Chapter 2

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I do not own Harry Potter or the Vampire Diaries

The album slipped out his hand as he rested his head on his knees curling his arms around him as he cried like he had never before, absolute heart-breaking sobs escaped his mouth and he couldn't stop, it felt like an eternity when he managed to calm down, he vamp sped to his balcony and leant against the banister breathing heavily. He couldn't control the tears that flowed out of his eyes, the pain he felt was too intense, too painful, it was too agonizing for him to deal with so he squeezed his eyes shut, but before he made the decision that would have changed his life forever he heard her voice.

"Don't do it Stefan. I know what you're about to do but don't turn it off." He opened his eyes immediately hoping against hope to see her in front of him, completely fine only to see the glowing iridescent blue light that was shaped in the familiar reindeer form.

"Prongs." He whispered.

"I...I don't know what to say to you to be honest, I wanted to tell you this over the phone but I...I just couldn't. I was a coward but I couldn't leave without at least saying goodbye at least in some way. You're my best friend Steffie, you always have been, you've been there for me when no one has and you have no idea how much I love you for it, you've always been like the brother I never had and I'm so sorry that I'm leaving you when I promised not to but I don't have a choice. If Voldemort lives, it will be like the first war all over again and I can't let that happen when I can stop it even if it means having to leave you. I know that this won't be easy but I don't want you to turn it off for me, I know what happened the last time you nearly thought I was dead and tried to flip the switch but please don't do it this time. Don't throw away your life for me, I'm not worth it."

"You are," Stefan whispered as he stretched his hand out causing Prongs to move towards him and nudge his hand.

"Live your life Steffie, find someone to love and who'll love you in return, you deserve that and my last wish to you, which you have no choice but to follow because if you didn't, it'd obviously be very rude. Do not turn it off, not for me, I will be very upset up there if you do...So...I guess this is goodbye Stefan, I love you bestie." As this was said prongs faded away leaving nothing but silence in its wake as the words that held so much pain and grief were whispered into the endless blue sky.

"I love you too Lyra."

His Light, His Humanity (DamonXOC)Where stories live. Discover now