Mick's .P.O.V. 2

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i woke up, its a wednesday so i got up and nikki and tommy were sitting together. so i sat down with them, "so they are kicking us out of this shithole. so where do we go?" nikki asked us. "well that hilton down the road looks pretty nice" tommy said. i think its like 20 dollars a night. i said. "well okay well go there then, better get packing." we went upstairs and packed and went down the road. we went inside and got unpacked and nikki walked in. "well the place looks better then that shithole down the road." "yeah, for sure." what do you think Tommy? "Its better then before. they even have a little minibar in my room!" we hung out and watched TV for the day had a beer or two. "Oh cool!" tommy yelled as he picked up a areosmith CD. "well put in the stereo see if it works." nikki told him. "he put it in and Rag doll started and we sat there and listened to it. it was 9:59 when we went to sleep.

Today is thursday, vince will be back sunday. and then hopefully things will be normal again but vince called me yesterday and said sharise will be coming back with him. she's been through a lot. i was watching TV with tommy and nikki and the phone rang "Hey mick its vince" "Oh hey man, whats up. "so they said that the gunshot wound went through her stomach and was about an Inch from her heart" "jesus." i said. i lit a cigarette while we were talking. "So is she doing good?" "yeah shes awake and doing better, she just was depressed" "yeah it fuckin' sucks man,Well i'll talk to you later.""okay bye" then he hung up. "Was that vince?" they both asked. "yeah he says sharise is awake and doing better." "Well thats good." they said i put the ciggarette out and got up to get something to drink. i poured myself a glass of orange juice and looked in the freezer and there was a oven pizza so i preheated the oven tempature to 450 and let it cook for the 20 minutes the box said to do. and the oven dinged and i sliced it up and we had pizza for lunch. we went out on to the balcony and they had a hot tub so we got in and we were eating pizza in the hot tub. "man this feels nice,pizza in a hot tub." tommy chuckled we sat and hung out for a while and went to bed at like 10:00 at night.

we woke up and nikki was watching the news "Hey get in here!" he yelled to me and tommy. we walked into the room and there was news helicopters hovering over the hospital sharise is in "Breaking news! we have found where vince neil is!" and they zoomed in and he was just standing there flipping them off and then closing the curtans "Fuck they need to lay off of him" tommy said grinding his teeth. "yeah" i said back. wanna go to the club? i asked. "sure" they bolth said. We went down to the club and hung out and drank a litlle bit for the rest of the day.we just had a good time. there was girls everywhere and they were Playing Girls Girls Girls when we walked in. there was a 5th of whiskey and a can of ginger ale on the table and i mixed them and poured them a little bit of it. "the mars tonic" they chuckled and drank it "this is actualy good!" tommy said. We went back to the hotel and went to bed.

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