f i v e s.

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"Come on."


"Get out of hiding in there."

"Again still no."

"Not even if I had ice cream for you?"

"..What flavor."

"Uh..mint chocolate?"

"Wrong answer."

San let out an exasperated sigh at the depressing sight of Taehyung in bed, covered with the blanket that reached up his head. "Ok well if we're gonna keep talking I need to see your face."

"...no you don't."

Enough was enough so San grabbed a hold of the blanket, and with all his might yanked it off earning a groan from Taehyung, all curled up into a sad ball. "Nooo I feel naked."

"Quit overreacting." San fumed with, glaring slightly.

"Can't you see I'm sad." Taehyung mumbled reaching out for the blanket that San still had and refused to give it back.

San held it out of his reach and dropped it. "Yeah over someone so not worth your tears."

"Well I think your mom."

"Stop don't even start to make no sense in a serious moment like this." San scoffed, pinching his brows together.

"It's just." Taehyung heaved out a heavy sigh loaded with despair, grabbing his pillow and hugging it. "I'm gonna miss fucking that pretty ass."

"Didn't need to know that unnecessary info." San said pushing his red locks back, and eyed the half empty bottle of lube on Taehyung's lampside table. "At least it'll stop smelling like sweat here."

"That's how you know we'd go at it so hard and good." Taehyung gushed and bit his lip at the memory/ memories.

"Are you even listening to yourself." San said putting on a grimaced look. "Come on Tae lighten up will you. You guys weren't even dating."

"Yeah I know." Taehyung murmured,.

"Then quit acting like it."

"But still I feel fucked up." Taehyung grumbled and built well enough courage to sit up, back against the headboard, holding the pillow between his legs.

"You shouldn't, that guy is a jerk with the shittiest attitude I've ever seen on someone."San tsked and rolled his eyes.

"He's the prettiest guy I've ever laid eyes on." Taehyung says, staring up into space, fumbling with his dishelved milk chocolate brown fringe patting it down.

"Sure ok pretty on the outside but ugly in the inside. ugh I knew a day like this would come."

"And I feel like even I fucked up." Taehyung sputtered out, flat out ignoring San's comments.

"Come again?"

"By trying to get Jungkook to admit he's gay." Taehyung spat bitterly, more frustrated with himself. "Like you never mess with that no matter how shitty the person is."

"Not you getting soft for him. This is those dumb feelings of yours you have for him talking." San remarked.

"He's really never gonna talk to me again. Even look at me." Taehyung complained and looked at his feet.

"Good, better to not have any contact with him."

"I could really use that blanket again."

"You need to get over him.. And do not play dumb you know what I said." San grouched, crossing his arms. "It's for your own good."

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