Tommy's .P.O.V. 3

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I woke up At 4 in the morning and could'nt sleep, So i went outside for a smoke. and the gas station down the road was open so i went in a got a cheap bottle of tequila and a pack of smokes. and went back to the hotel and ended up falling asleep.

I woke up to nikki ans vince talking in the other room. so i went and sat down with them. There was a knock at the door. and two cops came in and grabbed vince "Vince neil you are wanted for the Murder of axl rose. "I..I didn't Kill him right?, i just  beat the shit out of him" "No he suffered so much force to his head he went into a coma and did not make it through the night." And right before they cuffed him he slipped through and went running for his 1972 ford pantera. "Aw shit! tommy grab my keys!" i went a got them and instead of throwing them to him from the window i went down with him. we both jumped in through the windows. he started the car and we were out of there.

We were going 95 down the highway and the cops were behind us. "Fuck go faster vinny!" i yelled as i leaned out of the window. He kept going until a cop laid a spike stip in the the road and we blew a tire. "Aw fuck! what are we going to do now?!" i asked. Just get out of the car and run!" he yelled as he loaded his pistol "Holy shit dude Are you going to shoot back?!" "Fuck yeah im going to shoot back!" he yelled as we ran down the road. "Damn vince your just going to get in more trouble if you run" I told him."Fuck, your right." He said as he turned around. "Put your hands on your fucking head!" The cop yelled. He put his hands up and walked toward the cops.

Well today is sunday and vince's court hearing is today. An Older man walked to the podium. "So, today we are on the subject of vince neil murdering Axl rose." "This is your...Second murder charge Mr. neil?" "Razzle was an acident." "But Mr. Rose was pushed from a 7th floor building and hit his head on the dumpster so hard that His head was almost Impossible to tell who he is, he lost 1 eye and His head was almost off his shoulders." "I sentence you To 30 days in jail and to pay 1.5 million dollars in restitution." "Aw fuck you asshole! i didnt mean to do it!" he barked at the judge. "Make that 34 days!" "Shut the fuck up you godamn-" and one of the cops hit him. And they drug him out.

Well today is monday And vince is in jail. We went and put an ad in the paper for a new singer for while he gone because we wont be able to not play for another month, We found this guy and his name was John corabi And we jammed for a couple of days and he was good, a lot deeper then vince though. But we played with him in scottland for his first day and the people fucking hated him, We diddnt know what to do but Nikki said to just roll with it.

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