Chapter 11

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I don't own Harry Potter or the Vampire Diaries

Lysandra lay on the couch wincing slightly at the pain from the injury on her stomach that she hadn't managed to heal. No spells seemed to have worked and she didn't know why, it was honestly gruesome to look at, an unhealthy shade of black for some reason. She assumed it must have been a curse that one of the death eaters had hit her with considering her magic wasn't healing it. She'd ask Hermione what to do, considering the fact that it was a dark curse and she would need to use dark magic to heal it. 

Unlike some of the other witches, she didn't care about light and dark magic, the only thing that mattered was your intent. Mione and Ron hadn't taken too well to that until she had gathered up evidence for them. It had taken her a long time but she'd found some, based on how the unforgivable curses were made by the Founders themselves, for reasons meant to help not to harm. Hermione, believing in the book like the booklover she was, immediately changed her mind, and Ron, the lovesick fool that he was, followed right after.

Right now though, all she could do was temporarily seal the wound so that the blood wouldn't drip out except with Stefan's slightly rough handling, it had reopened. When Stefan had tickled her and she had squirmed and moved around, she had to hide the pain but since she was very sensitive, she had managed to laugh because she was really ticklish and he knew that. 

Stefan only walked a distance away before he stopped when he recognized the smell of blood wasn't coming from the girls. He had passed it off as them but he would recognize that familiar scent anywhere and he immediately turned back around in concern. He then saw her wince as she held her stomach and vamp sped to her side. She jolted in surprise at his sudden appearance as he bent down and pulled up her shirt in concern only for his eyes to widen at the scars that littered her frame and the open wound on her stomach that was surrounded by moving black lines, it was really freaky to look at. 

Lysandra immediately pulled away and pushed her shirt down as the brothers both stared at where the wound was, eyes wide open.

"What the hell Lyra? What was that? Shit I hurt you didn't I? Why didn't you tell me you were hurt when I tickled you? I thought you healed yourself. Are you alright? Is it..." Stefan asked question after question frantically in his worry before Lyra cut him off.

"Steffie It's fine. I healed some of the other wounds but the one you saw is not so easily healed. It's a dark curse, it's why I was so out of it yesterday, it took a lot out of me. Unfortunately, I don't know a counter curse for it because most of the healing spells I know are all light magic and this requires dark magic to heal it," Lysandra explained.

"Then use it. Why haven't you done it already?" Stefan demanded as he watched her pull up her shirt and wave her hand over the wound. The brothers watched as the wound resealed itself and seeing their expressions, Lysandra clarified.

"I just temporarily sealed it for now. I'll go to Mione or Daph soon, I'm just too tired right now," Lysandra as she lay back on the couch.

"Alright. Is there anything you need? Water? A blanket or something?" Stefan asked as he cupped her cheek in concern.

Lysandra smiled at him as she said, "No, I just need to rest. I'm stronger than I was when I sealed it before, it's why it opened so easily but it'll last longer this time so no need to worry."

"Ok but if there's anything you need, just call me ok?" Stefan said. When she nodded he got up and vamp-sped upstairs to grab a blanket, knowing that despite what she said, she was cold, and went back downstairs towards the couch. He put it over her as she rolled her eyes before smiling at his care for her, he had always been like this with her so it wasn't anything new, but each time she appreciated it just as much.

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