Chapter 7

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I do not own Harry Potter or the Vampire Diaries

Jeremy leant against a tree as Anna stood in front of him.

"This place is wild." Anna said looking around.

"You kinda like dead people, huh?" Jeremy asked curiously.

"I'm strange, remember? You okay?" Anna said again noticing something bothering him.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah. This place makes me think about someone." Jeremy said sadly.

"A dead someone?" Anna asked bluntly.

"No, no, just...someone I used to know. So, uh, hey, we made it all of what, 37 minutes, in that party?" Jeremy asks chuckling in amusement.

Anna smiles and laughs at his dorky attitude as she said, "Not your scene?"

Jeremy pushes himself into a standing position as he said truthfully, "I'm not really sure what my scene is anymore. So what do you say? You, uh, you wanna be part of my non-scene?"

"I would happily be a part of your non-scene, except, uh, I'm leaving." Anna said feeling sad at the drop of his face.

"Wait, what?" Jeremy asked shocked having not expected that.

"Yeah. My mom and I are moving away." Anna said gently, she wasn't feeling too happy about it either, she actually like it here in Mystic Falls, and Jeremy was a huge part of that.

"Oh. Uh- that's--that's a bummer." Jeremy said feeling sad at the only person who actually understood him and brought a smile to his face leaving him.

"Yeah?" Anna asked actually hopeful that he liked her too, to have not wanted her to go.

"Well, yeah," Jeremy said as if it were obvious.

"So, guess this is goodbye," Anna said as she looked up into his eyes.

"I guess it is," Jeremy said before they lean into each other and kiss before Anna pulls away, her face transforming as Jeremy looked at her alarmed.

"Anna, your face!" Jeremy said shocked at what he had just seen.

Anna turns around as she said, "It's nothing."

"It didn't look like nothing," Jeremy responded before a hit to the back of his head had him falling to the ground unconscious as Ben stood behind him.

Anna sighs as she turns back around to say, "You didn't have to hit him that hard."

"Yes, I did." Ben countered.

"Grab him and lets go. I'm taking him to meet my mother." Anna instructed him.

Matt was leaning against a tree with a beer in his hand when it was suddenly swiped out of his hand by Tyler.

"Swoop!" Tyler said as he took a drink.

"Hey!" Matt said annoyed.

"Aah. Where's your date?" Tyler asked curiously.

"Who knows?" Matt asked not knowing what to feel at what had happened before.

"Aww, is the honeymoon over already?" Tyler taunted.

"Maybe." Matt actually admitted, it was great at first but now, it felt like she was beginning to get clingy and no relationship in his life had ever been like that.

"After all that grief you gave me about liking her. I figured it would have lasted longer than five minutes." Tyler said mockingly.

"Look, I just...I don't know if I can do the whole public couple thing. She...she seems like she might be a little clingy." Matt said, neither Vicky, his mother or Elena were ever like that, so he didn't know how to handle that.

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