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behind a closing door

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behind a closing door

Jisung goes in early at six a.m. in the company and goes back to his apartment late at two o'clock in the morning. He is functioning with three hours of sleep a day, with a given naps in the studio couch or his desk. He doesn't have to do it, But Jisung drowns himself in a series of melodies and toplines heavily driven with inspirations he comes across in a whim, the birds, laughters he cross paths in a hallway, writing lyrics for his yearning and the lovesickness he once experienced, all of thise things, he jots them down on his paper until he dries his brain out of all it's juices creating three songs in a day in which one out of ten would cut into an album.

He met with his co-workers, and co-producers. Succesfully recognizing a name or two.

He keeps track and listens to the trajectory of the current pop culture, hip hop, being informed with the general masses and choosing when to break out of those norms. Jisung was in deep thought until Justin interrupts him in his train of thoughts at the already well-used swivel chair, now creaking as he turns around to see the bearded blonde, Jisung adjusts his glasses, blinking one and crinkles the bags accumulating in his eyes.

"Hey, Pete."

"What's up?" Jisung huffs at the new identity he is now trying to get used to.

"It's time." Justin simply says as he lingers on the threshold of the cold studio.

Justin escorts him to a room with a lit up stage, a full set up with techinicals and a space for the audience. Auditorium high ceiling armed with skin-burning spotlights.

He did manage to be a panel on the trainees monthly evaluation this time, He leisurely watched and enjoyed himself picking out the smallest of mistaked andnot saying a single thing up until to the end where the young aspiring artists starts to line up in front with everyone.

And from that time on, Jisung was a force to be reckon with. Outright obnoxious with points well made. When he started talking, everyone has piped down. He can clearly see how he rattled their bums. They did not know who he is. That's natural. Maybe one or two from the line behund kind of knew hum and bowed down at eye contact. He broke down every single thing he did not miss in detail, he also managed in breaking down some spirit. It is not a sight to see.

Jisung, is nothing but a sweetheart at first. Sure. He praised their good points - and then proceeded to heavily criticise their dictions, flows, enunciations and pointing out on how to emphasize the s' and the t' differentiating the soft vowels, while implementing certain tones in riding the rhythms, He nitpicked every point of musicality and lackings while giving suggestion and solution to such mistakes.

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