Chapter 13

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I do not own Harry Potter or the Vampire Diaries

Lysandra coughed the soot out her mouth as she once again picked herself off the floor after the worst method of travel wizards and witches had ever invented. Merlin, she hated travelling by floo but she couldn't risk apparating for fear of opening her wound again.

"Lysandra we need to talk," The voice of her friend came out of nowhere jolting her out of her thoughts. She looked up into his eyes confused as she brushed off the rest of the soot off her clothes, which she realised were still her nighties. She didn't care though, he was like a brother to her and they were really close so it's not like he hadn't seen her dressed as such when she sneaked into the Slytherin common room to cuddle with him, mostly when she had nightmares.

Then she realised that he had called her Lysandra, he never called her her full name before, it was only Andy for him, he had called her that in jest, to tease her, but for some reason it stuck. She began to like it when she found out her aunt was called the same thing. Uncle Padfoot had introduced them and they'd hit it off since their first meeting. She honestly loved her aunt, she had always treated her as if she were her own daughter, a far cry better than her other one who would prefer to see her dead.

"What is it Dray? What's wrong?" Lysandra asked him concerned.

"I...Uh...Well...I don't know how to tell you this," Draco said and there were actual tears in his eyes as he looked at her sadly.

"Dray, you're scaring me. What's wrong?" Lysandra said walking towards him concerned.

Draco took a deep breath before closing his eyes as he said, "Andy's dead."

Lysandra took a step back in shock before stumbling slightly, Draco managed to steady her in time before he forced himself to look into her eyes and nearly winced at the pain he saw there.

"What?" Lysandra breathed out looking at him in disbelief, refusing to believe it. She couldn't loose Andy too, it just wasn't fair, she couldn't get over everyone else who had been taken from her, how could she possibly accept the fact that she had apparently lost someone who had been more than a mother to her.

She cared for Molly but she wasn't someone she could ever think of like that, she was just too overbearing, and after the life she had, it was too suffocating for her. But Andy was different, she understood her like no other, not even Uncle Padfoot, because there was just some things that you couldn't share with a guy that you could with a woman, that's why you had a mom and a dad, she lacked both of them and yet despite that, she had found them in her Uncle Padfoot and her Aunt Andy and then fate thought it was a bloody great idea to take them away from her as well.

She didn't even have her Uncle Sev or Uncle Moony anymore, or Theo, or even Fred, people she used to go to when she just needed to talk. George was still alive but she refused to go to him with any of her problems, he had more than enough to deal with himself. She may have other great friends, but nothing could compare to the love only they could bring her, with Uncle Padfoot's hilarious antics, Uncle Moony's wise words, Aunt Andy's understanding, Uncle Sev's calm demeanour that made her believe everything was okay, and his silent fondness of her that brought them together, Theo's honest love and affection that got her through many dark times and who's arms were always open for her no matter how furious they were with each other and then Fred and George, with their back and forth banter that brought a smile to her face no matter what situation they had got themselves in.

But all that was gone now, they were all gone, George may be alive but was he really? Losing his other half, what could that do to a person? Never hearing his voice again, never having him finish his sentences, never having that someone that knew you so well they knew exactly what you were thinking and feeling without you having to say anything. She knew that loss, she understood in some way, but she could never even begin to comprehend losing a twin, a bond stronger than any other.

And yet losing a mother after already having done so hurt worse than anything, Andy had loved her like her own and now she was gone, The first tear fell down from her lash, then the second, then the third and then there was no stopping the flood as she cried, the pain too much to keep inside this time.

Draco pulled her to him and held her gently, trying to calm her down but nothing he was doing was working, she was only sobbing harder. A tear fell out of his own eye as he listened helplessly to her heartbroken cries.

He didn't see his Mother with tears in her own grief-stricken eyes standing by the doorway watching the two of them in sadness. Narcissa walked forwards and gently lay a hand on the girl's shoulder, she flinched just slightly before looking up at her with red rimmed broken eyes and Narcissa couldn't help the ice that melted around her heart as she pulled the girl into a motherly hug.

"Shh child. It's going to be okay, everything's going to be okay," Narcissa tried to soothe her as she stroked the girl's hair.

"Nothing's okay, none of this is okay," Lysandra said in a broken voice.

"No, but it is what it is," Narcissa said a tear falling from her eye as she mourned the loss of her sister. Now she wished more than anything that they had spent more time together, that Andy wouldn't have left this world believing she hated her, when that was anything but the truth. (Who loved this line from Sherlock Holmes starring Benedict Cumbermatch? That scene between him and John was so sad, but so beautiful)

"Wait, where's Teddy? Where's my Godson?" Lysandra demanded after a while of getting everything out. Narcissa had just held her as she did so, not saying anything just letting her get it out and she really appreciated it and Draco's comforting presence next to her.

"He's upstairs, we didn't know where else to take him, he doesn't exactly have anywhere else to go," Draco said thinking about his little cousin. (I'm not sure Teddy is his cousin so do correct me in the comments if I am wrong)

"I need to see him," Lysandra said desperately, Teddy was the only thing she had left from Uncle Moony, and he had entrusted him to her when he had named her Godmother, she was not going to go back on her promise to him.

"Sure, I'll take you, just give me a moment, I need to grab his feeder, which I was going to get before you came, in your usual unbecoming fashion," Draco said teasingly trying to lift her mood a bit and he seemed satisfied when he saw the light smile on her lips before he walked away.

Lysandra then looked at Draco's mother gratefully as she said, "Thank you Mrs Malfoy, for, you know...."

"Call me Narcissa dear, or Cissa," She said with a warm smile on her face.

"Cissa it is then. You can call me whatever you like," Lysandra said with a slight smile on her face before it disappeared as she asked with tears clouding her vision, "How did did she die?"

"When she found about her daughter and son-in-law's deaths, she just couldn't take the news, it was all too much for her and her age didn't help at all. She then had a shock-induced heart attack and she never woke up," Narcissa explained swallowing down the pain she felt at having to say what had happened.

Lysandra closed her eyes as she pictured the scene, and she felt her heart break to pieces, well, more than it already was. She swallowed the tears that threatened to come forth once more, she didn't have the strength to cry again so instead she said, "I, um, I'm sorry that you lost your sister."

Narcissa just smiled slightly at her, sadness brimming in her eyes, her sister may be dead, but she wasn't all gone. She could see her kindness and stubbornness in the Potter Girl. She had heard the stories from Draco, how much time they had spent together with Andromeda and she got to know more about Lysandra through these stories. That also meant she knew how much Andromeda had meant to her, as if she were her own mother. It was clear that she had rubbed off on Lysandra, she could see her sister in her, maybe she wasn't all dead she thought.

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