oh yea, on the day we brought you back, Lenalee and the others made a welcome home party. It was amazing I even got my own coffee mug, it would have been better if you were there."

People would probably think I'm crazy, if they see me talking to someone who is asleep. I look at her, from head to toe. She has changed so much in the past 5 years. Her red scars has changed, they are no longer scars but black tattoos. Her hair is even longer now it reaches 1/3 way down her thighs. But what makes me angry is the fact that the Earl messed with her mind. I wonder what he did to her, why did she attack me. I hope Allena will tell us some information she knows when she wakes up.

I hear my stomach growl at me. I chuckle to myself; well I guess I better get some food before I go to bed. I kiss Allena on her head and say good night before I leave.

Allena's POV the next day...

I stir where I lay; there is a numb pain all over my right side. What happened? Ah I remember, I was with Allen again. I remembered my past that I shared with Allen and Mana, and I remember attacking Allen under masters...wait no he isn't my master, the Earl he forced me to attack Allen. He did something to me as well over the last years, which resulted in me losing sight in my right eye and made it very poor in my left eye.

I wake up, but to find myself surrounded in complete darkness. Is the light turned off? No it can't be, because I can feel the heat of a candle lit beside me... It hits me like a slap, my sight it's gone! Could it be? That the poison that's been infecting my system for 5 years finally claimed left eye as its full victim? Wait what poison, something it's a start I remembered something very important that was forgotten. What made me lose my sight was a type of poison.

I can't lose my sight though! I didn't get to see Allen's face though! When we were together again the hood covered my eyes and my vision was blurred so I couldn't see him. Aaaaaahhh! Iscream, the same feeling of my head feeling like it's going to split has returned. I'm feeling like I did in the past. Where's Allen? I'm scared! Allen, I want Allen to be next to me. I want him to stay by me saying it's going to be alright.

"Allena!" I hear a boy's voice call out, its Allen's voice. He runs up next to me, hugging me. He runs his hand through my long hair, whispering in my ear telling me to calm down. And that he's here now, and I'm safe. "It's ok now Allena, you're safe again. I'm so very sorry Allena. For the past 5 years I thought you were dead, but you weren't, you were alone and unprotected for 5 years. I broke my promise, and I'm so sorry. I love you Allena, and I promise you this time, I will never leave you like that again."

I cry to his shoulder even more, gripping him harder I didn't want him to leave me again, he sit like this for 10 minutes until I finally calm down. I hear the door opening again and several people walk in. "Allen, is everything ok?" a girls voice, sounds like Lenalee.

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