Chapter 10

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Allena's POV

"Kanda!" I wrap my arms around him and he ruffles his hand in my hair. I giggle as I try to swat his hand away.

"Hey Yu! Wow, I've never seen you get close to anyone before!" I feel a cold aura around us, the perverted boy has pissed Kanda off.

"Don't call me that!" A strange noise is heard and I feel Kanda runs towards the perverted boy. I'm guessing from what I've heard, Kanda has decided to kill or almost kill Lavi.

A little later...

Great now I'm nervous, apparently today is the day my bandages are removed. So I should be getting my sight back. I'm happy about this, but I'm also nervous and scared. What if my sight hasn't returned? What if I'm permanently damaged?

I'm sitting once again in the hospital room with everyone standing around me. "Can you all leave? I want Allen to be the first person I see." I ask nervously.

"Sure you can. Come on everyone, out we go!" Komui says. I hear rustling of feet moving away and the door closes.

I start to play with the material of the dress. "It's gonna be ok, Allena." I nod and he starts to unwrap the bandages around my eyes. The soft material is removed, but I keep my eyes closed, I'm afraid to open them. "Allena open your eyes. I'm sure it will be fine. Just believe in yourself." I nod again. I take several deep breaths and open my eyes.

"A-Allen?" A boy stands in front of me. He had short silver/white hair, grey eyes and a strange scar over his left eye. He smiles at me, I reach my arm out to him and touch his face with my hand. Tracing my hand over his scar and through his hair. "Is it really you Allen?"

He nods "Yes. You can see me?"

"5 years. 5 years and I finally get to see your face, the face that I had forgotten. I'm s-so glad I got to see it again..." I felt tears well up in my eyes, I quickly went up and hugged him. Allen returned the hug and he smiled brightly at me. A noise of laughter and cheer broke out from somewhere, I jumped away from Allen and let out a scream of surprise.

I look around and to find a group of people standing in the door way. All of them had huge smiles on and kept clapping. I stepped away, who are these people? Suddenly a boy in his late teens came running up to me.

"Wow! I knew you were cute and stuff. But now I get to see your eyes properly, you sure are a beauty." I stumbled backwards.

"I-I uh..." I kept stuttering over my words. I wasn't sure how to react. It's been 5 years since I've been able to see properly, and I had no idea what I was meant to act towards people. When I was blind I had to rely on my hearing and touch, I only knew the emotions and surroundings that people were in. But how was I meant to interact with people around me? No idea.

"Lavi stop it, you're scaring her." A girl says. Lenalee? She had long green hair tied in two ponytails and purple eyes. At least I think it's that colour, after 5 years I have forgotten what many things look like and what kind of colours looked like.

All this talking it's too much for me to take as well as all these objects, people and everything that was in my sight. Everything it was making my head hurt. I held my head in my hands and squeezed my eyes shut. "Allena!? What's the matter." Allen asks, standing beside me.

"I-It hurts. My head, what's happening? Make it stop!" I moan in pain, I felt my legs get weak and I fell backwards in Allen's arms.

Allen's POV

"Allena!" I shout her name as soon as I catch her from when she fell into my arms. I gasp when I saw her vine-like tattoos started to glow red like last time. She screamed in pain as the tattoos did something so unexpected . It began to extend, more of the vines appeared on her skin. I was scared I thought was going to turn and start attacking us. But not long after the glow faded away and she fell into the depths of unconsciousness.

Things were awkward for a while, I lifted her up and put her on the bed. I had a look at the vines, more had appeared on her right arm covering her hand. Some started to appear on her left hand crawling all the way over her wrist.

Bookman came forward to take a closer look at her. "I've never anything like this before. This is certainly interesting. This is a sudden change, it could mean something unexpected will happen in the near future."

Lenalee looked deeply worried, but Komui led her away and left us. Lavi looked well shocked. I think he's been put off by what he has just witnessed. I guess he won't be going STRIKE any time soon towards her.

"Lavi go find Kanda and tell him what happened. Get him to take Allena back to their room and watch her carefully in case of any changes."

"Yes panda...I mean sir!" I watch Lavi dash out the door. I turn back to Allena, I hope things will start to get better.

Allena's POV – A few hours later...

I wake up to find myself in an unknown location. I was on a simple bed, but trapped in a room of brick wall and every few things inside. A desk with a strange object sitting on top and few drawers and stuff. I sit up and notice a man sitting in a chair next to the bed. He looked suprised to see me awake. I press my back against the wall. Hoping he wouldn't hurt me.

"W-Who are y-you? Leave me alone. I don't want to d-die..." I don't know why I saying that, but I couldn't stop. Fear was in me and I had no idea what to do. I began to shake uncontrollably and hug my knees to my chest.

"Allena" the man whispered and pulle some into a hug. He began to stroke my hair and whisper into my ear. The things he was doing, they were so familiar like I had someone do this before. Then it hit me, this must be Kanda.

"K-Kanda?" He nods, and brushes my fringe out of my eyes. I feel my face go red and Kanda laughs.

"You might be a pixie, but you cause a hell a lot of trouble. You gave me quite a scare earlier." I giggle at his first comment.

"Do you think I'm evil?" I ask, getting a bit teary.

"What makes you think this?" Kanda asks shocked.

"Because I have this darkness in me. I'm not even human, I have Akuma blood in me. How can I be human? Does that make me a monster? And I'm scared Kanda. I'm afraid to turn and I'm afraid that I might hurt you or brother..." I feel the tears down my face.

"You are not a monster. You are a human, remember that Pixie. Just get some sleep, you'll feel better by tomorrow." I sigh and gave up. I did as I was told and closed my eyes hoping the next day would be better...

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