Chapter 3

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Black. My life revolves the colour black. My past? Nothing I don't remember the past. I only remember why I am alive; I live to serve my masters and to destroy what threatens them. My masters have many servants and protectors. But they say I'm the best, they say that's because I am the ultimate weapon. A weapon, who's body, contains the light and darkness. The weapon that will bring victory to the ...victory to the...I can't remember who exactly but it's a very large and powerful family. And I will destroy their enemy; I will end what they call 'Exorcists'. I don't know who these exorcists are, but they are my masters' greatest enemy.

Where am I now? That's top secret, even I don't know the location. But what I know is that me and my masters are in our home, our top secret home.

Recently things have been strange for me. I've had these strange dreams. I can't exactly define what happens, detail to detail. But what I can remember from my dreams. Is that I hear these voices, two different people. A girl and boy, they seem to be siblings, by the sound of it they got to be quite young. The Starnes thing is, in the dream I am the girl and I speak to the boy. In my dreams they speak about all sorts of things. From flowers like Roses which the girl loves so much, or they might speak of this man called Mana.

I dare not, to tell my masters about these dreams or I will be scolded. One of the rules is that I can only speak when given permission by my masters or if I am spoken to. I should not let these dreams interfere with my duty, but it these feel like they are more than just dreams.

I sit in on cold stone floor of my room, my ankles and wrists are bound in chains. They are heavy, so it makes it difficult move in them. Why my masters bound me in these chains? I don't remember I must of did something bad, I'm forgetting a lot of things recently. I wonder why. I hear my door open, and footsteps enter.

"It's time for you to go, it's finally time for your first mission" a young girl's voice tells me. Ah it's the one of my masters; she likes to play dress up a lot. She sometimes uses me as one of her dolls, to dress up. "You better be ready for this, you can't mess this one up. You understand that right?"

"Yes Miss Road, I will not fail you" I reply.

"hehe good, let's get going Lord Millennium wants to speak to you". She starts pulling me behind her, running to take me to my master. I trip a couple times but I manage to stay on my feet. "We're coming in! There, I'll see you after that mission". She starts to walk away from me.

I open the door in front of me, I walk in. About 5 steps in, I speak. "You called for me Lord Millennium; I believe you have a mission for me?"

"Yes, you will be coming with me on this mission. I've just got word that an exorcist has appeared in sight of a small town and there happens to be a boy named John a son of a scientist from The Black Order. He knows too much about Akuma, he needs to be get ridded of as soon as possible".

He walks in front of me, and takes the chains off, from my ankles and wrists. And he gives me my coat that reaches down to my knees covering my dress. I don't bother buttoning it up, I just pull the hood up that covers my eyes. My eyes, they are covered all the time. The reason why? It remains a secret.

"Now it's time for you to show The Black Order what you're made of...Allena".

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