Nikki's .P.O.V. 3

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Well today is saturday. Vince and sharise will be back tomorrow, maybe things will be back to normal then. its the coldest its ever been During the tour, its been below zero at night and Single digits during the day. Were in Scotland right now. I want to do something fun. I think i will go buy a gun.

 I walked into the store and this guy with a heavy scottish accent was standing at the counter "Can i get a autograph?" he asked He handed me a Girls, Girls, Girls album. i Scribbled my name down on it and handed it back. "so what kind of gun are you lookin' for?" "i--i want something heavy you know? a strong gun" "Well the strongest gun we have is the 357 magnum. can blow a mans head right off his shoulders, well okay. maybe not that heavy but this is a strong gun." "okay Can i get that 50 bullets and a holster?" "of course." "Whats your shotgun selection?" "we have a double barrel or a spaz 12" "Ill take the double barell and 60 bullets." "okay Your total is 500 dollars. "Okay" i sat the money down and took the guns and bullets.

 I got back to the hotel at 2:30 and tommy was in the lobby. "oh hey man, whats in the bags?" "Oh i just bought some guns." "Ooh! what did you get?" "An 357 magnum and a Double barrel shotgun" "Well theres a shooting range on the oustskirts of Town." "okay lets run down there and shoot."

we went down to the range and got the guns ready. a older short guy walked out Id guess hes the owner. "Alright lads, no shootin at the same time ya hear?" "okay yeah" we both said. Tommy pulled the double barrel out of the case and loaded it and cocked it, he pulled the trigger and it nearly blew his bony Body backward to the ground. "Jesus tommy you need to grip it on your shoulder tighter or the godamn thing will blow you back!" he luaghed it off and gripped the gun tighter and pulled the trigger and The Target blew backward, reset and stood up again. he handed me the double barrel and i shot 2 times and knocked the targets down. "I got a idea T bone" "What is it?" "Lets head up to the woods." "okay sure" we hopped into my shitty little camaro and hardly made it up the mountan. when we stopped i opened the little cooler i keep in the back seat and tossed tommy a beer. and we finnished them and got out of the car and i loaded the 357. "Alright toss the bottle up!" he threw it up and i shot it before it hit the ground. "Okay your turn" "Sweet." I tossed the bottle up and he shot it. "Fuck! that was fun you got any more empty bottles?" "No but we can make some" i Chuckled. We grabbed 2 beers each and drank them and the shot them down.

 we heard something rumbling though the bushes We saw a patch of brown. We shook it off thinking it was a cow. We heard a roar "Oh Shit Get To The Car!" the key dropped out of my pocket and the doors were locked. and the bear was runing at us "Shoot It Tommy!" He fired off 5 rounds at the bear and the bear went down with a thud. Okay lets get going. We got back to the hotel at 6pm. and hung out for a while had dinner and went to bed.

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