Chapter 6- Flushed

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Another filler! But!! At least there's a bit of an improvement in their confusing relationship..?

Gah, at this point, I'm dragging the story too long.

Tw: mention of past abuse and injuries, roman finally learning to fucking ask, smooches, fluff, crying.

They went upstairs with bags in their hands filled with wallpaper, bed sheets, blankets, comforters, pillowcases, and curtains and began decorating their rooms. Virgil chose the one closest to the left and roman's right next to it, claiming that he'd rather be closer to Virgil just in case anything happens to him. Roman said that he'd decorated his room first, which Virgil had no complaints about, it was only 10 minutes later that Roman had declared his room done, which surprised Virgil but he shrugged it off and went to decorate his room.

Since Virgil still had a lot of injuries, Roman insisted that Virgil should leave all of the straining work to him while Virgil put away his stuff, clothes, art supplies, school stuff, etc. Virgil gave roman the things he picked out for himself and set roman to work. After a few hours of slight bickering, a lunch break, and readjustments they finished Virgil's room. It had light purple wallpaper that had black trimming, plaid purple bed sheets, and black comforter and blankets. There were a few posters plastered on the wall, some were what you would call "emo bands" and some were Tim Burtin, and some nice lilac-colored curtains and a few fairy lights strung up above that bed.

"Alright, that's it.." Virgil sighed as he sat down on his bed, looking over his new room. Roman smiled and sat next to him, "It's nice, isn't it?" Roman said, looking over the room as well, it fit Virgil so well. He smiled, thanking himself that he got the correct things.

Virgil sighed again, slowly laying down as he stared at the creme-colored ceiling, "yeah...yeah, it is..." Virgil could feel a smile creep on to his face. finally, he had a room he could feel safe in, a room he could decorate, a room he can do shit without hiding, a room he could call his own. Not the room he stays in. His room. Fucking finally.

"Virgil? Are you alright?" Roman asked as he brought his hand to wipe off the tears that rolled down Virgil's cheeks. When did he start crying?

Virgil sniffed as he sat up and started vigorously rubbing his eyes, "s-sorry..." He apologized, "I guess that I'm just a bit emotional." He said a small smile now residing on his face. Roman smiled as well, letting his hand drift down to Virgil's neck, "that's alright, dear heart..." he mumbled.

They were silent so a while, Roman examining his adorable human's features while said human smiled as he got lost in thought- not even minding that Roman was now cupping his cheeks, in fact, he even leaned into Roman's touch. Roman smiled brighter, just how much adorableness can this human fit in his tiny body?

Roman brought one hand down to Virgil's neck again while the other one stayed on his cheek, he was about to lean in but stopped Midway...even though he has Virgil's body, shouldn't he ask?

I mean, he has been giving Virgil affection and small kisses around his face but, maybe his human didn't like that? Roman leaned back slightly, thinking it over but ultimately decided to ask. Hey, he may be a demon but that doesn't mean he doesn't have decency.

"Virgil?" He asked, subtly rubbing Virgil's cheek. Virgil seemed to snap out of his thoughts and focused on the demon in front of him, "Yes, Roman?" Virgil asked with his eyebrow slightly raised but still had a subtle smile on his face.

"May I kiss you?"

Virgil blinked as he processed the words, the demon wants to kiss him? Wait, hold up- the demon wants to kiss him? Wait, why's he asking? Doesn't he have rights to his body? Couldn't he kiss him just like before? Virgil's mind was riddled with questions as he felt his face flare up like a flame.

"I- uh.." Virgil stuttered, only now noticing that Roman was holding his neck and cheek gently, "Don't you have body?" Virgil asked, " I mean- you don't really have to ask if you have my- uh.. body.." Virgil muttered as he stared into the Demon's dark red eyes, his mind was racing. Fuck his extreme gayness.

Roman just giggled softly, "still, I need to know if you want me to do this, kitten," Roman said, "even if I can use your body as I please." Roman added on, patiently smiling as he watched Virgil bite his lip as he averted his gaze somewhere.

After a solid 5 seconds, Virgil sighed and looked up at the demon with his face still flushed a dark red, "a-alright..." Virgil mumbled as he placed his hands on the Demon's chest. Roman felt a sudden rush of affection as leaned in closer to Virgil, just centimeters away from Virgil's slightly chapped lips

"Are you sure?" Roman checked, Virgil nodded and began fidgeting with Roman's shirt. Roman chuckled, "if you say so, dear."

Roman leaned forward and closed the gap between them, giving Virgil a soft and gentle kiss. Virgil's eyes fluttered closed as he melted into Roman's soft lips, his hands slowly moving to rest on Roman's shoulders. Virgil practically melted as soon as their lips made contact, making Roman smile and deepen their kiss, tilting his head slightly, causing Virgil to deepen the kiss further. They kissed until they had to break apart for air. Virgil was beet red as he panted softly while Roman was smiling widely, Roman had to admit, kissing Virgil was amazing.

"So- uh..that was nice..." Virgil mumbled, pulling his legs up to his bed and chest. Roman smiled and touched his lips, "that it was, darling,"

They were silent, Roman thinking about something and Virgil was...well, flustered. He hadn't had a kiss like that- or a kiss for all that matter since...him. It was minute of that same silence until Roman suddenly perked up, an idea came to mind.

"Hey, Virgil, what high school do you go to and what year?"

Virgil raised an eyebrow as he tilted his head to the side, showing off his significantly calmed down blush, "why do you need to know?" Virgil questioned, pulling his sleeves further down his hands.

"Well, it's either I go to school as a student with you or I follow you like a ghost, constantly bothering you and barely explainable if I do anything nearby, " Roman explained, a smirk on his face as he slightly leaned forward. Virgil sighed and lay back on his bed, careful not to agitate the wounds on his back.

"Redwood high, senior," Virgil answered plainly, his arm draped over his eyes, blocking out the light from the lightbulb. Roman smiled and leaned down to press a soft kiss on Virgil's cheek, causing Virgil to flush once again. He moved his arm slightly and saw Roman with a small grin.

"Thank you, my dear." Roman said and stood up, " I'm going to go take care of some things and call you down when dinner's ready, how's that sound?" He asked, slowly walking to the door. Virgil let out a hum of agreement. Roman smiled and opened the door, "alright then, see you later, dewdrop," he said.

As soon as Roman was gone Virgil flipped over to his stomach and sighed heavily into his pillow.

"What the fuck am I even doing with my life at this point?" Virgil said out loud, his voice muffled by the pillow he's been smothering his face into his pillow.

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