Chapter 4

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I do not own Harry Potter or the Vampire Diaries (The meme above is one I created myself, what do you all think?)

Lysandra Adalyn Potter watched as the dust particles that had once been the monster, who had made her life a living hell, drift off through the sky until they were no longer noticeable to her Avada-green eyes. Voldemort was finally gone, she was finally free, she could finally live her life the way she wanted, she breathed out a soft sigh of relief before she made her way into the Great Hall.

She first went up to Dray, Blaise, Daph, and Ray (short for Tracey) and hugged them all. She couldn't believe they had gotten through this, it was just so surreal to be honest, after all the pain, suffering, and fear, it was finally over but it didn't feel worth it. 

All the people they lost, people she cared so much about, people she had seen nearly every day, people she went to school with. It wasn't fair, she herself had lost so many people, including her boyfriend, Theo, who she had loved so much despite the war providing an invisible barrier between them. She refused to let him go and he held onto her for as long as he could but now he was dead because that idiot had pushed her out of the way and taken the spell meant for her.

Didn't he know she would have rather died than watch the light leave his eyes? Didn't he realize how much this would hurt her, having already lost so much? Didn't he think that she wouldn't want to live in a world without him? No, because when it comes down to the person you love or yourself, the choice is so easy that you don't even think, it's just instinctual because that's just what love is, it is selfless and yet so cruel, it is powerful and yet so painful and when you lose that someone you loved, the entire world caves in and you feel like you're going to die. The hole in her chest only increased every waking moment knowing that Theo was never going to wake up, he was dead, and once again someone in her life left her alone. How many people was she going to lose before Fate would stop tormenting her, how much pain could she go through before she was finally left broken?

She left her friends who watched her go concerned, they knew losing Theo had affected her a lot, it was clear just by the look in her eyes. The light that they so cherished was gone and they didn't know how to get it back.

Lysandra walked towards her other friends, Hermione and Ron, who immediately hugged her and she winced trying to hide her injuries before they noticed. 

"We told Stefan you were dead Ly, do you want us to call him and tell him what happened?" Hermione asked and that was when Lysandra's eyes widened, she had completely forgotten about that.

"Shit. No don't call him, he'll take it better if I go to him. Can you guys handle everything back here, Dray, Blaise, Daph, and Ray will help, I just need a break please?" Lysandra asked pleadingly.

"Sure Ly anything you need," Ron said as he kissed her forehead affectionately, he had seen her with Theodore Nott, the way she had screamed with such grief holding him as she cried her eyes out, and then with Fred, Remus and Snape also dead, he knew she was completely done and desperately needed a break and that's exactly what she would get.

"Thank you so much. Before I go though, I want you both to make sure the ministry can't arrest the Malfoys, not even Lucius, he was on our side the entire time, the evidence is back at Headquarters, ask Kreacher and he'll show you. Uncle Sev as well, they were on our side, clear his name for me would you?" Lysandra asked as she wiped the flowing tears from her eyes at the mention of her Uncle Sev's name.

"Of course. Don't worry Ly, everything will be fine." Hermione said hugging her best friend goodbye knowing she was going to leave.

"Thanks guys," Lysandra said sniffling before she waved goodbye to her friends and apparated out of there to the Salvatore Boarding House in Mystic Falls.

Pic of Theo and Lysandra

Pic of Theo and Lysandra

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