Chapter 9- suggestive implications

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This is literally one of the longest chapters I've written for this book haha. So...about this...the characters are a little ooc and I'm sorry for that, I'm not really in my best condition right now but I still managed to do this! To be honest, my anxiety and insecurities went on and off wildly while writing this chapter so I'm sorry that it took so long to get out.

Disclaimer! Hunter is not Deceit/Janus! Ok with that out of the way, here you go! (Also, small a/n at the end)

Tw: cursing, mentions of mind manipulation, threats of murder and death, extreme jealousy, abusive/toxic ex, extremely suggestive implications (you know what It is), kissing (making out), let me know if I need to put more! Stay safe!

It's been almost a week or two since Roman had snapped and almost murdered or sent a teenager to a mental hospital. During those weeks of getting used to and bonding of sorts, Virgil had been warming up to the demon even more despite the panic Roman had caused him, in fact it might've made it even the tiniest bit stronger. Virgil had actually taken a huge liking to the demon, surprisingly enough, he had even developed a habit of clinging onto Roman whenever he felt unsafe or somewhat panicked, not that the Demon minded much.

Roman found it cute and endearing that Virgil felt comfortable enough around him to be a source of safety, but it became very hard for him to ignore the nagging urge to constantly kiss the little StormCloud every minute, hold him, and cuddle him to his heart's content, and just make him feel safe, it got so increasingly loud to the point Roman suspected that it isn't "just because of the contract" as he previously thought it was something...but Roman didn't exactly know what it was...was it what you call-

"Hey, Ro! Do you mind getting my eyeshadow real quick? It's in my bag!" Virgil called out from the downstairs bathroom, where he decided to do some last-minute touching up. Roman snapped out of his thoughts and smiled, "school bag or-?" "School bag!"

During those weeks of living together, they've developed some sort of routine. Roman would wake up early, check up on Virgil and then they go down or prepare things needed for school. Usually, Roman made breakfast but there were a few rare occasions where Virgil made breakfast instead in which he would usually make scrambled eggs or just serve pop tarts. Afterward, they'd get their things and get to school, they didn't have any mode of transportation as of now but they were fine walking. Their place was close to the school anyway. They'd go to school, do some academic crap, and then after the last period to theatre. Since Roman was so adamant about staying close to Virgil in case something like Brance happens, he decided to join Virgil in theatre. Virgil was a techie who specialized more on the props while Roman was an actor- the only reason why he was an actor was because of the teacher casting him on sight, which was an odd thing to do, and Roman couldn't get out of the situation no matter what he did. thank goodness he could sing.

Roman hummed softly as he leaned against the doorway of the bathroom, watching as Virgil applied the eyeshadow under his eyes, "uh, Ro?" Virgil said after a few seconds, getting a hum of acknowledgment from the demon, "you do know that watching me put on makeup is a bit creepy?" he questioned, finishing up and closed the palette.

"I guess I just can't keep my eyes off of you.." Roman mumbled Softly. Virgil was silent for a second before he let out an amused laugh, "yeah alright..." Virgil said, wincing slightly at how dismissive it sounded bit still smiled.

Roman shrugged with a small smile, stepping out of the doorway and out, Virgil following after. Roman picked up their bags, which were placed on the coffee table, as he did so he heard Virgil climb up the stairs hurriedly.

"Alright, ready to go?" Roman called out to Virgil after a full 5 minutes. He heard Virgil scrambling around upstairs his room, most probably getting a few things he must've forgot, "In a minute!" Virgil shouted, heavy steps sounded from the staircase. Roman watched as Virgil clumsily ran down the stairs, a fond smile on his face as he watched Virgil jump off the last step with a thump.

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