Very important announcement- Chapter 15 and 16

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Chapter 15 - 16
Cracks and Brittle.

Very important a/n at the end.


They had arrived in Virgil's room.

Immediately, Virgil pushed Roman away, stumbling back and collapsing on his bed.

  "You promised," he said quietly, his voice shaking

"Virgil, I was just-"

"You promised." Virgil repeated louder even as his voice cracked, "You fucking promised. I told you I- I didn't want anyone getting hurt."

"I know, I- I-... I just wanted to protect you." Roman said

Virgil curled up, "You didn't." 

The air was tense between the demon and human. Roman felt almost as if he were suffocating, an unexplainable tightness around his chest and throat. He hated the feeling. He reached to his throat as if trying to soothe it to no avail.

Roman could do nothing but stand in front of Virgil's bed, a swirl of emotion in his eyes. It switched too fast for anyone to even know what they were, the demon himself barely even knew. All he knew was that he had failed his end of the contract.

It may have been only a few seconds but it felt like minutes.

"I..." Virgil started, curling up even more, "I don't feel safe. Not anymore."


What was this? 

It was almost as if Roman had been pulled into the ground, he was falling and falling and plummeting into sharp spikes that impaled his entire body. His head felt like it was being pulled apart, a dizzying pressure that pounded and tightened around it. His chest felt so tight that at any moment it could snap and Roman could have believed it would.

Roman had never known such pain.

He had walked through all of the underworld's blazing fires with no burns. He had all of his body severed and reattached with no wounds. He had drunk countless poisons of both mortal creation and otherworldly with no effects. He had watched as previous contracts had died and withered out with no remorse. 

And yet, none has ever compared to the inexplicable pain that had come from a mere few words.

What was this human doing to him?

Roman stumbled back, his previously warm skin now pale and dull.

 "You do- don't?" He questioned. He almost gasped for air, "I.. I don't understand."

"You can hurt me." Virgil said, "You can crush my bones like they did, maybe even more." His voice was right almost as if he was trying not to cry. "Yo-... you broke a promise. That means you can breach a few things."

"I won't. I didn't mean t-"

"That doesn't change anything." Virgil snapped, curling further into himself. 

 He looked so helpless, his arms covering his face with his knees pinned to his chest. He looked like a scared child.

What Roman would do to ease that fear

He didn’t know what to do anymore, he so desperately wanted to bring him into his arms and whisper all the comfort and reassurances he could but… Virgil wouldn’t even look at him.

He didn’t know what to do.

“Wh- what can I do? I- I don’t know.” Roman admitted.


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