Chapter 8

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Anime/Manga » D.Gray-Man » Twins Reunion

Author: XGazeRockX

Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Reviews: 16 - Published: 01-13-13 - Updated: 04-09-13 id:8904496

Kanda's POV

I woke up still to find Allena clinging onto me. I shake her and she wakes up moaning in disappointment and annoyance. "Morning Pixie. Oh dear, you sound so sad now. Did you wanted to stay in bed, with me?" I ask smirking, teasing her. Reminding her that she slept in the same bed as me.

I watch her stutter and turn bright red. "N-no no, that's not it. S-s-sorry...ah!" she tried to climb over me and off the bed, but she ends up tripping over. "Aaaaaah, so embarasing..." she mutters to herself, I chuckle to muself. I watch her move her hands around the floor trying to find her boots.

"They're in front of you" pointing them out.

"Ah, er right, thank you. I must be half asleep..." she picks up her boots and puts them on. She's hiding something she looks really nervous. I quickly get change while she laces her boots.

Allena's POV

Oh my god! I can't believe I slept in th same bed as Kanda! I was quite surprised when he apologised to me yesterday. Kanda is really a nice guy, underneath all those harsh words. But seriously! I can't believe I just embarased myself in front of him.

I bet he noticed me trying to look for my boots in such a strange way. Should I tell him? Should I tell him that I'm blind? I won't be able to keep it a secret much longer.

Kanda's POV

"Pixie? You ok?" she doesn't reply she just sits on the floor looking down fidling with her dress. "You know you don't need to be afraid, no one is going to hurt you." Still nothing comes from her. "If you aren't going to answer you could at least look at me, when I'm talking to you".

"I-I can't" she whispers, just loud enough for me to hear.

"Huh? What do you mean, you can't?"

"I a-actually mean I can't look at you. I can't look at anything..." strange or what? I was about to ask the same question, but she said something that truely shocked me. "I can't look at y-you, because I-I'm blind, I can't see." Her voice cracks, and she starts crying.

Allen's POV

Great, when I get my hands on Kanda I'm gonna kill him. I just got word from Toma telling me go to Komui's office. Something happened to Allena, and she's in Komui's office and aparently it's serious. If Kanda hurt Allena I won't forgive him.

I run into the office. I see Komui sitting at his desk looking concerned, and I see Allena hugging Kanda crying into his chest. Woah I've never seen Kanda letting anyone get so close to him before. "Allena! What happened, are you ok!?"

"Brother! Im sorry, I'm so sorry don't hate me. Don't hate me please!" she starts crying even louder. Kanda shifts and starts whispering in her ear. She calms down a bit, but still cries.

"Wait what do you mea..."

"Allen, I think it's better if you let me explain" Komui tells me. "To be honest I've never seen anything like this before. Earlier this morning, Kanda brought Allena straight to me after she admitted she was blind. So I ended up taking several examinations on her. And well..." Komui looks at me, with an worried expression. "Things didn't turn out so well. It seems Allena has some serious nerve damage to both of her eyes, which she no longer can see anything."

"Allena, why didn't you tell me anything?"

"I was scared brother; I thought if I told you anything you would hate me and leave me all alone!"

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