Chapter 6

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I do not own Harry Potter or the Vampire Diaries

"Who are you and how on earth did you get in here?" Elena asked shocked.

"Do you know where Stefan Salvatore is?" Lysandra asked immediately.

"How do you know Stefan?" Elena asked confused.

"Just answer the question would you...wait, you''re Damon aren't you?" Lysandra asked when she saw his face, he fit Stefan's description perfectly and he was in the Salvatore Boarding so, connecting the dots, that had to be Damon. 

"You're Lyra?" Damon asked curiously as he looked her over, her clothes were ripped in places, her hair was matted, and some of her skin was covered in soot. She looked like she just came out of a warzone then he remembered Stefan's words last night about a war but it wasn't possible, the girl looked like a teenager, why would she be involved in war? 

"It's Lysandra but Stefan calls me Lyra. So does that means I'm right that you're his brother?" Lysandra asked and Damon nodded at her so she carried on, "Do you know where Stefan is? I need to see him." 

"We're going to him now, just come with," Damon said his eyes not being able to stop themselves from checking her out, she was admittedly very beautiful despite the dirt on her form, there was an innocent look to her that had made it hard for him to look away.

"Oy! Eyes up dumbass." Lysandra snapped at him angrily whilst Elena just watched their interaction completely confused. How does Stefan know this girl? He clearly was close to her to have a nickname for her and a jealous feeling rose inside her at that.

"Can't help it beautiful." Damon flirted as he smirked at her before walking off, what the hell was he doing? Flirting with a girl when he was going to get Katherine back? He shook his head at himself as he heard the girls walking behind him.

They all arrive at a party in the woods and see over a dozen students drinking and chatting.

"The Duke party. I forgot. I hope they stay clear of the church." Elena commented as Lysandra looked around not noticing how many eyes she was catching as she walked by.

"Your hope, not mine." Damon said just as a guy came out of nowhere in front of Lysandra clearly drunk as he grabbed her waist and said, "Now I've never seen you here before. Wanna have some fun beautiful?"

Damon was about to step in when Lysandra twisted out of his hold went behind him, grabbed his wrist twisting it behind his back before kicking his legs out from under him. She went close to his ear to say with venom in her voice, "Don't ever touch me again." She threw him forward disgusted before she went to walk away again.The guy then managed to pick himself up before going towards her again and said, "Oh come on. I was only trying to have some fun." At this point, the people at the party began to gather around to watch the spectacle before them.

"Look I'm not in a great mood right now and you really don't want to piss me off," Lysandra said glaring at him angrily, her emerald eyes lighting up in her rage before she tried to calm herself down.

"Feisty? I like it." He said coming closer towards her as he grabbed her arm and that was it for her, she broke out of his hold and punched him square in the face so hard he went flying back landing on the ground as he held his broken nose.

"You're disgusting. When a girl says no they mean no, not yeah, sure, do with me what you will you bastard! You touch a girl again without her permission and I will personally be responsible for castrating you, do you understand?" Lysandra asked threateningly and at his hurried nod, she walked off to the church where the girl Elena had told her they were going.

His Light, His Humanity (DamonXOC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin