Vince's P.O.V

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We finnished at the studio for the day and i drove back home.  did a line of coke and went to bed. i got a call and i picked up the phone. hello? i ask. hey its nikki. whats up? i ask i think that the tour is going to start on the 14th. dude that's tomorrow! yeah the bus will be there to pick you up at 7:00. we havent even finnished the album! and its going to be fucking stupid because we need to get sober! i yelled. just do it vince. nikki snarled into the phone.

i woke up at around 5 and i got in the shower and brushed my teeth. did a line of coke and washed my noose off so everyone else couldn't tell i started packing some clothes and i hear the tour bus brakes screech i look out the window and mick is in the driver seat honking the horn i look at my clock and it says 6:00. i finnish packing and get in the bus. tommy is asleep in one of the seats. mick is driving. and nikki was reading a book. i sat down by nikki what the fuck dude? i asked. what? he said back you said 7:00 its fucking 6:05! hold on vince mick yelled right before the peeled out of my driveway sending me flying backward.

we were in west hollywood and pulled into a strip club at 9:00 nikki was surprised it was opened because it was 9 am. we walked to a table and one guy was sitting there. move it. i said. make me he replied. oh i'll make you. he stood up and punched me in the face sending me falling backward. tommy pulled a knife on the guy. move it or i'll fuck you up. he said nothing and ran. thanks for having my back tommy. i said as i looked at him. lets just sit down. he said back. a girl walked up to us with a platter. lemon drop anyone? she asked. no just some more waters nikki replied. this is great. i said back. i walked into the bathroom and the girl followed me. are you sure about the water? she asked. well nikki cant see us so fuck yeah. i grabbed two of the shots and drank them. i walked out of the bathroom and sat down. does it take that long to piss? mick chuckled.  we stayed there for a couple of hours then we got on the bus and went to the hotel. i took a 3 hour nap and woke up to nikki shaking me. what? i asked. the show starts at 9:00 its 8:00. better get ready. okay just 5 more minutes. i said as i flipped over. wake the fuck up. he said. fine. i got in the shower put on some leather pants and a black leather jacket with no shirt. we got on the bus and went to the concert hall.

we got there and you could hear the crowd from a mile away. they were fucking pumped. I grabbed the mic stand and ran out. we started the 3 hour concert with same ol' situation and we just did what we did best fucking rocked.  tommy did his drum riser and they loved it. we finnished the concert and got back to the bus. i did a line of coke in the bathroom wiped my noose and came out of the bathroom. nikki was already asleep tommy was driving and mick was drinking a bottle of vodka. you got any more? i asked. sure he handed me a bottle and we got drunk together.

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