03| Social Anxiety

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"Dude...you've been staring for a while."

[M/N] blinked when Venti opened his mouth again, and this time he moved. He began to walk toward the cashier as Venti tried his name repeatedly, as the cashier checked him out. [M/N] thought Venti left their tiny town years ago as he did. Something about the music and finding his muse, he was like the others who didn't believe him. Venti the loose-lipped drunk, an old High School name they used to call him. The small man could never keep his damn mouth shut.

[M/N] got in his car and drove away from the market before Venti could catch up to him. He pulled up the home, nearly hitting the mailbox as he drove in. He slammed the car door and pulled the bags out. He grumbled loudly as he moved up the stairs and cursed, "Fuck me, fuck me."

Tomorrow he would see the chief of police, he had an appointment somehow. Tonight he would eat, binge a new show and write down the questions for them.

Hopefully, Varka would be understanding or at least shed light on the investigation. 


By morning and three cups of coffee with vanilla cream, [M/N] was out the door with his black notebook. It doesn't take long to drive to the station, he parked on the side. He looked into the rear-view mirror to fix his hair and licked over his lip ring nervously. He shouldn't be, not like Chief Varka arrested him a lot for smoking tons and weeds along with some drop-offs at home after dark. He began walking towards the glass doors and opened them, he could smell mint and coffee. It was an odd mixture, unique even. 

"Welcome to Celestia Police Department," A cheery voice said at the counter, and [M/N] noticed. Sliver hair. It was natural too, and [M/N] turns to look and her eyes light up a bit, "Oh my! You're [M/N]. We used to go to school together."

"Noelle, it's been a very long while." [M/N] says, nodding to her. She was a sweetie and usually did a bunch of school activities. She was also a bit of the firm but pushover easily type. "I have an appointment with Varka."

"Oh dear, you don't know," Noelle said as she gave a sympathetic smile. 

"He died?" [M/N] blurts out.

"Oh, heavens above! No, he retired a few years back, Jean actually took his place." Noelle explains calmly with a smile, "It surprised most of us when he retired since he did it at age fifty-seven."

"Oh...Jean...as in...Jean Gunnhildr?" [M/N] asked as Noelle nods happily. Great, just fucking me with a chainsaw without lube, great. "She's cool with me being here then to interview her?"

"Yes, she was a bit surprised about it," Noelle nods as she pushed herself off the chair and walked around the desk, and smiles. " It's been years since she had seen you, everyone, really." She gestures to him to follow as [M/N] began walking behind her. He glanced around as he walked, he could see some officers doing some work at their desks while others seemed to be chatting by the coffee machine area.

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