Chapter 11: The Leaf of Revival

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[Allena's POV]

I was holding Kanda's hand as we walked through the halls of the Black Order. I still couldn't bring myself from separating from him. It made me feel so weak...

A loud voice boomed behind us. "Yu!"

"Don't call me that!" I turned around and saw that the loud voice was coming from Lavi, the perverted boy. I jumped when he stopped in front of us.

"Aw, don't be so sour Yu. Oh hey Pixie!"

"P-Pervert!?" I hid behind Kanda, standing on my toes as looked above Kanda's shoulder.

Kanda looked at me confused. "Pervert?" He looked back at Lavi, and then anger was written all over his face. "What did you do to her!?" Kanda gripped his innocence, Mugen.

Lavi held his hands in front of him defensively, attempting to look innocent. "I-I didn't do anything wrong!" I could see the sweat trickle down his face. He's a terrible liar and of course Kanda knows what kind of person Lavi is. "Ok, ok! I said some stuff, but it wasn't bad or anything. I swear!"

"Like what?" You can tell Kanda didn't believe him one bit by the way he was clenching his teeth in frustration.

"Oh. Well, you see... I only said she was cute and stuff. My type of girl and she was wearing a short dress. Oh and she fell, so I caught her. I had my arm around her waist o prevent her from falling, but I think she took it personally." He rushed his excuse all in one breath begging for his life to be spared. "I didn't try to k-kiss her!"

Kanda growled at him and unsheathed Mugen and brought it over Lavi's head. He ran off before Kanda could even get his hands on him.

"That bastard, he's lucky this time." Kanda grumbled to himself. "Come on. Komui wants to talk to us." He grabbed my hand and pulled me through the corridors once again.

[Lavi's POV]

I watched in astonishment, when Allen ate every single thing he ordered. Bloody hell! It was like a fucking buffet! "That was fantastic!" Allen exclaimed patting his now full stomach in pure joy.

"Woah. You have quite the appetite." I'm still in disbelief at what I had seen Allen ate.

"Parasite exorcists need fuel, because they tend to spend a lot of energy." Bookman informed me. Of course, how could I forget?

"Yea, they sure do." I agreed.

That made me think about Pixie. I mean Allena she's a parasite type too, but I've never seen her eat as much as Allen. Hell to that! I've never seen her eat anything at all, since my arrival!

[Allena's POV]

I saw brother enter Komui's office. He bowed his head and apologised. He looked like he had seen a ghost, when he saw Kanda standing at the desk. His expression went even paler when he saw me. I didn't do anything wrong... Right? I was only hugging Kanda, my arms was wrapped around his waist. I still didn't trust being around Komui, so I'm not going to go anywhere near him.

As time went by, Komui asked brother a series of questions... I didn't pay any attention to what Komui was saying, but I managed to hear "Well you'll be perfect for the next assignment." I heard Kanda groan slightly. I've noticed how he and brother really don't get along well.

Komui continued. "We've learned of a village that's experiencing abnormal weather conditions. It's snowing one minute, while the next brings blazing hot winds."

"That's strange. What's the cause?" Allen asked.

"We believe innocence is the likely source. You and Kanda are to retrieve it as a team of course."

"Yes sir, understood." Wow, brother sounds so professional.

Komui laughed nervously. "And... I'll be sending Allena along with you two as well."

"What!?" Kanda and Allen yelled in unison.

"Do you think it's alright for Allena to suddenly go on a mission!? I mean she just got her sight back not long ago! She isn't used to seeing her surroundings, what do you think will happen when she comes across an Akuma or worse?" Allen asked frantically.

"As much as I hate the kid, I agree. It'll be too dangerous for Pixie." Kanda added.

"Allena needs to get use to it soon. She can't stay here all the time. How do you expect her to get used to the dangers of the world, which includes everyday human life as well as the life of an exorcist if you're gonna shelter her?"

"No! I disagree; I'm not going to risk Allena..." I cut Allen off.

"I-I can do it."

Allen walked up to me, he held my hands in his. "Allena you don't have to go if you're feeling forced to."

"N-No... I can do it. I-I need to try, right?" Allen looked at me in worry. "I-I promise I won't get in the way."

Allen gave in. "Are you sure?" I nodded my head. "F-Fine. You can come."

"Great... Looking forward to it." Kanda said sarcastically.

[Later on the boat...]

Kanda held his hand out to me, I took it and he helped me onto the boat. I sat myself next to Kanda; I could feel the tension in the air when Allen began to get onto the boat. I froze when I saw Lavi and Bookman arrive too. Apparently they'll be joining us. No! Why must I be with the pervert on a mission!? No, no, I must not worry I'm with Kanda, he'll protect me. Allen too, he'll protect me as well.

I wonder if my first mission will go smoothly...

[Later on the train...]

I sat at a seat all by myself, staring out the window. Kanda was sleeping on another seat. While Lavi was torturing brother with his perverted stories, about these 'sexy' Chinese women he met. To be honest, I should have actually slept like Kanda, because listening to Lavi's stories are greatly disgusting and boring.

He's such a filthy pervert. Eventually brother gave up and fell asleep. Lavi took the chance and drew all over his face in a black marker. I tried to keep to myself and tried not to pay attention. I do not want to get myself involved.

Not long later Lavi moved next to Kanda. I saw him fiddling with Kanda's hair. I really like Kanda's hair. I mean it's so dark; it looks like the night sky. It's so pretty, much prettier than mine. My hair is just white, it makes me look old. I sometimes hear people back at the Black Order, whispering. They would always whisper around me. Questioning themselves about my hair like they did with Allen, and they always questioned themselves about the bandages all over my limbs. They did not know about my condition, brother says it's for the best that it remains as secret.

Lavi stood next to Kanda now, plaiting his hair. I have a bad feeling that this isn't going to end well. "L-Lavi, I don't think you should do that." I whispered trying to warn him.

"Huh? Don't worry pixie its fine." Lavi replied over cheerfully. Lavi tugged slightly at Kanda's hair, Kanda woke up. Kanda growled at Lavi, I noticed a vein had popped on his head. Lavi you idiot. "Oh, you awake? That Allen fell asleep too, ha! Yeah and something seems to have happened to his face, so maybe you should take a look at it..." Kanda got up and unsheathed Mugen aiming it at Lavi. "H-Hey! You don't have to get so worked up Yu!" Lavi complains.

After hours of horrible mental torture, we finally arrived at our destination.

Brother was well, not happy when he finally discovered that he had drawings all over his face and Lavi just acted innocently around him! How could he!?

A finder named Michael greeted us at the train station. He seemed to be a nice person. I think I can trust him.

The weather was terrible, there was so much snow and wind. I even fell over as soon as I stepped out of the train.

I just hope that the rest of this mission doesn't have such horrible weather...

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