Tommy's P.O.V. 2

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i woke up and looked at the clock it was 5 Am on a monday. i guess i'll get up. i woke up and lit a cigarette. with vince gone we have nothing to do. i walked downstairs and there was a hot tub in the lobby so i decided to toss my pants off and jump in. and some redneck walked in "hey hippie that hot tub is for paying customers!" "i am paying." i said calmly "and im not a fucking hippie okay?" by that point i had gotten out of the hot tub. get the fuck out of my hotel you fucking hippie!" he sent a full on punch to my nose.there was a little bit of blood running down it and it was crooked to the left. he had broken it. i grabbed his shoulders and slammed my head into his face. i kept my hands on his shoulders and ran him through this big 6 foot tall window. he was bleeding all over his face and i just left him there. i saw nikki after that and he just was standing there kind of chuckling. "how long were you here?" "long enough too see all of that." get some pants on. we should get you to the doctor.

we got to the doctors office and they got a X-ray of my nose. it had been broken in 2 different places. then i heard sirens from outside and a gurney rushed past our room, it was that fucking redneck that called me a hippie. nikki was still chuckling about it. "you sure fuck someone up when they fuck with you tommy."  "That was you?" the doctor asked. "he has a broken arm, collarbone and his nose is broken in nine different places." "Jesus i knew i fucked him up but not that bad." the guy came stomping down the hall. "Im pressing charges dipshit!" he yelled at us "fuck you asshole go back to being crippled." he just ran away after that. "well your nose wil be fixed by next week just dont put a lot of pressure on it." "okay" i said back. we went to a Mcdonald's on the way home. we got like 8 big macs andwe ate like 4 of them. we went to a store and got some bread,milk, and some toilet paper. room service stopped bringing us stuff after I fucked up the owner. we walked in and the receptionist booed at us. we hung out and ate some food and watched TV. i havent seen mick today. "hes probably sleeping," "Wanna go down to the club?" i asked. "yeah sure lets go." we went down there and hung out and had a couple shots and had a great time. and the news came on the TV "Breaking news! tommy lee is being sued for attacking hotel owner Thomas O'Bryan. then the guy came up on the screen in a cast. his voice was trembling he ran up to me and rammed me through a window for no reason at all! thats why im suing this crackhead!" the court hearing is tomorrow.

we woke up we were ready at 9 am and got there at 10:04 we were 4 minutes late. the judge pounded the gavel and we started. Mr. o'bryan tell us what happend. "Well this crackhead just attacked me for no reason i tried to fight but he was too strong!" Mr. lee lets hear your side of the story. "so i was in the hot tub in the lobby and this guy said it was for paying people only, me nikki and mick have been staying here for like a week we paid too. and he called me a hippie and put his hands on me. well we have the security footage with us. the put the tape in. and it showed what happend he put his hands on me and then we punched me. Well Mr. lee, i think we owe you an appology. its okay" i said. But Mr.  O'bryan your are sentinced to 50 hours of comunity service and 2 months probation. he just looked shocked for some reason. we went back to the hotel and hung out for the rest of the day.

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