Chapter 14

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I do not own Harry Potter or the Vampire Diaries

Lysandra had spent a while in Teddy's room just holding him after having fed him and whenever he started crying she just began to sing a few soft lullabies to soothe him. It was going to be hard for him without both his parents especially when he didn't understand why they weren't here to hold him so she did the best she could and eventually he fell asleep.

"Lysandra darling are you okay? You look quite pale," Narcissa said coming inside the room as she looked at her concerned.

"I'm fine," Lysandra said trying to ignore the pain from her wound that felt like it was reopening, clearly it didn't agree with floo travel.

"Are you sure? I know this is hard for you," Narcissa said worriedly.

"I'm sure Cissa, it's just a lot to take in you know? I was still not over anyone else's death and now I have to add another one to the list," Lysandra said and tears sprung to her eyes as her voice broke at the end before she managed to control her emotions as she said, "I'll be fine though, I have to be strong for Teddy after all."

Narcissa looked at her calculatingly for a second, there was something almost motherly in Lysandra as she regarded her godson and she then made a decision that hopefully might help her to heal. "They entrusted him to you Lysandra, if you want, you may take him with you, maybe caring for him will help you heal. I understand that he's the one thing you have left from them."

"Really? But I don't know the first thing about taking care of a child," Lysandra said unsure before Teddy suddenly sneezed and she looked at him with what she didn't realize was the most loving smile on her face. 

Narcissa saw though and smiled as she said "I'm sure you'll get a hand of it."

"Mother's right. You defeated the Dark Lord, raising a baby can't be that hard in comparison," Draco said coming into the room.

"You might not want to say Dark Lord anymore Draco," Lysandra said worriedly. If people heard him say that, it would not end well if they think he's still a supporter of Voldemort.

"I know. I'm trying," Draco said, it was a habit after all.

"Good. Wait, where's Goldilocks?" Lysandra asked concerned. Narcissa looked confused at the name but Draco understood, she had already explained to him that reference.

"They captured him and locked him in a temporary prison until the trial which is in a month's time because of all the other prisoners they captured and have to put on trial. Until then, he has to rot in there. The wizengamot trials take ages after all," Draco said resentfully.

"Let me do something, I can try to persuade Kingsley to make it earlier," Lysandra said, she had to use her status but she didn't care about doing that when she could help family.

"You would do that?" Narcissa asked hopefully, she desperately wanted to see her husband again, it was always hard to be parted from him. She couldn't bare to think what would happen if he was actually sent to Azkaban.

"Of course. It's Lucy," Lysandra shrugged as they both chuckled at that name. Draco was used to her weird nicknames for people though so he rolled his eyes at her.

"Oh wait, I was going to tell you that you left your bag on the couch and there was a weird sound coming from it," Draco said shrugging his shoulders as he handed her the pouch.

"Oh shit," Lysanara said as she put Teddy back in his cot and took the pouch from his hands, she couldn't be bothered with trying to dig around in that bag of hers so she just willed for her phone to be in her hand and it shot out of the pouch as she grabbed it. She quickly went to her contact page and called Stefan, it only rang once before he answered.

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