chapter 8- mildly triggered

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Hi!! Sorry for the wait!

Oof, this chap gets a bit angst but!! It's becomes a bit fluffy at the end!

Tw: cursing, homophobic slurs, trauma, mind's manipulation, crying, threatening, panic, kissing, let me know if I should put more! Stay safe!

Virgil froze up at the all-to-familiar face of the person who has been tormenting him for so long, the person who made every day of his life as miserable as he could alongside his foster parents. The person who countless people adore yet they can't see just how terrible the guy was, always turning a blind eye and in turn, adding more to Virgil's pain and suffering even more. The person that caused him to summon Roman in the first place...

Fucking Brance.

Virgil was shaking uncontrollably and simply stared at Brance, frozen in fear as the aforementioned jock proceeded to slowly walk forward towards the shaking teen, the look anger and disgust in his eyes that were bubbling under his demeanor, "what you looking at, fag?" He spat, slowly raising his fist, triggering bad memories. Virgil flinched Violently as he took a step back opening his mouth to say something or apologize but quickly closed it when he saw Roman stand in front of him with a protective arm in front of him.

"Who are you?" Brance demanded, already glaring at Roman with the same hatred while Roman just smiled, "That is what I ask you, exactly...Brance." Roman said, his eyes glowing slightly as he took a step forward the jock, his smile widening a bit when he saw fear flash through his eyes.

"Wh- that's none of your business!" Brance spat, backing up slowly as Roman kept stepping forward with a smile on his face, "What?! Why are you staring at me like that?!"

"Who are you to decide to ruin a person's life, Brance? Do you have any idea how many consequences that has, Brance? How about you know how that feels like, Brance?" Roman said, his eyes glowing brightly as the lights began flickering. The hallway was empty except for the three.

"What the fuck do you even mea-"

Roman quickly snapped his fingers as his eyes glowed brighter and brighter as his smile grew into a huge grin. Suddenly, Brance was on the floor screaming his lungs out as Virgil flinched at the loud sound. Virgil was still shakey and panicked yet one look at the demon made chills run down his spine, the murderous look in his eyes and the grin on his face. Virgil took a glance down at the bully on the floor, his face was twisted up in pain and horror as he screamed, shit-

"Roman!" Virgil shouted, hoping it would catch the demon's attention but Roman didn't do so little as flinch. Virgil began to panic, he didn't want Roman to kill him, as much as an asshole Brance was, and he certainly didn't want another death on his hands. He didn't want any more pain, no more pain, please...He took in deep breaths as he tried to calm his mind, trying to think of something- anything! Suddenly, he reached out to grab Roman's arms and gripped them tightly, desperately looking up at Roman.

"Roman!!" Virgil screamed, almost in tears at the fear and uprising panic, he didn't want this. Fuck, he didn't want this to happen. He didn't want this to happen. He didn't want this to happen- Roman momentarily snapped out of his anger-induced outburst, yet he didn't break out if his blinding rage, his eyes still glowing furiously as he clenched his fist and glanced down at the panicked emo teen in front of him.

"Virgil, what is it? I still need to teach him a lesson!" Roman exclaimed as Brance's agonizing screams sounded the whole hallway, it made Virgil shake as many memories flooded through his mind. Virgil could still see and feel everything- shit, don't! He felt tears prick at his eyes and he stared desperately at the demon.

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